prepare('INSERT INTO `' . Utils::table('slot') . '` (poll_id, title, moments) VALUES (?, ?, ?)'); foreach ($choices as $choice) { // We prepared the slots (joined by comas) $joinedSlots = ''; $first = true; foreach ($choice->getSlots() as $slot) { if ($first) { $joinedSlots = $slot; $first = false; } else { $joinedSlots .= ',' . $slot; } } // We execute the insertion if (empty($joinedSlots)) { $prepared->execute(array($poll_id, $choice->getName(), null)); } else { $prepared->execute(array($poll_id, $choice->getName(), $joinedSlots)); } } } function listByPollId($poll_id) { $prepared = $this->prepare('SELECT * FROM `' . Utils::table('slot') . '` WHERE poll_id = ? ORDER BY title'); $prepared->execute(array($poll_id)); return $prepared->fetchAll(); } /** * Find the slot into poll for a given datetime. * * @param $poll_id int The ID of the poll * @param $datetime int The datetime of the slot * @return mixed Object The slot found, or null */ function findByPollIdAndDatetime($poll_id, $datetime) { $prepared = $this->prepare('SELECT * FROM `' . Utils::table('slot') . '` WHERE poll_id = ? AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(title, \'@\', 1) = ?'); $prepared->execute([$poll_id, $datetime]); $slot = $prepared->fetch(); $prepared->closeCursor(); return $slot; } /** * Insert a new slot into a given poll. * * @param $poll_id int The ID of the poll * @param $title mixed The title of the slot * @param $moments mixed|null The moments joined with "," * @return bool true if action succeeded */ function insert($poll_id, $title, $moments) { $prepared = $this->prepare('INSERT INTO `' . Utils::table('slot') . '` (poll_id, title, moments) VALUES (?,?,?)'); return $prepared->execute([$poll_id, $title, $moments]); } /** * Update a slot into a poll. * * @param $poll_id int The ID of the poll * @param $datetime int The datetime of the slot to update * @param $newMoments mixed The new moments * @return bool|null true if action succeeded. */ function update($poll_id, $datetime, $newMoments) { $prepared = $this->prepare('UPDATE `' . Utils::table('slot') . '` SET moments = ? WHERE poll_id = ? AND title = ?'); return $prepared->execute([$newMoments, $poll_id, $datetime]); } /** * Delete a entire slot from a poll. * * @param $poll_id int The ID of the poll * @param $datetime mixed The datetime of the slot */ function deleteByDateTime($poll_id, $datetime) { $prepared = $this->prepare('DELETE FROM `' . Utils::table('slot') . '` WHERE poll_id = ? AND title = ?'); $prepared->execute([$poll_id, $datetime]); } function deleteByPollId($poll_id) { $prepared = $this->prepare('DELETE FROM `' . Utils::table('slot') . '` WHERE poll_id = ?'); return $prepared->execute([$poll_id]); } }