query('SHOW TABLES'); $tables = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); // Check if there is no tables but the MIGRATION_TABLE one $diff = array_diff($tables, [Utils::table(MIGRATION_TABLE)]); return count($diff) === 0; } /** * This method is called only one time in the migration page. * * @param \PDO $pdo The connection to database * @return bool true is the execution succeeded */ function execute(\PDO $pdo) { $pdo->exec(' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sondage` ( `id_sondage` char(16) NOT NULL, `commentaires` text, `mail_admin` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL, `nom_admin` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, `titre` text, `id_sondage_admin` char(24) DEFAULT NULL, `date_creation` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `date_fin` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\', `format` varchar(2) DEFAULT NULL, `mailsonde` tinyint(1) DEFAULT \'0\', `statut` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'1\' COMMENT \'1 = actif ; 0 = inactif ; \', UNIQUE KEY `id_sondage` (`id_sondage`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;'); $pdo->exec(' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sujet_studs` ( `id_sondage` char(16) NOT NULL, `sujet` text, KEY `id_sondage` (`id_sondage`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;'); $pdo->exec(' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `comments` ( `id_comment` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `id_sondage` char(16) NOT NULL, `comment` text NOT NULL, `usercomment` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id_comment`), KEY `id_sondage` (`id_sondage`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ;'); $pdo->exec(' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `user_studs` ( `id_users` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `nom` varchar(64) NOT NULL, `id_sondage` char(16) NOT NULL, `reponses` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_users`), KEY `id_sondage` (`id_sondage`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ;'); } }