Should some emulation of RecordCount() be implemented? */ // security - hide paths if (!defined('ADODB_DIR')) die(); include_once(ADODB_DIR.'/drivers/'); class ADODB_oci8po extends ADODB_oci8 { var $databaseType = 'oci8po'; var $dataProvider = 'oci8'; var $metaColumnsSQL = "select lower(cname),coltype,width, SCALE, PRECISION, NULLS, DEFAULTVAL from col where tname='%s' order by colno"; //changed by smondino@users.sourceforge. net var $metaTablesSQL = "select lower(table_name),table_type from cat where table_type in ('TABLE','VIEW')"; function ADODB_oci8po() { $this->_hasOCIFetchStatement = ADODB_PHPVER >= 0x4200; # oci8po does not support adodb extension: adodb_movenext() } function Param($name) { return '?'; } function Prepare($sql,$cursor=false) { $sqlarr = explode('?',$sql); $sql = $sqlarr[0]; for ($i = 1, $max = sizeof($sqlarr); $i < $max; $i++) { $sql .= ':'.($i-1) . $sqlarr[$i]; } return ADODB_oci8::Prepare($sql,$cursor); } // emulate handling of parameters ? ?, replacing with :bind0 :bind1 function _query($sql,$inputarr=false) { if (is_array($inputarr)) { $i = 0; if (is_array($sql)) { foreach($inputarr as $v) { $arr['bind'.$i++] = $v; } } else { $sqlarr = explode('?',$sql); $sql = $sqlarr[0]; foreach($inputarr as $k => $v) { $sql .= ":$k" . $sqlarr[++$i]; } } } return ADODB_oci8::_query($sql,$inputarr); } } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class Name: Recordset --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class ADORecordset_oci8po extends ADORecordset_oci8 { var $databaseType = 'oci8po'; function ADORecordset_oci8po($queryID,$mode=false) { $this->ADORecordset_oci8($queryID,$mode); } function Fields($colname) { if ($this->fetchMode & OCI_ASSOC) return $this->fields[$colname]; if (!$this->bind) { $this->bind = array(); for ($i=0; $i < $this->_numOfFields; $i++) { $o = $this->FetchField($i); $this->bind[strtoupper($o->name)] = $i; } } return $this->fields[$this->bind[strtoupper($colname)]]; } // lowercase field names... function _FetchField($fieldOffset = -1) { $fld = new ADOFieldObject; $fieldOffset += 1; $fld->name = OCIcolumnname($this->_queryID, $fieldOffset); if (ADODB_ASSOC_CASE == 0) $fld->name = strtolower($fld->name); $fld->type = OCIcolumntype($this->_queryID, $fieldOffset); $fld->max_length = OCIcolumnsize($this->_queryID, $fieldOffset); if ($fld->type == 'NUMBER') { //$p = OCIColumnPrecision($this->_queryID, $fieldOffset); $sc = OCIColumnScale($this->_queryID, $fieldOffset); if ($sc == 0) $fld->type = 'INT'; } return $fld; } /* function MoveNext() { if (@OCIfetchinto($this->_queryID,$this->fields,$this->fetchMode)) { $this->_currentRow += 1; return true; } if (!$this->EOF) { $this->_currentRow += 1; $this->EOF = true; } return false; }*/ // 10% speedup to move MoveNext to child class function MoveNext() { if(@OCIfetchinto($this->_queryID,$this->fields,$this->fetchMode)) { global $ADODB_ANSI_PADDING_OFF; $this->_currentRow++; if ($this->fetchMode & OCI_ASSOC) $this->_updatefields(); if (!empty($ADODB_ANSI_PADDING_OFF)) { foreach($this->fields as $k => $v) { if (is_string($v)) $this->fields[$k] = rtrim($v); } } return true; } if (!$this->EOF) { $this->EOF = true; $this->_currentRow++; } return false; } /* Optimize SelectLimit() by using OCIFetch() instead of OCIFetchInto() */ function GetArrayLimit($nrows,$offset=-1) { if ($offset <= 0) { $arr = $this->GetArray($nrows); return $arr; } for ($i=1; $i < $offset; $i++) if (!@OCIFetch($this->_queryID)) { $arr = array(); return $arr; } if (!@OCIfetchinto($this->_queryID,$this->fields,$this->fetchMode)) { $arr = array(); return $arr; } if ($this->fetchMode & OCI_ASSOC) $this->_updatefields(); $results = array(); $cnt = 0; while (!$this->EOF && $nrows != $cnt) { $results[$cnt++] = $this->fields; $this->MoveNext(); } return $results; } // Create associative array function _updatefields() { if (ADODB_ASSOC_CASE == 2) return; // native $arr = array(); $lowercase = (ADODB_ASSOC_CASE == 0); foreach($this->fields as $k => $v) { if (is_integer($k)) $arr[$k] = $v; else { if ($lowercase) $arr[strtolower($k)] = $v; else $arr[strtoupper($k)] = $v; } } $this->fields = $arr; } function _fetch() { $ret = @OCIfetchinto($this->_queryID,$this->fields,$this->fetchMode); if ($ret) { global $ADODB_ANSI_PADDING_OFF; if ($this->fetchMode & OCI_ASSOC) $this->_updatefields(); if (!empty($ADODB_ANSI_PADDING_OFF)) { foreach($this->fields as $k => $v) { if (is_string($v)) $this->fields[$k] = rtrim($v); } } } return $ret; } } ?>