Thomas Citharel ff47a21ac2 Check that conditions on valueMax are acceptable before adding the vote
Handles people voting when the answers valueMax has been reached by someone else in the background

Signed-off-by: Thomas Citharel <>
2018-02-20 16:47:10 +01:00

242 lines
10 KiB

* This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license. If a copy of this license
* is not distributed with this file, you can obtain one at
* Authors of STUdS (initial project): Guilhem BORGHESI ( and Raphaël DROZ
* Authors of Framadate/OpenSondage: Framasoft (
* =============================
* Ce logiciel est régi par la licence CeCILL-B. Si une copie de cette licence
* ne se trouve pas avec ce fichier vous pouvez l'obtenir sur
* Auteurs de STUdS (projet initial) : Guilhem BORGHESI ( et Raphaël DROZ
* Auteurs de Framadate/OpenSondage : Framasoft (
use Framadate\Editable;
use Framadate\Exception\AlreadyExistsException;
use Framadate\Exception\ConcurrentEditionException;
use Framadate\Exception\ConcurrentVoteException;
use Framadate\Message;
use Framadate\Security\Token;
use Framadate\Services\InputService;
use Framadate\Services\LogService;
use Framadate\Services\MailService;
use Framadate\Services\NotificationService;
use Framadate\Services\PollService;
use Framadate\Services\SecurityService;
use Framadate\Services\SessionService;
use Framadate\Utils;
include_once __DIR__ . '/app/inc/init.php';
/* Constantes */
/* ---------- */
const USER_REMEMBER_VOTES_KEY = 'UserVotes';
/* Variables */
/* --------- */
$poll_id = null;
$poll = null;
$message = null;
$editingVoteId = 0;
$accessGranted = true;
$resultPubliclyVisible = true;
$slots = [];
$votes = [];
$comments = [];
/* Services */
$logService = new LogService();
$pollService = new PollService($connect, $logService);
$inputService = new InputService();
$mailService = new MailService($config['use_smtp']);
$notificationService = new NotificationService($mailService);
$securityService = new SecurityService();
$sessionService = new SessionService();
/* PAGE */
/* ---- */
if (!empty($_GET['poll'])) {
$poll_id = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'poll', FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => POLL_REGEX]]);
$poll = $pollService->findById($poll_id);
if (!$poll) {
$smarty->assign('error', __('Error', 'This poll doesn\'t exist !'));
$editedVoteUniqueId = $sessionService->get(USER_REMEMBER_VOTES_KEY, $poll_id, '');
// -------------------------------
// Password verification
// -------------------------------
if (!is_null($poll->password_hash)) {
// If we came from password submission
$password = isset($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : null;
if (!empty($password)) {
$securityService->submitPollAccess($poll, $password);
if (!$securityService->canAccessPoll($poll)) {
$accessGranted = false;
$resultPubliclyVisible = $poll->results_publicly_visible;
if (!$accessGranted && !empty($password)) {
$message = new Message('danger', __('Password', 'Wrong password'));
} else if (!$accessGranted && !$resultPubliclyVisible) {
$message = new Message('danger', __('Password', 'You have to provide a password to access the poll.'));
} else if (!$accessGranted && $resultPubliclyVisible) {
$message = new Message('danger', __('Password', 'You have to provide a password so you can participate to the poll.'));
// We allow actions only if access is granted
if ($accessGranted) {
// -------------------------------
// A vote is going to be edited
// -------------------------------
if (!empty($_GET['vote'])) {
$editingVoteId = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'vote', FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => POLL_REGEX]]);
// -------------------------------
// Something to save (edit or add)
// -------------------------------
if (!empty($_POST['save'])) { // Save edition of an old vote
$name = $inputService->filterName($_POST['name']);
$editedVote = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'save', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
$choices = $inputService->filterArray($_POST['choices'], FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => CHOICE_REGEX]]);
$slots_hash = $inputService->filterMD5($_POST['control']);
if (empty($editedVote)) {
$message = new Message('danger', __('Error', 'Something is going wrong...'));
if (count($choices) !== count($_POST['choices'])) {
$message = new Message('danger', __('Error', 'There is a problem with your choices'));
if ($message === null) {
// Update vote
try {
$result = $pollService->updateVote($poll_id, $editedVote, $name, $choices, $slots_hash);
if ($result) {
if ($poll->editable === Editable::EDITABLE_BY_OWN) {
$editedVoteUniqueId = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'edited_vote', FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => POLL_REGEX]]);
$message = getMessageForOwnVoteEditableVote($sessionService, $smarty, $editedVoteUniqueId, $config['use_smtp'], $poll_id, $name);
} else {
$message = new Message('success', __('studs', 'Update vote succeeded'));
$notificationService->sendUpdateNotification($poll, NotificationService::UPDATE_VOTE, $name);
} else {
$message = new Message('danger', __('Error', 'Update vote failed'));
} catch (ConcurrentEditionException $cee) {
$message = new Message('danger', __('Error', 'Poll has been updated before you vote'));
} catch (ConcurrentVoteException $cve) {
$message = new Message('danger', __('Error', "Your vote wasn't counted, because someone voted in the meantime and it conflicted with your choices and the poll conditions. Please retry."));
} elseif (isset($_POST['save'])) { // Add a new vote
$name = $inputService->filterName($_POST['name']);
$choices = $inputService->filterArray($_POST['choices'], FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => CHOICE_REGEX]]);
$slots_hash = $inputService->filterMD5($_POST['control']);
if ($name === null) {
$message = new Message('danger', __('Error', 'The name is invalid.'));
if (count($choices) !== count($_POST['choices'])) {
$message = new Message('danger', __('Error', 'There is a problem with your choices'));
if ($message === null) {
// Add vote
try {
$result = $pollService->addVote($poll_id, $name, $choices, $slots_hash);
if ($result) {
if ($poll->editable === Editable::EDITABLE_BY_OWN) {
$editedVoteUniqueId = $result->uniqId;
$message = getMessageForOwnVoteEditableVote($sessionService, $smarty, $editedVoteUniqueId, $config['use_smtp'], $poll_id, $name);
} else {
$message = new Message('success', __('studs', 'Adding the vote succeeded'));
$notificationService->sendUpdateNotification($poll, NotificationService::ADD_VOTE, $name);
} else {
$message = new Message('danger', __('Error', 'Adding vote failed'));
} catch (AlreadyExistsException $aee) {
$message = new Message('danger', __('Error', 'You already voted'));
} catch (ConcurrentEditionException $cee) {
$message = new Message('danger', __('Error', 'Poll has been updated before you vote'));
} catch (ConcurrentVoteException $cve) {
$message = new Message('danger', __('Error', "Your vote wasn't counted, because someone voted in the meantime and it conflicted with your choices and the poll conditions. Please retry."));
// Functions
function getMessageForOwnVoteEditableVote(SessionService &$sessionService, Smarty &$smarty, $editedVoteUniqueId, $canUseSMTP, $poll_id, $name) {
$sessionService->set(USER_REMEMBER_VOTES_KEY, $poll_id, $editedVoteUniqueId);
$urlEditVote = Utils::getUrlSondage($poll_id, false, $editedVoteUniqueId);
$message = new Message(
__('studs', 'Your vote has been registered successfully, but be careful: regarding this poll options, you need to keep this personal link to edit your own vote:'),
__f('Poll results', 'Edit the line: %s', $name),
if ($canUseSMTP) {
$token = new Token();
$sessionService->set("Common", SESSION_EDIT_LINK_TOKEN, $token);
$smarty->assign('editedVoteUniqueId', $editedVoteUniqueId);
$smarty->assign('token', $token->getValue());
$smarty->assign('poll_id', $poll_id);
$message->includeTemplate = $smarty->fetch('part/form_remember_edit_link.tpl');
return $message;
// Retrieve data
if ($resultPubliclyVisible || $accessGranted) {
$slots = $pollService->allSlotsByPoll($poll);
$votes = $pollService->allVotesByPollId($poll_id);
$comments = $pollService->allCommentsByPollId($poll_id);
// Assign data to template
$smarty->assign('poll_id', $poll_id);
$smarty->assign('poll', $poll);
$smarty->assign('title', __('Generic', 'Poll') . ' - ' . $poll->title);
$smarty->assign('expired', strtotime($poll->end_date) < time());
$smarty->assign('deletion_date', strtotime($poll->end_date) + PURGE_DELAY * 86400);
$smarty->assign('slots', $poll->format === 'D' ? $pollService->splitSlots($slots) : $slots);
$smarty->assign('slots_hash', $pollService->hashSlots($slots));
$smarty->assign('votes', $pollService->splitVotes($votes));
$smarty->assign('best_choices', $pollService->computeBestChoices($votes));
$smarty->assign('comments', $comments);
$smarty->assign('editingVoteId', $editingVoteId);
$smarty->assign('message', $message);
$smarty->assign('admin', false);
$smarty->assign('hidden', $poll->hidden);
$smarty->assign('accessGranted', $accessGranted);
$smarty->assign('resultPubliclyVisible', $resultPubliclyVisible);
$smarty->assign('editedVoteUniqueId', $editedVoteUniqueId);
$smarty->assign('ValueMax', $poll->ValueMax);