prepare($sql); $prepared->execute(array($poll_id, $admin_poll_id, $form->title, $form->description, $form->admin_name, $form->admin_mail, $form->end_date, $form->format, $form->editable ? 1 : 0, $form->receiveNewVotes ? 1 : 0, $form->receiveNewComments ? 1 : 0, $form->hidden ? 1 : 0, $form->password_hash, $form->results_publicly_visible ? 1 : 0)); } function findById($poll_id) { $prepared = $this->prepare('SELECT * FROM `' . Utils::table('poll') . '` WHERE id = ?'); $prepared->execute(array($poll_id)); $poll = $prepared->fetch(); $prepared->closeCursor(); return $poll; } public function findByAdminId($admin_poll_id) { $prepared = $this->prepare('SELECT * FROM `' . Utils::table('poll') . '` WHERE admin_id = ?'); $prepared->execute(array($admin_poll_id)); $poll = $prepared->fetch(); $prepared->closeCursor(); return $poll; } public function existsById($poll_id) { $prepared = $this->prepare('SELECT 1 FROM `' . Utils::table('poll') . '` WHERE id = ?'); $prepared->execute(array($poll_id)); return $prepared->rowCount() > 0; } public function existsByAdminId($admin_poll_id) { $prepared = $this->prepare('SELECT 1 FROM `' . Utils::table('poll') . '` WHERE admin_id = ?'); $prepared->execute(array($admin_poll_id)); return $prepared->rowCount() > 0; } function update($poll) { $prepared = $this->prepare('UPDATE `' . Utils::table('poll') . '` SET title=?, admin_name=?, admin_mail=?, description=?, end_date=?, active=?, editable=?, hidden=?, password_hash=?, results_publicly_visible=? WHERE id = ?'); return $prepared->execute([$poll->title, $poll->admin_name, $poll->admin_mail, $poll->description, $poll->end_date, $poll->active, $poll->editable ? 1 : 0, $poll->hidden ? 1 : 0, $poll->password_hash, $poll->results_publicly_visible ? 1 : 0, $poll->id]); } function deleteById($poll_id) { $prepared = $this->prepare('DELETE FROM `' . Utils::table('poll') . '` WHERE id = ?'); return $prepared->execute([$poll_id]); } /** * Find old polls. Limit: 20. * * @return array Array of old polls */ public function findOldPolls() { $prepared = $this->prepare('SELECT * FROM `' . Utils::table('poll') . '` WHERE DATE_ADD(`end_date`, INTERVAL ' . PURGE_DELAY . ' DAY) < NOW() AND `end_date` != 0 LIMIT 20'); $prepared->execute([]); return $prepared->fetchAll(); } /** * Search polls in databse. * * @param array $search Array of search : ['id'=>..., 'title'=>..., 'name'=>..., 'mail'=>...] * @param int $start The number of first entry to select * @param int $limit The number of entries to find * @return array The found polls */ public function findAll($search, $start, $limit) { // Polls $prepared = $this->prepare(' SELECT p.*, (SELECT count(1) FROM `' . Utils::table('vote') . '` v WHERE votes FROM `' . Utils::table('poll') . '` p WHERE (:id = "" OR LIKE :id) AND (:title = "" OR p.title LIKE :title) AND (:name = "" OR p.admin_name LIKE :name) AND (:mail = "" OR p.admin_mail LIKE :mail) ORDER BY p.title ASC LIMIT :start, :limit '); $poll = $search['poll'] . '%'; $title = '%' . $search['title'] . '%'; $name = '%' . $search['name'] . '%'; $mail = '%' . $search['mail'] . '%'; $prepared->bindParam(':id', $poll, PDO::PARAM_STR); $prepared->bindParam(':title', $title, PDO::PARAM_STR); $prepared->bindParam(':name', $name, PDO::PARAM_STR); $prepared->bindParam(':mail', $mail, PDO::PARAM_STR); $prepared->bindParam(':start', $start, PDO::PARAM_INT); $prepared->bindParam(':limit', $limit, PDO::PARAM_INT); $prepared->execute(); return $prepared->fetchAll(); } /** * Find all polls that are created with the given admin mail. * * @param string $mail Email address of the poll admin * @return array The list of matching polls */ public function findAllByAdminMail($mail) { $prepared = $this->prepare('SELECT * FROM `' . Utils::table('poll') . '` WHERE admin_mail = :admin_mail'); $prepared->execute(array('admin_mail' => $mail)); return $prepared->fetchAll(); } /** * Get the total number of polls in databse. * * @param array $search Array of search : ['id'=>..., 'title'=>..., 'name'=>...] * @return int The number of polls */ public function count($search = null) { // Total count $prepared = $this->prepare(' SELECT count(1) nb FROM `' . Utils::table('poll') . '` p WHERE (:id = "" OR LIKE :id) AND (:title = "" OR p.title LIKE :title) AND (:name = "" OR p.admin_name LIKE :name) ORDER BY p.title ASC'); $poll = $search == null ? '' : $search['poll'] . '%'; $title = $search == null ? '' : '%' . $search['title'] . '%'; $name = $search == null ? '' : '%' . $search['name'] . '%'; $prepared->bindParam(':id', $poll, PDO::PARAM_STR); $prepared->bindParam(':title', $title, PDO::PARAM_STR); $prepared->bindParam(':name', $name, PDO::PARAM_STR); $prepared->execute(); $count = $prepared->fetch(); /*echo '---'; print_r($count); echo '---'; exit;*/ return $count->nb; } }