Thomas Citharel 7134581535
Fix ValueMax validation and improve error messages for username format
Closes #295
New translation strings
Check that ValueMax is >= 1
Show details if error in advanced settings
Correctly show error message for ValueMax
Make email field an email one
Make username, email (if smtp of course) and title required html inputs

Signed-off-by: Thomas Citharel <>
2018-03-29 12:54:48 +02:00

306 lines
12 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

* This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license. If a copy of this license
* is not distributed with this file, you can obtain one at
* Authors of STUdS (initial project): Guilhem BORGHESI ( and Rapha<68>l DROZ
* Authors of Framadate/OpenSondage: Framasoft (
* =============================
* Ce logiciel est r<>gi par la licence CeCILL-B. Si une copie de cette licence
* ne se trouve pas avec ce fichier vous pouvez l'obtenir sur
* Auteurs de STUdS (projet initial) : Guilhem BORGHESI ( et Rapha<68>l DROZ
* Auteurs de Framadate/OpenSondage : Framasoft (
use Framadate\Form;
use Framadate\Repositories\RepositoryFactory;
use Framadate\Security\PasswordHasher;
use Framadate\Services\InputService;
use Framadate\Utils;
include_once __DIR__ . '/app/inc/init.php';
const GO_TO_STEP_2 = 'gotostep2';
/* Services */
$inputService = new InputService();
$pollRepository = RepositoryFactory::pollRepository();
/* PAGE */
/* ---- */
if (!isset($_SESSION['form'])) {
$_SESSION['form'] = new Form();
// Type de sondage
if (isset($_GET['type']) && $_GET['type'] === 'date' ||
isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] === 'date'
) {
$poll_type = 'date';
$_SESSION['form']->choix_sondage = $poll_type;
} else {
$poll_type = 'classic';
$_SESSION['form']->choix_sondage = $poll_type;
// We clean the data
$goToStep2 = filter_input(INPUT_POST, GO_TO_STEP_2, FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => '/^(date|classic)$/']]);
if ($goToStep2) {
$title = $inputService->filterTitle($_POST['title']);
$use_ValueMax = isset($_POST['use_ValueMax']) ? $inputService->filterBoolean($_POST['use_ValueMax']) : false;
$ValueMax = $use_ValueMax === true ? $inputService->filterValueMax($_POST['ValueMax']) : null;
$use_customized_url = isset($_POST['use_customized_url']) ? $inputService->filterBoolean($_POST['use_customized_url']) : false;
$customized_url = $use_customized_url === true ? $inputService->filterId($_POST['customized_url']) : null;
$name = $inputService->filterName($_POST['name']);
$mail = $config['use_smtp'] === true ? $inputService->filterMail($_POST['mail']) : null;
$description = $inputService->filterDescription($_POST['description']);
$editable = $inputService->filterEditable($_POST['editable']);
$receiveNewVotes = isset($_POST['receiveNewVotes']) ? $inputService->filterBoolean($_POST['receiveNewVotes']) : false;
$receiveNewComments = isset($_POST['receiveNewComments']) ? $inputService->filterBoolean($_POST['receiveNewComments']) : false;
$hidden = isset($_POST['hidden']) ? $inputService->filterBoolean($_POST['hidden']) : false;
$use_password = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'use_password', FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => BOOLEAN_REGEX]]);
$password = isset($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : null;
$password_repeat = isset($_POST['password_repeat']) ? $_POST['password_repeat'] : null;
$results_publicly_visible = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'results_publicly_visible', FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => BOOLEAN_REGEX]]);
// On initialise également les autres variables
$error_on_mail = false;
$error_on_title = false;
$error_on_name = false;
$error_on_description = false;
$error_on_password = false;
$error_on_password_repeat = false;
$error_on_customized_url = false;
$error_on_ValueMax = false;
$_SESSION['form']->title = $title;
$_SESSION['form']->id = $customized_url;
$_SESSION['form']->use_customized_url = $use_customized_url;
$_SESSION['form']->use_ValueMax = $use_ValueMax;
$_SESSION['form']->ValueMax = $ValueMax;
$_SESSION['form']->admin_name = $name;
$_SESSION['form']->admin_mail = $mail;
$_SESSION['form']->description = $description;
$_SESSION['form']->editable = $editable;
$_SESSION['form']->receiveNewVotes = $receiveNewVotes;
$_SESSION['form']->receiveNewComments = $receiveNewComments;
$_SESSION['form']->hidden = $hidden;
$_SESSION['form']->use_password = ($use_password !== null);
$_SESSION['form']->results_publicly_visible = ($results_publicly_visible !== null);
if ($config['use_smtp'] === true && empty($mail)) {
$error_on_mail = true;
if ($title !== $_POST['title']) {
$error_on_title = true;
if ($use_customized_url) {
if ($customized_url === false) {
$error_on_customized_url = true;
} else if ($pollRepository->existsById($customized_url)) {
$error_on_customized_url = true;
$error_on_customized_url_msg = __('Error', 'Poll id already used');
if ($use_ValueMax && $ValueMax === false) {
$error_on_ValueMax = true;
if ($name !== $_POST['name']) {
$error_on_name = true;
if ($description === false) {
$error_on_description = true;
// Si pas d'erreur dans l'adresse alors on change de page vers date ou autre
if ($config['use_smtp'] === true) {
$email_OK = $mail && !$error_on_mail;
} else {
$email_OK = true;
if ($use_password) {
if (empty($password)) {
$error_on_password = true;
} else if ($password !== $password_repeat) {
$error_on_password_repeat = true;
if ($title && $name && $email_OK && !$error_on_title && !$error_on_customized_url && !$error_on_description && !$error_on_name
&& !$error_on_password && !$error_on_password_repeat &&!$error_on_ValueMax
) {
// If no errors, we hash the password if needed
if ($_SESSION['form']->use_password) {
$_SESSION['form']->password_hash = PasswordHasher::hash($password);
} else {
$_SESSION['form']->password_hash = null;
$_SESSION['form']->results_publicly_visible = null;
if ($goToStep2 === 'date') {
if ($goToStep2 === 'classic') {
} else {
// Title Erreur !
$title = __('Error', 'Error!') . ' - ' . __('Step 1', 'Poll creation (1 on 3)');
} else {
// Title OK (formulaire pas encore rempli)
$title = __('Step 1', 'Poll creation (1 on 3)');
// Prepare error messages
$errors = [
'title' => [
'msg' => '',
'aria' => '',
'class' => ''
'customized_url' => [
'msg' => '',
'aria' => '',
'class' => ''
'description' => [
'msg' => '',
'aria' => '',
'class' => ''
'name' => [
'msg' => '',
'aria' => '',
'class' => ''
'email' => [
'msg' => '',
'aria' => '',
'class' => ''
'password' => [
'msg' => '',
'aria' => '',
'class' => ''
'ValueMax' => [
'msg' => '',
'aria' => '',
'class' => ''
'password_repeat' => [
'msg' => '',
'aria' => '',
'class' => ''
if (!empty($_POST[GO_TO_STEP_2])) {
if (empty($_POST['title'])) {
$errors['title']['aria'] = 'aria-describeby="poll_title_error" ';
$errors['title']['class'] = ' has-error';
$errors['title']['msg'] = __('Error', 'Enter a title');
} elseif ($error_on_title) {
$errors['title']['aria'] = 'aria-describeby="poll_title_error" ';
$errors['title']['class'] = ' has-error';
$errors['title']['msg'] = __('Error', 'Something is wrong with the format');
if ($error_on_customized_url) {
$errors['customized_url']['aria'] = 'aria-describeby="customized_url" ';
$errors['customized_url']['class'] = ' has-error';
$errors['customized_url']['msg'] = isset($error_on_customized_url_msg) ? $error_on_customized_url_msg : __('Error', "Something is wrong with the format: customized urls should only consist of alphanumeric characters and hyphens.");
if ($error_on_description) {
$errors['description']['aria'] = 'aria-describeby="poll_comment_error" ';
$errors['description']['class'] = ' has-error';
$errors['description']['msg'] = __('Error', 'Something is wrong with the format');
if (empty($_POST['name'])) {
$errors['name']['aria'] = 'aria-describeby="poll_name_error" ';
$errors['name']['class'] = ' has-error';
$errors['name']['msg'] = __('Error', 'Enter a name');
} elseif ($error_on_name) {
$errors['name']['aria'] = 'aria-describeby="poll_name_error" ';
$errors['name']['class'] = ' has-error';
$errors['name']['msg'] = __('Error', "Something is wrong with the format: name shouldn't have any spaces before or after");
if (empty($_POST['mail'])) {
$errors['email']['aria'] = 'aria-describeby="poll_name_error" ';
$errors['email']['class'] = ' has-error';
$errors['email']['msg'] = __('Error', 'Enter an email address');
} elseif ($error_on_mail) {
$errors['email']['aria'] = 'aria-describeby="poll_email_error" ';
$errors['email']['class'] = ' has-error';
$errors['email']['msg'] = __('Error', 'The address is not correct! You should enter a valid email address (like in order to receive the link to your poll.');
if ($error_on_password) {
$errors['password']['aria'] = 'aria-describeby="poll_password_error" ';
$errors['password']['class'] = ' has-error';
$errors['password']['msg'] = __('Error', 'Password is empty');
if ($error_on_password_repeat) {
$errors['password_repeat']['aria'] = 'aria-describeby="poll_password_repeat_error" ';
$errors['password_repeat']['class'] = ' has-error';
$errors['password_repeat']['msg'] = __('Error', 'Passwords do not match');
if ($error_on_ValueMax) {
$errors['ValueMax']['aria'] = 'aria-describeby="poll_ValueMax" ';
$errors['ValueMax']['class'] = ' has-error';
$errors['ValueMax']['msg'] = __('Error', 'Error on amount of voters limitation : value must be an integer greater than 0');
$useRemoteUser = USE_REMOTE_USER && isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']);
$smarty->assign('title', $title);
$smarty->assign('useRemoteUser', $useRemoteUser);
$smarty->assign('errors', $errors);
$smarty->assign('advanced_errors', $goToStep2 && ($error_on_ValueMax || $error_on_customized_url || $error_on_password || $error_on_password_repeat));
$smarty->assign('use_smtp', $config['use_smtp']);
$smarty->assign('default_to_marldown_editor', $config['markdown_editor_by_default']);
$smarty->assign('goToStep2', GO_TO_STEP_2);
$smarty->assign('poll_type', $poll_type);
$smarty->assign('poll_title', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('title', $_SESSION['form']->title));
$smarty->assign('customized_url', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('customized_url', $_SESSION['form']->id));
$smarty->assign('use_customized_url', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('use_customized_url', $_SESSION['form']->use_customized_url));
$smarty->assign('ValueMax', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('ValueMax', $_SESSION['form']->ValueMax));
$smarty->assign('use_ValueMax', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('use_ValueMax', $_SESSION['form']->use_ValueMax));
$smarty->assign('poll_description', !empty($_POST['description']) ? $_POST['description'] : $_SESSION['form']->description);
$smarty->assign('poll_name', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('name', $_SESSION['form']->admin_name));
$smarty->assign('poll_mail', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('mail', $_SESSION['form']->admin_mail));
$smarty->assign('poll_editable', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('editable', $_SESSION['form']->editable));
$smarty->assign('poll_receiveNewVotes', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('receiveNewVotes', $_SESSION['form']->receiveNewVotes));
$smarty->assign('poll_receiveNewComments', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('receiveNewComments', $_SESSION['form']->receiveNewComments));
$smarty->assign('poll_hidden', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('hidden', $_SESSION['form']->hidden));
$smarty->assign('poll_use_password', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('use_password', $_SESSION['form']->use_password));
$smarty->assign('poll_results_publicly_visible', Utils::fromPostOrDefault('results_publicly_visible', $_SESSION['form']->results_publicly_visible));
$smarty->assign('form', $_SESSION['form']);