choix_sondage = $poll_type; } else { $poll_type = 'classic'; $form->choix_sondage = $poll_type; } // We clean the data $goToStep2 = filter_input(INPUT_POST, GO_TO_STEP_2, FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => '/^(date|classic)$/']]); if ($goToStep2) { $title = $inputService->filterTitle($_POST['title']); $use_ValueMax = isset($_POST['use_ValueMax']) ? $inputService->filterBoolean($_POST['use_ValueMax']) : false; $ValueMax = $use_ValueMax === true ? $inputService->filterValueMax($_POST['ValueMax']) : null; $use_customized_url = isset($_POST['use_customized_url']) ? $inputService->filterBoolean($_POST['use_customized_url']) : false; $customized_url = $use_customized_url === true ? $inputService->filterId($_POST['customized_url']) : null; $name = $inputService->filterName($_POST['name']); $mail = $config['use_smtp'] === true ? $inputService->filterMail($_POST['mail']) : null; $description = $inputService->filterDescription($_POST['description']); $editable = $inputService->filterEditable($_POST['editable']); $receiveNewVotes = isset($_POST['receiveNewVotes']) ? $inputService->filterBoolean($_POST['receiveNewVotes']) : false; $receiveNewComments = isset($_POST['receiveNewComments']) ? $inputService->filterBoolean($_POST['receiveNewComments']) : false; $hidden = isset($_POST['hidden']) ? $inputService->filterBoolean($_POST['hidden']) : false; $use_password = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'use_password', FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => BOOLEAN_REGEX]]); $collect_users_mail = $inputService->filterCollectMail($_POST['collect_users_mail']); $use_password = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'use_password', FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => BOOLEAN_REGEX]]); $password = isset($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : null; $password_repeat = isset($_POST['password_repeat']) ? $_POST['password_repeat'] : null; $results_publicly_visible = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'results_publicly_visible', FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => BOOLEAN_REGEX]]); // On initialise également les autres variables $error_on_mail = false; $error_on_title = false; $error_on_name = false; $error_on_description = false; $error_on_password = false; $error_on_password_repeat = false; $error_on_customized_url = false; $error_on_ValueMax = false; $form->title = $title; $form->id = $customized_url; $form->use_customized_url = $use_customized_url; $form->use_ValueMax = $use_ValueMax; $form->ValueMax = $ValueMax; $form->admin_name = $name; $form->admin_mail = $mail; $form->description = $description; $form->editable = $editable; $form->receiveNewVotes = $receiveNewVotes; $form->receiveNewComments = $receiveNewComments; $form->hidden = $hidden; $form->collect_users_mail = $collect_users_mail; $form->use_password = ($use_password !== null); $form->results_publicly_visible = ($results_publicly_visible !== null); if ($config['use_smtp'] === true && empty($mail)) { $error_on_mail = true; } if ($title !== $_POST['title']) { $error_on_title = true; } if ($use_customized_url) { if ($customized_url === false) { $error_on_customized_url = true; } else if ($pollRepository->existsById($customized_url)) { $error_on_customized_url = true; $error_on_customized_url_msg = __('Error', 'Poll id already used'); } else if (in_array($customized_url, ['admin', 'vote', 'action'], true)) { $error_on_customized_url = true; $error_on_customized_url_msg = __('Error', 'This id is not allowed'); } } if ($use_ValueMax && $ValueMax === false) { $error_on_ValueMax = true; } if ($name !== $_POST['name']) { $error_on_name = true; } if ($description === false) { $error_on_description = true; } // Si pas d'erreur dans l'adresse alors on change de page vers date ou autre if ($config['use_smtp'] === true) { $email_OK = $mail && !$error_on_mail; } else { $email_OK = true; } if ($use_password) { if (empty($password)) { $error_on_password = true; } else if ($password !== $password_repeat) { $error_on_password_repeat = true; } } if ($title && $name && $email_OK && !$error_on_title && !$error_on_customized_url && !$error_on_description && !$error_on_name && !$error_on_password && !$error_on_password_repeat &&!$error_on_ValueMax ) { // If no errors, we hash the password if needed if ($form->use_password) { $form->password_hash = PasswordHasher::hash($password); } else { $form->password_hash = null; $form->results_publicly_visible = null; } $_SESSION['form'] = serialize($form); if ($goToStep2 === 'date') { header('Location:create_date_poll.php'); exit(); } if ($goToStep2 === 'classic') { header('Location:create_classic_poll.php'); exit(); } } else { // Title Erreur ! $title = __('Error', 'Error!') . ' - ' . __('Step 1', 'Poll creation (1 on 3)'); } } else { // Title OK (formulaire pas encore rempli) $title = __('Step 1', 'Poll creation (1 on 3)'); } // Prepare error messages $errors = [ 'title' => [ 'msg' => '', 'aria' => '', 'class' => '' ], 'customized_url' => [ 'msg' => '', 'aria' => '', 'class' => '' ], 'description' => [ 'msg' => '', 'aria' => '', 'class' => '' ], 'name' => [ 'msg' => '', 'aria' => '', 'class' => '' ], 'email' => [ 'msg' => '', 'aria' => '', 'class' => '' ], 'password' => [ 'msg' => '', 'aria' => '', 'class' => '' ], 'ValueMax' => [ 'msg' => '', 'aria' => '', 'class' => '' ], 'password_repeat' => [ 'msg' => '', 'aria' => '', 'class' => '' ], ]; if (!empty($_POST[GO_TO_STEP_2])) { if (empty($_POST['title'])) { $errors['title']['aria'] = 'aria-describeby="poll_title_error" '; $errors['title']['class'] = ' has-error'; $errors['title']['msg'] = __('Error', 'Enter a title'); } elseif ($error_on_title) { $errors['title']['aria'] = 'aria-describeby="poll_title_error" '; $errors['title']['class'] = ' has-error'; $errors['title']['msg'] = __('Error', 'Something is wrong with the format'); } if ($error_on_customized_url) { $errors['customized_url']['aria'] = 'aria-describeby="customized_url" '; $errors['customized_url']['class'] = ' has-error'; $errors['customized_url']['msg'] = isset($error_on_customized_url_msg) ? $error_on_customized_url_msg : __('Error', "Something is wrong with the format: customized urls should only consist of alphanumeric characters and hyphens."); } if ($error_on_description) { $errors['description']['aria'] = 'aria-describeby="poll_comment_error" '; $errors['description']['class'] = ' has-error'; $errors['description']['msg'] = __('Error', 'Something is wrong with the format'); } if (empty($_POST['name'])) { $errors['name']['aria'] = 'aria-describeby="poll_name_error" '; $errors['name']['class'] = ' has-error'; $errors['name']['msg'] = __('Error', 'Enter a name'); } elseif ($error_on_name) { $errors['name']['aria'] = 'aria-describeby="poll_name_error" '; $errors['name']['class'] = ' has-error'; $errors['name']['msg'] = __('Error', "Something is wrong with the format: name shouldn't have any spaces before or after"); } if (empty($_POST['mail'])) { $errors['email']['aria'] = 'aria-describeby="poll_name_error" '; $errors['email']['class'] = ' has-error'; $errors['email']['msg'] = __('Error', 'Enter an email address'); } elseif ($error_on_mail) { $errors['email']['aria'] = 'aria-describeby="poll_email_error" '; $errors['email']['class'] = ' has-error'; $errors['email']['msg'] = __('Error', 'The address is not correct! You should enter a valid email address (like in order to receive the link to your poll.'); } if ($error_on_password) { $errors['password']['aria'] = 'aria-describeby="poll_password_error" '; $errors['password']['class'] = ' has-error'; $errors['password']['msg'] = __('Error', 'Password is empty'); } if ($error_on_password_repeat) { $errors['password_repeat']['aria'] = 'aria-describeby="poll_password_repeat_error" '; $errors['password_repeat']['class'] = ' has-error'; $errors['password_repeat']['msg'] = __('Error', 'Passwords do not match'); } if ($error_on_ValueMax) { $errors['ValueMax']['aria'] = 'aria-describeby="poll_ValueMax" '; $errors['ValueMax']['class'] = ' has-error'; $errors['ValueMax']['msg'] = __('Error', 'Error on amount of voters limitation : value must be an integer greater than 0'); } } $useRemoteUser = USE_REMOTE_USER && isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']); $smarty->assign('title', $title); $smarty->assign('useRemoteUser', $useRemoteUser); $smarty->assign('errors', $errors); $smarty->assign('advanced_errors', $goToStep2 && ($error_on_ValueMax || $error_on_customized_url || $error_on_password || $error_on_password_repeat)); $smarty->assign('use_smtp', $config['use_smtp']); $smarty->assign('default_to_marldown_editor', $config['markdown_editor_by_default']); $smarty->assign('goToStep2', GO_TO_STEP_2); $smarty->assign('poll_type', $poll_type); $smarty->assign('poll_title', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('title', $form->title)); $smarty->assign('customized_url', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('customized_url', $form->id)); $smarty->assign('use_customized_url', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('use_customized_url', $form->use_customized_url)); $smarty->assign('ValueMax', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('ValueMax', $form->ValueMax)); $smarty->assign('use_ValueMax', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('use_ValueMax', $form->use_ValueMax)); $smarty->assign('collect_users_mail', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('collect_users_mail', $form->collect_users_mail)); $smarty->assign('poll_description', !empty($_POST['description']) ? $_POST['description'] : $form->description); $smarty->assign('poll_name', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('name', $form->admin_name)); $smarty->assign('poll_mail', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('mail', $form->admin_mail)); $smarty->assign('poll_editable', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('editable', $form->editable)); $smarty->assign('poll_receiveNewVotes', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('receiveNewVotes', $form->receiveNewVotes)); $smarty->assign('poll_receiveNewComments', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('receiveNewComments', $form->receiveNewComments)); $smarty->assign('poll_hidden', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('hidden', $form->hidden)); $smarty->assign('poll_use_password', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('use_password', $form->use_password)); $smarty->assign('poll_results_publicly_visible', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('results_publicly_visible', $form->results_publicly_visible)); $smarty->assign('form', $form); $smarty->display('create_poll.tpl');