pdo = new \PDO($connection_string, $user, $password); $this->pdo->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, \PDO::FETCH_OBJ); $this->pdo->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); } /** * @return \PDO Connection to database */ function getPDO() { return $this->pdo; } /** * Find all tables in database. * * @return array The array of table names */ function allTables() { $result = $this->pdo->query('SHOW TABLES'); $schemas = $result->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); return $schemas; } function prepare($sql) { return $this->pdo->prepare($sql); } function beginTransaction() { $this->pdo->beginTransaction(); } function commit() { $this->pdo->commit(); } function rollback() { $this->pdo->rollback(); } function errorCode() { return $this->pdo->errorCode(); } function errorInfo() { return $this->pdo->errorInfo(); } function query($sql) { return $this->pdo->query($sql); } function findPollById($poll_id) { $prepared = $this->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . Utils::table('poll') . ' WHERE id = ?'); $prepared->execute([$poll_id]); $poll = $prepared->fetch(); $prepared->closeCursor(); return $poll; } function updatePoll($poll) { $prepared = $this->prepare('UPDATE ' . Utils::table('poll') . ' SET title=?, admin_mail=?, comment=?, active=?, editable=? WHERE id = ?'); return $prepared->execute([$poll->title, $poll->admin_mail, $poll->comment, $poll->active, $poll->editable, $poll->id]); } function allCommentsByPollId($poll_id) { $prepared = $this->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . Utils::table('comment') . ' WHERE poll_id = ? ORDER BY id'); $prepared->execute(array($poll_id)); return $prepared->fetchAll(); } function allUserVotesByPollId($poll_id) { $prepared = $this->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . Utils::table('vote') . ' WHERE poll_id = ? ORDER BY id'); $prepared->execute(array($poll_id)); return $prepared->fetchAll(); } function allSlotsByPollId($poll_id) { $prepared = $this->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . Utils::table('slot') . ' WHERE poll_id = ? ORDER BY title'); $prepared->execute(array($poll_id)); return $prepared->fetchAll(); } function insertDefaultVote($poll_id, $insert_position) { $prepared = $this->prepare('UPDATE ' . Utils::table('vote') . ' SET choices = CONCAT(SUBSTRING(choices, 1, ?), "0", SUBSTRING(choices, ?)) WHERE poll_id = ?'); return $prepared->execute([$insert_position, $insert_position + 1, $poll_id]); } function insertVote($poll_id, $name, $choices) { $prepared = $this->prepare('INSERT INTO ' . Utils::table('vote') . ' (poll_id, name, choices) VALUES (?,?,?)'); $prepared->execute([$poll_id, $name, $choices]); $newVote = new \stdClass(); $newVote->poll_id = $poll_id; $newVote->id = $this->pdo->lastInsertId(); $newVote->name = $name; $newVote->choices = $choices; return $newVote; } function deleteVote($poll_id, $vote_id) { $prepared = $this->prepare('DELETE FROM ' . Utils::table('vote') . ' WHERE poll_id = ? AND id = ?'); return $prepared->execute([$poll_id, $vote_id]); } /** * Delete all votes of a given poll. * * @param $poll_id int The ID of the given poll. * @return bool|null true if action succeeded. */ function deleteVotesByPollId($poll_id) { $prepared = $this->prepare('DELETE FROM ' . Utils::table('vote') . ' WHERE poll_id = ?'); return $prepared->execute([$poll_id]); } /** * Delete all votes made on given moment index. * * @param $poll_id int The ID of the poll * @param $index int The index of the vote into the poll * @return bool|null true if action succeeded. */ function deleteVotesByIndex($poll_id, $index) { $prepared = $this->prepare('UPDATE ' . Utils::table('vote') . ' SET choices = CONCAT(SUBSTR(choices, 1, ?), SUBSTR(choices, ?)) WHERE poll_id = ?'); return $prepared->execute([$index, $index + 2, $poll_id]); } /** * Find the slot into poll for a given datetime. * * @param $poll_id int The ID of the poll * @param $datetime int The datetime of the slot * @return mixed Object The slot found, or null */ function findSlotByPollIdAndDatetime($poll_id, $datetime) { $prepared = $this->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . Utils::table('slot') . ' WHERE poll_id = ? AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(title, \'@\', 1) = ?'); $prepared->execute([$poll_id, $datetime]); $slot = $prepared->fetch(); $prepared->closeCursor(); return $slot; } /** * Insert a new slot into a given poll. * * @param $poll_id int The ID of the poll * @param $title mixed The title of the slot * @param $moments mixed|null The moments joined with "," * @return bool true if action succeeded */ function insertSlot($poll_id, $title, $moments) { $prepared = $this->prepare('INSERT INTO ' . Utils::table('slot') . ' (poll_id, title, moments) VALUES (?,?,?)'); return $prepared->execute([$poll_id, $title, $moments]); } /** * Update a slot into a poll. * * @param $poll_id int The ID of the poll * @param $datetime int The datetime of the slot to update * @param $newMoments mixed The new moments * @return bool|null true if action succeeded. */ function updateSlot($poll_id, $datetime, $newMoments) { $prepared = $this->prepare('UPDATE ' . Utils::table('slot') . ' SET moments = ? WHERE poll_id = ? AND title = ?'); return $prepared->execute([$newMoments, $poll_id, $datetime]); } /** * Delete a entire slot from a poll. * * @param $poll_id int The ID of the poll * @param $datetime mixed The datetime of the slot */ function deleteSlot($poll_id, $datetime) { $prepared = $this->prepare('DELETE FROM ' . Utils::table('slot') . ' WHERE poll_id = ? AND title = ?'); $prepared->execute([$poll_id, $datetime]); } function deleteSlotsByPollId($poll_id) { $prepared = $this->prepare('DELETE FROM ' . Utils::table('slot') . ' WHERE poll_id = ?'); return $prepared->execute([$poll_id]); } /** * Delete all comments of a given poll. * * @param $poll_id int The ID of the given poll. * @return bool|null true if action succeeded. */ function deleteCommentsByPollId($poll_id) { $prepared = $this->prepare('DELETE FROM ' . Utils::table('comment') . ' WHERE poll_id = ?'); return $prepared->execute([$poll_id]); } function updateVote($poll_id, $vote_id, $choices) { $prepared = $this->prepare('UPDATE ' . Utils::table('vote') . ' SET choices = ? WHERE poll_id = ? AND id = ?'); return $prepared->execute([$choices, $poll_id, $vote_id]); } function insertComment($poll_id, $name, $comment) { $prepared = $this->prepare('INSERT INTO ' . Utils::table('comment') . ' (poll_id, name, comment) VALUES (?,?,?)'); return $prepared->execute([$poll_id, $name, $comment]); } function deleteComment($poll_id, $comment_id) { $prepared = $this->prepare('DELETE FROM ' . Utils::table('comment') . ' WHERE poll_id = ? AND id = ?'); return $prepared->execute([$poll_id, $comment_id]); } function deletePollById($poll_id) { $prepared = $this->prepare('DELETE FROM ' . Utils::table('poll') . ' WHERE id = ?'); return $prepared->execute([$poll_id]); } /** * Find old polls. Limit: 20. * * @return array Array of old polls */ public function findOldPolls() { $prepared = $this->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . Utils::table('poll') . ' WHERE end_date < NOW() LIMIT 20'); $prepared->execute([]); return $prepared->fetchAll(); } }