prepare('SELECT * FROM `' . Utils::table('vote') . '` WHERE poll_id = ? ORDER BY id'); $prepared->execute([$poll_id]); return $prepared->fetchAll(); } function insertDefault($poll_id, $insert_position) { $prepared = $this->prepare('UPDATE `' . Utils::table('vote') . '` SET choices = CONCAT(SUBSTRING(choices, 1, ?), " ", SUBSTRING(choices, ?)) WHERE poll_id = ?'); //#51 : default value for unselected vote return $prepared->execute([$insert_position, $insert_position + 1, $poll_id]); } function insert($poll_id, $name, $choices, $token) { $prepared = $this->prepare('INSERT INTO `' . Utils::table('vote') . '` (poll_id, name, choices, uniqId) VALUES (?,?,?,?)'); $prepared->execute([$poll_id, $name, $choices, $token]); $newVote = new \stdClass(); $newVote->poll_id = $poll_id; $newVote->id = $this->lastInsertId(); $newVote->name = $name; $newVote->choices = $choices; $newVote->uniqId = $token; return $newVote; } function deleteById($poll_id, $vote_id) { $prepared = $this->prepare('DELETE FROM `' . Utils::table('vote') . '` WHERE poll_id = ? AND id = ?'); return $prepared->execute([$poll_id, $vote_id]); } public function deleteOldVotesByPollId($poll_id, $votesToDelete) { $prepared = $this->prepare('DELETE FROM `' . Utils::table('vote') . '` WHERE poll_id = ? ORDER BY `poll_id` ASC LIMIT ' . $votesToDelete); return $prepared->execute([$poll_id]); } /** * Delete all votes of a given poll. * * @param $poll_id int The ID of the given poll. * @return bool|null true if action succeeded. */ function deleteByPollId($poll_id) { $prepared = $this->prepare('DELETE FROM `' . Utils::table('vote') . '` WHERE poll_id = ?'); return $prepared->execute([$poll_id]); } /** * Delete all votes made on given moment index. * * @param $poll_id int The ID of the poll * @param $index int The index of the vote into the poll * @return bool|null true if action succeeded. */ function deleteByIndex($poll_id, $index) { $prepared = $this->prepare('UPDATE `' . Utils::table('vote') . '` SET choices = CONCAT(SUBSTR(choices, 1, ?), SUBSTR(choices, ?)) WHERE poll_id = ?'); return $prepared->execute([$index, $index + 2, $poll_id]); } function update($poll_id, $vote_id, $name, $choices) { $prepared = $this->prepare('UPDATE `' . Utils::table('vote') . '` SET choices = ?, name = ? WHERE poll_id = ? AND id = ?'); return $prepared->execute([$choices, $name, $poll_id, $vote_id]); } /** * Check if name is already used for the given poll. * * @param int $poll_id ID of the poll * @param string $name Name of the vote * @return bool true if vote already exists */ public function existsByPollIdAndName($poll_id, $name) { $prepared = $this->prepare('SELECT 1 FROM `' . Utils::table('vote') . '` WHERE poll_id = ? AND name = ?'); $prepared->execute([$poll_id, $name]); return $prepared->rowCount() > 0; } /** * Check if name is already used for the given poll and another vote. * * @param int $poll_id ID of the poll * @param string $name Name of the vote * @param int $vote_id ID of the current vote * @return bool true if vote already exists */ public function existsByPollIdAndNameAndVoteId($poll_id, $name, $vote_id) { $prepared = $this->prepare('SELECT 1 FROM `' . Utils::table('vote') . '` WHERE poll_id = ? AND name = ? AND id != ?'); $prepared->execute([$poll_id, $name, $vote_id]); return $prepared->rowCount() > 0; } }