setTemplateDir(ROOT_DIR . '/tpl/'); $smarty->setCompileDir(ROOT_DIR . COMPILE_DIR); $smarty->setCacheDir(ROOT_DIR . '/cache/'); $smarty->caching = false; $serverName = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : ''; $smarty->assign('APPLICATION_NAME', NOMAPPLICATION); $smarty->assign('APPLICATION_VERSION', VERSION); $smarty->assign('SERVER_URL', Utils::get_server_name()); $smarty->assign('SCRIPT_NAME', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); $smarty->assign('TITLE_IMAGE', IMAGE_TITRE); $smarty->assign('use_nav_js', strstr($serverName, '')); $smarty->assign('provide_fork_awesome', !isset($config['provide_fork_awesome']) || $config['provide_fork_awesome']); $smarty->assign('locale', $locale); $smarty->assign('langs', $ALLOWED_LANGUAGES); $smarty->assign('date_format', $date_format); if (isset($config['tracking_code'])) { $smarty->assign('tracking_code', $config['tracking_code']); } if (defined('FAVICON')) { $smarty->assign('favicon', FAVICON); } // Dev Mode if (isset($_SERVER['FRAMADATE_DEVMODE']) && $_SERVER['FRAMADATE_DEVMODE'] || php_sapi_name() === 'cli-server') { $smarty->force_compile = true; $smarty->compile_check = true; } else { $smarty->force_compile = false; $smarty->compile_check = false; } function smarty_function_poll_url($params, Smarty_Internal_Template $template) { $poll_id = filter_var($params['id'], FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => POLL_REGEX]]); $admin = (isset($params['admin']) && $params['admin']) ? true : false; $action = (isset($params['action']) && !empty($params['action'])) ? Utils::htmlEscape($params['action']) : false; $action_value = (isset($params['action_value']) && !empty($params['action_value'])) ? $params['action_value'] : false; $vote_unique_id = isset($params['vote_id']) ? filter_var($params['vote_id'], FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => POLL_REGEX]]) : ''; // If filter_var fails (i.e.: hack tentative), it will return false. At least no leak is possible from this. return Utils::getUrlSondage($poll_id, $admin, $vote_unique_id, $action, $action_value); } function smarty_modifier_markdown($md, $clear = false, $inline=true) { return Utils::markdown($md, $clear, $inline); } function smarty_modifier_resource($link) { return Utils::get_server_name() . $link; } function smarty_modifier_addslashes_single_quote($string) { return addcslashes($string, '\\\''); } function smarty_modifier_html($html) { return Utils::htmlEscape($html); } /** * markdown_to_text * Retrieves a markdown string and tries to make a plain text value * * @param array $options * @return string */ function smarty_function_markdown_to_text($options, Smarty_Internal_Template $template) { global $locale; $text = strip_tags(Parsedown::instance()->text($options['markdown'])); $number_letters = (new NumberFormatter($locale, NumberFormatter::ORDINAL))->format($options['id'] + 1); return $text !== '' ? $text : __f('Poll results', '%s option', $number_letters); } function smarty_modifier_html_special_chars($html) { return Utils::htmlMailEscape($html); } function smarty_modifier_datepicker_path($lang) { $i = 0; while (!is_file(path_for_datepicker_locale($lang)) && $i < 3) { $lang_arr = explode('-', $lang); if ($lang_arr && count($lang_arr) > 1) { $lang = $lang_arr[0]; } else { $lang = 'en'; } $i += 1; } return 'js/locales/bootstrap-datepicker.' . $lang . '.js'; } function smarty_modifier_locale_2_lang($locale) { $lang_arr = explode('-', $locale); if ($lang_arr && count($lang_arr) > 1) { return $lang_arr[0]; } return $locale; } function path_for_datepicker_locale($lang) { return __DIR__ . '/../../js/locales/bootstrap-datepicker.' . $lang . '.js'; }