239 lines
9.6 KiB

//Université de Strasbourg - Direction Informatique
//Auteur : Guilhem BORGHESI
//Création : Février 2008
//Ce logiciel est régi par la licence CeCILL-B soumise au droit français et
//respectant les principes de diffusion des logiciels libres. Vous pouvez
//utiliser, modifier et/ou redistribuer ce programme sous les conditions
//de la licence CeCILL-B telle que diffusée par le CEA, le CNRS et l'INRIA
//sur le site "".
//Le fait que vous puissiez accéder à cet en-tête signifie que vous avez
//pris connaissance de la licence CeCILL-B, et que vous en avez accepté les
//termes. Vous pouvez trouver une copie de la licence dans le fichier LICENCE.
//Université de Strasbourg - Direction Informatique
//Author : Guilhem BORGHESI
//Creation : Feb 2008
//This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and
//abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
//modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B
//license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
//The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
//knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. You can
//find a copy of this license in the file LICENSE.
if (file_exists('bandeaux_local.php')) {
} else {
//si les variables de session ne sont pas valides, il y a une erreur
if (issetAndNoEmpty('titre', $_SESSION) === false || issetAndNoEmpty('nom', $_SESSION) === false || issetAndNoEmpty('adresse', $_SESSION) === false) {
echo '<!DOCTYPE html>'."\n";
echo '<html lang="'.$lang.'">'."\n";
echo '<head>'."\n";
echo '<meta charset="utf-8">'."\n";
echo '<title>'._("Error!").' - '.NOMAPPLICATION.'</title>'."\n";
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.get_server_name().'/style.css">'."\n";
echo '</head>'."\n";
echo '<body>'."\n";
echo '<div class="corpscentre">'."\n";
print "<h2>" . _("You haven't filled the first section of the poll creation.") . " !</h2>"."\n";
print "" . _("Back to the homepage of ") . " <a href=\"".get_server_name()."\"> ".NOMAPPLICATION."</a>."."\n";
echo '</div>'."\n";
//bandeau de pied
echo '</body>'."\n";
echo '</html>'."\n";
} else {
//partie creation du sondage dans la base SQL
//On prépare les données pour les inserer dans la base
$erreur = false;
$testdate = true;
$date_selected = '';
if (isset($_POST["confirmecreation"]) || isset($_POST["confirmecreation_x"])) {
//recuperation des données de champs textes
$toutchoix = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $_SESSION["nbrecases"] + 1; $i++) {
if (isset($_POST["choix"]) && issetAndNoEmpty($i, $_POST["choix"])) {
$toutchoix.=str_replace(",", " ", htmlentities(html_entity_decode($_POST["choix"][$i], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
if (issetAndNoEmpty('champdatefin')) {
if (is_array($registredate) === false || count($registredate) !== 3) {
$testdate = false;
$date_selected = $_POST["champdatefin"];
} else {
$time = mktime(0,0,0,$registredate[1],$registredate[0],$registredate[2]);
if ($time === false || date('d/m/Y', $time) !== $_POST["champdatefin"]) {
$testdate = false;
$date_selected = $_POST["champdatefin"];
} else {
if (mktime(0,0,0,$registredate[1],$registredate[0],$registredate[2]) > time() + 250000) {
} else {
if ($testdate === true) {
//format du sondage AUTRE
} else {
$_POST["fin_sondage_autre"] = 'ok';
// recuperation des sujets pour sondage AUTRE
$erreur_injection = false;
if (isset($_SESSION["nbrecases"])) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $_SESSION["nbrecases"]; $i++) {
if (isset($_POST["choix"]) && isset($_POST["choix"][$i])) {
$_SESSION["choix$i"]=htmlentities(html_entity_decode($_POST["choix"][$i], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
} else { //nombre de cases par défaut
if (isset($_POST["ajoutcases"]) || isset($_POST["ajoutcases_x"])) {
if( ($testremplissage != "ok" && (isset($_POST["fin_sondage_autre"]) || isset($_POST["fin_sondage_autre_x"]))) || ($testdate === false) || ($erreur_injection) ) {
// S'il y a des erreurs
print_header(false, _("Error!") .' - '. _("Poll subjects (2 on 2)"));
} else {
print_header(false, _("Poll subjects (2 on 2)"));
echo '<body>'."\n";
echo '<form name="formulaire" action="#bas" method="POST" onkeypress="javascript:process_keypress(event)">'."\n";
bandeau_titre(_("Poll subjects (2 on 2)"));
echo '<div class="corps">'."\n";
echo '<p>'. _("Your poll aim is to make a choice between different subjects.<br>Enter the subjects to vote for:") .'</p>'."\n";
echo '<table>'."\n";
//affichage des cases texte de formulaire
for ($i = 0; $i < $_SESSION["nbrecases"]; $i++) {
$j = $i + 1;
if (isset($_SESSION["choix$i"]) === false) {
$_SESSION["choix$i"] = '';
echo '<tr><td><label for="choix'.$i.'">'. _("Choice") .' '.$j.'</label> : </td><td><input type="text" name="choix[]" size="40" maxlength="40" value="'.str_replace("\\","",$_SESSION["choix$i"]).'" id="choix'.$i.'"></td></tr>'."\n";
echo '</table>'."\n";
//focus javascript sur premiere case
echo '<script type="text/javascript">'."\n";
echo 'document.formulaire.choix0.focus();'."\n";
echo '</script>'."\n";
//ajout de cases supplementaires
echo '<table><tr>'."\n";
echo '<td>'. _("5 choices more") .'</td><td><input type="image" alt="'. _("5 choices more").'" name="ajoutcases" value="Retour" src="'.get_server_name().'images/add-16.png"></td>'."\n";
echo '</tr></table>'."\n";
//echo '<table><tr>'."\n";
//echo '<td>'. _("Next") .'</td><td><input type="image" name="fin_sondage_autre" value="Cr&eacute;er le sondage" src="images/next-32.png"></td>'."\n";
//echo '</tr></table>'."\n";
if (!isset($_POST["fin_sondage_autre_x"])) {
echo '<button name="fin_sondage_autre_x" value="'._('Next').'" type="submit" class="button green poursuivre"><strong>'. _('Next') . '</strong> </button>';
echo '<div style="clear:both"></div>';
//test de remplissage des cases
$testremplissage = '';
for ($i=0;$i<$_SESSION["nbrecases"];$i++) {
if (isset($_POST["choix"]) && issetAndNoEmpty($i, $_POST["choix"])) {
//message d'erreur si aucun champ renseigné
if ($testremplissage != "ok" && (isset($_POST["fin_sondage_autre"]) || isset($_POST["fin_sondage_autre_x"]))) {
print "<p class=\"error\">" . _("Enter at least one choice") . "</p>"."\n";
$erreur = true;
//message d'erreur si mauvaise date
if ($testdate === false) {
print "<p class=\"error\">" . _("Date must be have the format DD/MM/YYYY") . "</p>"."\n";
if ($erreur_injection) {
print "<p class=\"error\">" . _("Characters \" < and > are not permitted") . "</p>\n";
if ((isset($_POST["fin_sondage_autre"]) || isset($_POST["fin_sondage_autre_x"])) && !$erreur && !$erreur_injection) {
//demande de la date de fin du sondage
echo '<div class=presentationdatefin>'."\n";
echo '<p>'. _("Your poll will be automatically removed after 6 months.<br> You can fix another removal date for it.") .'</p>'."\n";
echo '<label for="champdatefin">'. _("Removal date (optional)") .'</label> : <input type="text" class="champdatefin" id="champdatefin" aria-describedby="dateformat" name="champdatefin" value="'.$date_selected.'" size="10" maxlength="10"> <span id="dateformat">'. _("(DD/MM/YYYY)") .'</span>'."\n";
echo '</div>'."\n";
echo '<div class=presentationdatefin>'."\n";
echo '<p class="error">'. _("Once you have confirmed the creation of your poll, you will be automatically redirected on the page of your poll. <br><br>Then, you will receive quickly an email contening the link to your poll for sending it to the voters.").'</p>'."\n";
echo '</div>'."\n";
//echo '<table>'."\n";
//echo '<tr><td>'. _("Create the poll") .'</td><td><input type="image" name="confirmecreation" value="Valider la cr&eacute;ation"i src="images/add.png"></td></tr>'."\n";
//echo '</table>'."\n";
echo '<button name="confirmecreation" value="confirmecreation" type="submit" class="button green poursuivre margin-top"><strong>'. _('Make a poll') . '</strong> </button>';
echo '<div style="clear:both"></div>';
//fin du formulaire et bandeau de pied
echo '</form>'."\n";
echo '<a id=bas></a>'."\n";
echo '</div>'."\n";
//bandeau de pied
echo '</body>'."\n";
echo '</html>'."\n";