{extends file='page.tpl'} {block name=main}
{* Global informations about the current poll *}


{_("Initiator of the poll")}


{if !empty($poll->comment)}



{* Information about voting *} {if $poll->active}

{_("If you want to vote in this poll, you have to give your name, choose the values that fit best for you and validate with the plus button at the end of the line.")}


{_("The administrator locked this poll, votes and comments are frozen, it's not possible to participate anymore.")}

{/if} {* Scroll left and right *} {* Vote table *}

{_('Votes of the poll')}

{foreach $slots as $id=>$slot} {for $foo=0 to ($slot->moments|count)-1} {append var='headersM' value=$id} {/for} {/foreach} {foreach $slots as $id=>$slot} {/foreach} {$headersDCount=0} {foreach $slots as $slot} {foreach $slot->moments as $id=>$moment} {append var='headersD' value=$headersDCount} {$headersDCount = $headersDCount+1} {/foreach} {/foreach} {foreach $votes as $vote} {* Edited line *} {if $editingVoteId == $vote->id} {foreach $vote->choices as $k=>$choice} {/foreach} {else} {* Voted line *} {foreach $vote->choices as $k=>$choice} {if $choice==2} {else if $choice==1} {else} {/if} {/foreach} {if $poll->active && $poll->editable} {else} {/if} {/if} {/foreach} {* Line to add a new vote *} {if $poll->active && $editingVoteId == 0} {$i = 0} {foreach $slots as $slot} {foreach $slot->moments as $moment} {$i = $i+1} {/foreach} {/foreach} {/if} {* Line displaying best moments *} {$count_bests = 0} {$max = max($best_moments)} {foreach $best_moments as $best_moment} {if $max == $best_moment} {$count_bests = $count_bests +1} {else} {/if} {/foreach}
{_('Votes of the poll')} {$poll->title}
{$slot->day|date_format:'%B %Y'}
{* Best votes listing *} {$max = max($best_moments)} {if $max > 0}
{if $count_bests == 1}

{_("Best choice")}

{_("The best choice at this time is:")}

{elseif $count_bests > 1}

{_("Best choices")}

{_("The bests choices at this time are:")}

{/if} {$i = 0}
    {foreach $slots as $slot} {foreach $slot->moments as $moment} {if $best_moments[$i] == $max}
  • {$slot->day|date_format:$date_format.txt_full} - {$moment}
  • {/if} {$i = $i+1} {/foreach} {/foreach}

{_("with")} {$max} {if $max==1}{_('vote')}{else}{_('votes')}{/if}.

{/if} {* Comments *} {if $poll->active}
{* Comment list *} {if $comments|count > 0} {foreach $comments as $comment}
{$comment->usercomment}  {nl2br($comment->comment)}
{/foreach} {/if} {* Add comment form *}
{_("Add a comment in the poll")}

{/if} {/block}