* * This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license. If a copy of this license * is not distributed with this file, you can obtain one at * http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.txt * */ use Framadate\Services\InputService; use Framadate\Services\LogService; use Framadate\Services\PurgeService; use Framadate\Services\SecurityService; // ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // ////////// include_once __DIR__ . '/../app/inc/init.php'; use Framadate\FramaDB; use Framadate\Repositories\RepositoryFactory; define('ROOT_DIR', __DIR__ . '/../'); // Autoloading of dependencies with Composer require_once ROOT_DIR . '/vendor/autoload.php'; require_once ROOT_DIR . '/vendor/o80/i18n/src/shortcuts.php'; if (ini_get('date.timezone') === '') { date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Paris'); } require_once ROOT_DIR . '/app/inc/constants.php'; define('CONF_FILENAME', ROOT_DIR . '/app/inc/config.php'); if (is_file(CONF_FILENAME)) { @include_once CONF_FILENAME; // Connection to database $connect = new FramaDB(DB_CONNECTION_STRING, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); RepositoryFactory::init($connect); $err = 0; } else { define('NOMAPPLICATION', 'Framadate'); define('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', 'fr'); define('IMAGE_TITRE', 'images/logo-framadate.png'); define('LOG_FILE', 'admin/stdout.log'); } require_once ROOT_DIR . '/app/inc/i18n.php'; // ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Variables */ /* --------- */ /* Services */ /*----------*/ $logService = new LogService(); $purgeService = new PurgeService($connect, $logService); $securityService = new SecurityService(); $inputService = new InputService(); /* Action */ /* ------ */ $logService->log('CRON PURGE', 'Cron purge starting…'); $ended = false; $iterationCount = 0; $totalCount = 0; while (!$ended) { $count = $purgeService->purgeOldPolls(); $logService->log('CRON PURGE', 'count='.$count); if ($count == 0) { $ended = true; } else { $iterationCount += 1; $totalCount += $count; } } $logService->log('CRON PURGE', 'Purged '.$totalCount.' poll(s) in '.$iterationCount.' iterations.'); $logService->log('CRON PURGE', 'Cron purge done.'); /* PAGE */ /* ---- */ echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s").": cron purge done.\n" ?>