maxExpiryDate(); $form = isset($_SESSION['form']) ? unserialize($_SESSION['form']) : null; if ($form === null || !($form instanceof Form)) { $smarty->assign('title', __('Error', 'Error!')); $smarty->assign('error', __('Error', 'You haven\'t filled the first section of the poll creation, or your session has expired.')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); exit; } // The poll format is DATE if we are in this file if (!isset($form->format)) { $form->format = 'D'; } // If we come from another format, we need to clear choices if ($form->format !== 'D') { $form->format = 'D'; $form->clearChoices(); } if (!isset($form->title) || !isset($form->admin_name) || ($config['use_smtp'] && !isset($form->admin_mail))) { $step = 1; } else if (!empty($_POST['confirmation'])) { $step = 4; } else if (empty($_POST['choixheures']) || isset($form->totalchoixjour)) { $step = 2; } else { $step = 3; } switch ($step) { case 2: // Step 2/4 : Select dates of the poll // Prefill form->choices foreach ($form->getChoices() as $c) { /** @var Choice $c */ $count = 3 - count($c->getSlots()); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $c->addSlot(''); } } $count = 3 - count($form->getChoices()); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $c = new Choice(''); $c->addSlot(''); $c->addSlot(''); $c->addSlot(''); $form->addChoice($c); } $_SESSION['form'] = serialize($form); // Display step 2 $smarty->assign('title', __('Step 2 date', 'Poll dates (2 of 3)')); $smarty->assign('choices', $form->getChoices()); $smarty->assign('error', null); $smarty->display('create_date_poll_step_2.tpl'); exit; case 3: // Step 3/4 : Confirm poll creation // Handle Step2 submission if (!empty($_POST['days'])) { // Remove empty dates $_POST['days'] = array_filter($_POST['days'], function ($d) { return !empty($d); }); // Check if there are at most MAX_SLOTS_PER_POLL slots if (count($_POST['days']) > MAX_SLOTS_PER_POLL) { // Display step 2 $smarty->assign('title', __('Step 2 date', 'Poll dates (2 of 3)')); $smarty->assign('choices', $form->getChoices()); $smarty->assign('error', __f('Error', 'You can\'t select more than %d dates', MAX_SLOTS_PER_POLL)); $smarty->display('create_date_poll_step_2.tpl'); exit; } // Clear previous choices $form->clearChoices(); // Reorder moments to deal with suppressed dates $moments = []; $i = 0; while(count($moments) < count($_POST['days'])) { if (!empty($_POST['horaires' . $i])) { $moments[] = $_POST['horaires' . $i]; } $i++; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['days']); $i++) { $day = $_POST['days'][$i]; if (!empty($day)) { // Add choice to Form data $date = DateTime::createFromFormat(__('Date', 'Y-m-d'), $_POST['days'][$i])->setTime(0, 0, 0); $time = (string) $date->getTimestamp(); $choice = new Choice($time); $form->addChoice($choice); $schedules = $inputService->filterArray($moments[$i], FILTER_DEFAULT); for ($j = 0; $j < count($schedules); $j++) { if (!empty($schedules[$j])) { $choice->addSlot(strip_tags($schedules[$j])); } } } } $form->sortChoices(); } // Display step 3 $summary = ''; $end_date_str = date_format_intl($max_expiry_time); //textual date $_SESSION['form'] = serialize($form); $smarty->assign('title', __('Step 3', 'Removal date and confirmation (3 of 3)')); $smarty->assign('summary', $summary); $smarty->assign('end_date_str', $end_date_str); $smarty->assign('default_poll_duration', $config['default_poll_duration']); $smarty->assign('use_smtp', $config['use_smtp']); $smarty->display('create_poll_step_3.tpl'); exit; case 4: // Step 4 : Do the poll creation // Read expiration date passed in POST parameters $end_date = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'enddate', FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => '#^[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{4}$#']]); $admin_poll_id = $pollService->doPollCreation($form, $end_date); if (!is_null($admin_poll_id)) { // Redirect to poll administration header('Location:' . Utils::getUrlSondage($admin_poll_id, true)); } exit; case 1: default: // Step 1/4 : error if $_SESSION from info_sondage are not valid $smarty->assign('title', __('Error', 'Error!')); $smarty->assign('error', __('Error', 'You haven\'t filled the first section of the poll creation, or your session has expired.')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); exit; }