{extends file='page.tpl'} {block name="header"} {/block} {block name=main}

{__('Step 2 date', 'Choose the dates of your poll')}

{__('Step 2 date', 'To schedule an event you need to propose at least two choices (two hours for one day or two days).')}

{__('Step 2 date', 'You can add or remove additionnal days and hours with the buttons')} {__('Generic', 'Remove')} {__('Generic', 'Add')}

{__('Step 2 date', 'For each selected day, you can choose, or not, meeting hours (e.g.: "8h", "8:30", "8h-10h", "evening", etc.)')}

{foreach $choices as $i=>$choice} {if $choice->getName()} {$day_value = $choice->getName()|date_format:$date_format['txt_date']} {else} {$day_value = ''} {/if}
({__('Date', 'dd/mm/yyyy')})
{foreach $choice->getSlots() as $j=>$slot}
{__('Step 2 date', 'Add days')}