image: framasoft/framadate-ci stages: - test - deploy - beta - funky # Run php-cs-fixer and phpunit on all branches test: stage: test script: - composer install -o --no-interaction --no-progress --prefer-dist - php vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --verbose --dry-run - APP_ENV=test bin/doctrine migrations:migrate --no-interaction -vvv - vendor/bin/phpunit --bootstrap app/tests/bootstrap.php --debug app/tests cache: paths: - vendor/ check:missing:trads: stage: test script: - ./scripts/ # check-trad: # stage: test # allow_failure: true # script: # - if [ -z ${ZANATA_CONFIG_FRAMABOT+x} ]; then echo "*** Unable to check if translations need to be pulled, exiting ***"; exit 1; fi # - export ORIG=$(git diff-files --shortstat) # - if [ ! -z ${ZANATA_CONFIG_FRAMABOT+x} ]; then mkdir -p ${HOME}/.config; echo -e "${ZANATA_CONFIG_FRAMABOT}" > ${HOME}/.config/zanata.ini; fi # - if [ ! -z ${ZANATA_CONFIG_FRAMABOT+x} ]; then make push-locales; fi # - git status > /dev/null 2>&1 # - export CHANGES=$(git diff-files --shortstat) # - if [[ $CHANGES != $ORIG ]]; then echo "*** There is changes in locales ***"; echo "*** You need to do `make pull-locales` in your repo ***"; exit 1; fi # only: # - develop # Create artifacts on master pages: stage: deploy script: - latesttag=$(git describe --tags) - git checkout ${latesttag} - composer install -o --no-interaction --no-progress --prefer-dist --no-dev - composer dump-autoload --optimize --no-dev --classmap-authoritative - mkdir framadate - mv `ls -A | grep -v framadate` ./framadate - find framadate/ -type d -exec chmod 750 {} \; - find framadate/ -type f -exec chmod 640 {} \; - rm -rf framadate/.git - zip -r framadate - mkdir .public - cp .public - mv .public public artifacts: paths: - public only: - tags except: - (beta|alpha) # Deploy on develop beta: stage: beta script: - git checkout develop - composer install -o --no-interaction --no-progress --prefer-dist --no-dev - composer dump-autoload --optimize --no-dev --classmap-authoritative # - if [ ! -z ${ZANATA_CONFIG_FRAMABOT+x} ]; then mkdir -p ${HOME}/.config; echo -e "${ZANATA_CONFIG_FRAMABOT}" > ${HOME}/.config/zanata.ini; fi # - if [ ! -z ${ZANATA_CONFIG_FRAMABOT+x} ]; then make pull-locales; fi - mkdir .public - cp -r * .public - cp -r .git .public - mv .public public - mkdir "${HOME}/.ssh" - chmod 700 "${HOME}/.ssh" - if [ ! -z ${DEPLOYEMENT_KNOWN_HOSTS+x} ]; then echo -e "${DEPLOYEMENT_KNOWN_HOSTS}" > ${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts; fi - eval `ssh-agent -s` - if [ ! -z ${BETA_KEY+x} ]; then ssh-add <(echo "${BETA_KEY}" | base64 --decode -i); fi - if [ ! -z ${BETA_KEY+x} ]; then rsync -a --delete --exclude admin/.stdout.log --exclude admin/.htpasswd --exclude app/inc/config.php --exclude stats/ --exclude error/ public/ ${BETA_USER}@${DEPLOYEMENT_HOST}:../../web/; fi only: - develop # Deploy on funky funky: stage: funky script: - git checkout funky - composer install - mkdir tpl_c - mkdir .public - cp -r * .public - mv .public public - mkdir "${HOME}/.ssh" - chmod 700 "${HOME}/.ssh" - if [ ! -z ${DEPLOYEMENT_KNOWN_HOSTS+x} ]; then echo -e "${DEPLOYEMENT_KNOWN_HOSTS}" > ${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts; fi - eval `ssh-agent -s` - if [ ! -z ${DEPLOYEMENT_KEY+x} ]; then ssh-add <(echo "${DEPLOYEMENT_KEY}" | base64 --decode -i); fi - if [ ! -z ${DEPLOYEMENT_KEY+x} ]; then rsync -a --delete --exclude admin/.stdout.log --exclude admin/.htpasswd --exclude app/inc/config.php --exclude stats/ --exclude error/ public/ ${DEPLOYEMENT_USER}@${DEPLOYEMENT_HOST}:../../web/; fi only: - funky # Push new translations strings to # trads: # stage: deploy # image: framasoft/push-trad:latest # script: # - if [ ! -z ${ZANATA_CONFIG_FRAMABOT+x} ]; then mkdir -p ${HOME}/.config; echo -e "${ZANATA_CONFIG_FRAMABOT}" > ${HOME}/.config/zanata.ini; fi # - if [ ! -z ${ZANATA_CONFIG_FRAMABOT+x} ]; then make push-locales; fi # only: # - develop # - master