'; } // List a Migration sub classes to execute $migrations = [ new From_0_0_to_0_8_Migration(), new From_0_8_to_0_9_Migration() ]; // --------------------------------------- // Check if MIGRATION_TABLE already exists $tables = $connect->allTables(); $pdo = $connect->getPDO(); $prefixedMigrationTable = Utils::table(MIGRATION_TABLE); if (!in_array($prefixedMigrationTable, $tables)) { $pdo->exec(' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `' . $prefixedMigrationTable . '` ( `id` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` TEXT NOT NULL, `execute_date` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE = MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8;'); output('Table ' . $prefixedMigrationTable . ' created.'); } $selectStmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT id FROM ' . $prefixedMigrationTable . ' WHERE name=?'); $insertStmt = $pdo->prepare('INSERT INTO ' . $prefixedMigrationTable . ' (name) VALUES (?)'); $countSucceeded = 0; $countFailed = 0; $countSkipped = 0; // Loop on every Migration sub classes foreach ($migrations as $migration) { $className = get_class($migration); // Check if $className is a Migration sub class if (!$migration instanceof Migration) { output('The class ' . $className . ' is not a sub class of Framadate\\Migration\\Migration.'); exit; } // Check if the Migration is already executed $selectStmt->execute([$className]); $executed = $selectStmt->rowCount(); $selectStmt->closeCursor(); if (!$executed) { $migration->execute($pdo); if ($insertStmt->execute([$className])) { $countSucceeded++; output('Migration done: ' . $className); } else { $countFailed++; output('Migration failed: ' . $className); } } else { $countSkipped++; } } $countTotal = $countSucceeded + $countFailed + $countSkipped; output('Summary
'); output('Success: ' . $countSucceeded . ' / ' . $countTotal); output('Fail: ' . $countFailed . ' / ' . $countTotal); output('Skipped: ' . $countSkipped . ' / ' . $countTotal);