/** * This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license. If a copy of this license * is not distributed with this file, you can obtain one at * http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.txt * * Authors of STUdS (initial project): Guilhem BORGHESI (borghesi@unistra.fr) and Raphaël DROZ * Authors of Framadate/OpenSondage: Framasoft (https://github.com/framasoft) * * ============================= * * Ce logiciel est régi par la licence CeCILL-B. Si une copie de cette licence * ne se trouve pas avec ce fichier vous pouvez l'obtenir sur * http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-fr.txt * * Auteurs de STUdS (projet initial) : Guilhem BORGHESI (borghesi@unistra.fr) et Raphaël DROZ * Auteurs de Framadate/OpenSondage : Framasoft (https://github.com/framasoft) */ $(document).ready(function () { // Global variables var $selected_days = $('#selected-days'); var $removeaday_and_copyhours = $('#remove-a-day, #copyhours'); // at least 1 day filled and you can submit var submitDaysAvalaible = function () { var nb_filled_days = 0; $selected_days.find('fieldset legend input').each(function () { if ($(this).val() != '') { nb_filled_days++; } }); if (nb_filled_days >= 1) { $('button[name="choixheures"]').removeClass('disabled'); return true; } else { $('button[name="choixheures"]').addClass('disabled'); return false; } }; /** * Parse a string date * @param dateStr The string date * @param format The format PHP style (allowed: %Y, %m and %d) */ var parseDate = function (dateStr, format) { var dtsplit = dateStr.split(/[\/ .:-]/); var dfsplit = format.split(/[\/ .:-]/); if (dfsplit.length != dtsplit.length) { return null; } // creates assoc array for date var df = []; for (var dc = 0; dc < dtsplit.length; dc++) { df[dfsplit[dc]] = dtsplit[dc]; } // Build date return new Date(parseInt(df['%Y']), parseInt(df['%m']) - 1, parseInt(df['%d']), 0, 0, 0, 0); }; var formatDate = function (date, format) { return format .replace('%d', ("00" +date.getDate()).slice(-2)) .replace('%m', ("00" + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2)) .replace('%Y', ("0000" + date.getFullYear()).slice(-4)); }; function newDateFields(dateStr) { var nb_days = $selected_days.find('fieldset').length; var last_day = $selected_days.find('fieldset:last'); var last_day_title = last_day.find('legend input').attr('title'); var re_id_hours = new RegExp('"d' + (nb_days - 1) + '-h', 'g'); var re_name_hours = new RegExp('name="horaires' + (nb_days - 1), 'g'); var new_day_html = last_day.html().replace(re_id_hours, '"d' + nb_days + '-h') .replace('id="day' + (nb_days - 1) + '"', 'id="day' + nb_days + '"') .replace('for="day' + (nb_days - 1) + '"', 'for="day' + nb_days + '"') .replace(re_name_hours, 'name="horaires' + nb_days) .replace(/value="(.*?)"/g, 'value=""') .replace(/hours" title="(.*?)"/g, 'hours" title="" p') .replace('title="' + last_day_title + '"', 'title="' + last_day_title.substring(0, last_day_title.indexOf(' ')) + ' ' + (nb_days + 1) + '"'); last_day .after('
' + new_day_html + '
') .next().find('legend input').val(dateStr); $('#day' + (nb_days)).focus(); $removeaday_and_copyhours.removeClass('disabled'); } var useFirstEmptyDateField = function (dateStr) { var used = false; $selected_days.find('fieldset legend input').each(function () { if (!used) { if ($(this).val() == '') { $(this).val(dateStr); used = true; } } }); return used; }; // Handle form submission $(document.formulaire).on('submit', function (e) { if (!submitDaysAvalaible()) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } }); // Button "Remove all hours" $(document).on('click', '#resethours', function () { $selected_days.find('fieldset').each(function () { $(this).find('.hours:gt(2)').parent().remove(); }); $('#d0-h0').focus(); $selected_days.find('fieldset .hours').attr('value', ''); }); // Button "Remove all days" $('#resetdays').on('click', function () { $selected_days.find('fieldset:gt(0)').remove(); $('#day0').focus(); $removeaday_and_copyhours.addClass('disabled'); }); // Button "Copy hours of the first day" $('#copyhours').on('click', function () { var first_day_hours = $selected_days.find('fieldset:eq(0) .hours').map(function () { return $(this).val(); }); $selected_days.find('fieldset:gt(0)').each(function () { for (var i = 0; i < first_day_hours.length; i++) { $(this).find('.hours:eq(' + i + ')').val(first_day_hours[i]); // fill hours } }); }); // Buttons "Add an hour" $(document).on('click', '.add-an-hour', function () { var last_hour = $(this).parent('div').parent('div').prev(); // for and id var di_hj = last_hour.children('.hours').attr('id').split('-'); var di = parseInt(di_hj[0].replace('d', '')); var hj = parseInt(di_hj[1].replace('h', '')); // label, title and placeholder var last_hour_label = last_hour.children('.hours').attr('placeholder'); var hour_text = last_hour_label.substring(0, last_hour_label.indexOf(' ')); // RegEx for multiple replace var re_label = new RegExp(last_hour_label, 'g'); var re_id = new RegExp('"d' + di + '-h' + hj + '"', 'g'); // HTML code of the new hour var new_hour_html = '
' + last_hour.html().replace(re_label, hour_text + ' ' + (hj + 2)) .replace(re_id, '"d' + di + '-h' + (hj + 1) + '"') .replace(/value="(.*?)"/g, 'value=""') + '
'; // After 11 + button is disable if (hj < 99) { last_hour.after(new_hour_html); $('#d' + di + '-h' + (hj + 1)).focus(); $(this).prev('.remove-an-hour').removeClass('disabled'); if (hj == 98) { $(this).addClass('disabled'); } } }); // Buttons "Remove an hour" $(document).on('click', '.remove-an-hour', function () { var last_hour = $(this).parent('div').parent('div').prev(); // for and id var di_hj = last_hour.children('.hours').attr('id').split('-'); var di = parseInt(di_hj[0].replace('d', '')); var hj = parseInt(di_hj[1].replace('h', '')); // The first hour must not be removed if (hj > 0) { last_hour.remove(); $('#d' + di + '-h' + (hj - 1)).focus(); $(this).next('.add-an-hour').removeClass('disabled'); if (hj == 1) { $(this).addClass('disabled'); } } submitDaysAvalaible(); }); // Button "Add a day" $('#add-a-day').on('click', function () { newDateFields(); }); // Button "Remove the current day" $(document).on('click', '.remove-day', function () { if ($('#days_container').find('fieldset').length > 1) { $(this).parents('fieldset').remove(); } }); // Add an range of dates $('#interval_add').on('click', function (ev) { var startDateField = $('#range_start'); var endDateField = $('#range_end'); var startDate = parseDate(startDateField.val(), window.date_formats.DATE); var endDate = parseDate(endDateField.val(), window.date_formats.DATE); // Clear error classes startDateField.parent().removeClass('has-error'); endDateField.parent().removeClass('has-error'); var maxDates = 123; // 123 = 4 months var tooMuchDates = endDate - startDate > maxDates * 86400 * 1000; if (startDate != null && endDate != null && !tooMuchDates) { if (startDate <= endDate) { while (startDate <= endDate) { var dateStr = formatDate(startDate, window.date_formats.DATE); if (!useFirstEmptyDateField(dateStr)) { newDateFields(dateStr); } startDate.setDate(startDate.getDate() + 1); } // Hide modal startDateField.val(''); endDateField.val(''); $('#add_days').modal('hide'); submitDaysAvalaible(); } else { setTimeout(function () { startDateField.parent().addClass('has-error'); endDateField.parent().addClass('has-error'); }, 200); } } else { setTimeout(function () { if (startDate == null || tooMuchDates) { startDateField.parent().addClass('has-error'); } if (endDate == null || tooMuchDates) { endDateField.parent().addClass('has-error'); } }, 200); } }); // Title update on hours and buttons -/+ hours $(document).on('change', '.input-group.date input', function () { // Define title on hours fields using the value of the new date $selected_days.find('.hours').each(function () { $(this).attr('title', $(this).parents('fieldset').find('legend input').val() + ' - ' + $(this).attr('placeholder')); }); // Define title on buttons that add/remove hours using the value of the new date $('#selected-days .add-an-hour, #selected-days .remove-an-hour').each(function () { var title = $(this).attr('title'); if (title.indexOf('-') > 0) { title = title.substring(title.indexOf('-') + 2, title.length); } $(this).attr('title', $(this).parents('fieldset').find('legend input').val() + ' - ' + title); }); }); $(document).on('keyup, change', '.hours, #selected-days fieldset legend input', function () { submitDaysAvalaible(); }); submitDaysAvalaible(); // 2 days and you can remove a day or copy hours if ($selected_days.find('fieldset').length > 1) { $removeaday_and_copyhours.removeClass('disabled'); } });