2015-10-29 11:52:13 +01:00

154 lines
6.0 KiB

* This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license. If a copy of this license
* is not distributed with this file, you can obtain one at
* Authors of STUdS (initial project): Guilhem BORGHESI ( and Raphaël DROZ
* Authors of Framadate/OpenSondate: Framasoft (
* =============================
* Ce logiciel est régi par la licence CeCILL-B. Si une copie de cette licence
* ne se trouve pas avec ce fichier vous pouvez l'obtenir sur
* Auteurs de STUdS (projet initial) : Guilhem BORGHESI ( et Raphaël DROZ
* Auteurs de Framadate/OpenSondage : Framasoft (
use Framadate\Services\LogService;
use Framadate\Services\PollService;
use Framadate\Services\InputService;
use Framadate\Services\MailService;
use Framadate\Services\NotificationService;
use Framadate\Message;
use Framadate\Utils;
use Framadate\Editable;
include_once __DIR__ . '/app/inc/init.php';
/* Variables */
/* --------- */
$poll_id = null;
$poll = null;
$message = null;
$editingVoteId = 0;
/* Services */
$logService = new LogService();
$pollService = new PollService($connect, $logService);
$inputService = new InputService();
$mailService = new MailService($config['use_smtp']);
$notificationService = new NotificationService($mailService);
/* PAGE */
/* ---- */
if (!empty($_GET['poll'])) {
$poll_id = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'poll', FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => POLL_REGEX]]);
if (strlen($poll_id) === 16) {
$poll = $pollService->findById($poll_id);
if (!$poll) {
$smarty->assign('error', __('Error', 'This poll doesn\'t exist !'));
// -------------------------------
// A vote is going to be edited
// -------------------------------
if (!empty($_GET['vote'])) {
$editingVoteId = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'vote', FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => POLL_REGEX]]);
// -------------------------------
// Something to save (edit or add)
// -------------------------------
if (!empty($_POST['save'])) { // Save edition of an old vote
$name = $inputService->filterName($_POST['name']);
$editedVote = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'save', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
$choices = $inputService->filterArray($_POST['choices'], FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => CHOICE_REGEX]]);
if (empty($editedVote)) {
$message = new Message('danger', __('Error', 'Something is going wrong...'));
if (count($choices) != count($_POST['choices'])) {
$message = new Message('danger', __('Error', 'There is a problem with your choices'));
if ($message == null) {
// Update vote
$result = $pollService->updateVote($poll_id, $editedVote, $name, $choices);
if ($result) {
if ($poll->editable == Editable::EDITABLE_BY_OWN) {
$editedVoteUniqId = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'edited_vote', FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => POLL_REGEX]]);
$urlEditVote = Utils::getUrlSondage($poll_id, false, $editedVoteUniqId);
$message = new Message('success', __('studs', 'Your vote has been registered successfully, but be careful: regarding this poll options, you need to keep this personal link to edit your own vote:'), $urlEditVote);
} else {
$message = new Message('success', __('studs', 'Update vote succeeded'));
$notificationService->sendUpdateNotification($poll, NotificationService::UPDATE_VOTE, $name);
} else {
$message = new Message('danger', __('Error', 'Update vote failed'));
} elseif (isset($_POST['save'])) { // Add a new vote
$name = $inputService->filterName($_POST['name']);
$choices = $inputService->filterArray($_POST['choices'], FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => CHOICE_REGEX]]);
if ($name == null) {
$message = new Message('danger', __('Error', 'The name is invalid.'));
if (count($choices) != count($_POST['choices'])) {
$message = new Message('danger', __('Error', 'There is a problem with your choices'));
if ($message == null) {
// Add vote
$result = $pollService->addVote($poll_id, $name, $choices);
if ($result) {
if ($poll->editable == Editable::EDITABLE_BY_OWN) {
$urlEditVote = Utils::getUrlSondage($poll_id, false, $result->uniqId);
$message = new Message('success', __('studs', 'Your vote has been registered successfully, but be careful: regarding this poll options, you need to keep this personal link to edit your own vote:'), $urlEditVote);
} else {
$message = new Message('success', __('studs', 'Adding the vote succeeded'));
$notificationService->sendUpdateNotification($poll, NotificationService::ADD_VOTE, $name);
} else {
$message = new Message('danger', __('Error', 'Adding vote failed'));
// Retrieve data
$slots = $pollService->allSlotsByPoll($poll);
$votes = $pollService->allVotesByPollId($poll_id);
$comments = $pollService->allCommentsByPollId($poll_id);
// Assign data to template
$smarty->assign('poll_id', $poll_id);
$smarty->assign('poll', $poll);
$smarty->assign('title', __('Generic', 'Poll') . ' - ' . $poll->title);
$smarty->assign('expired', strtotime($poll->end_date) < time());
$smarty->assign('deletion_date', strtotime($poll->end_date) + PURGE_DELAY * 86400);
$smarty->assign('slots', $poll->format === 'D' ? $pollService->splitSlots($slots) : $slots);
$smarty->assign('votes', $pollService->splitVotes($votes));
$smarty->assign('best_choices', $pollService->computeBestChoices($votes));
$smarty->assign('comments', $comments);
$smarty->assign('editingVoteId', $editingVoteId);
$smarty->assign('message', $message);
$smarty->assign('admin', false);
$smarty->assign('hidden', $poll->hidden);