/* global window, navigator */ window.LIMITS = { ANON: { MAX_FILE_SIZE: 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 2, MAX_DOWNLOADS: 20, MAX_EXPIRE_SECONDS: 86400 }, MAX_FILE_SIZE: 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 2, MAX_DOWNLOADS: 200, MAX_EXPIRE_SECONDS: 604800, MAX_FILES_PER_ARCHIVE: 32, MAX_ARCHIVES_PER_USER: 32 }; window.DEFAULTS = { DOWNLOAD_COUNTS: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 20, 50, 100, 200], EXPIRE_TIMES_SECONDS: [300, 3600, 86400, 604800], EXPIRE_SECONDS: 3600 }; import choo from 'choo'; import html from 'choo/html'; import Raven from 'raven-js'; import { setApiUrlPrefix } from '../app/api'; import metrics from '../app/metrics'; //import assets from '../common/assets'; import Archive from '../app/archive'; import Header from '../app/ui/header'; import storage from '../app/storage'; import controller from '../app/controller'; import User from './user'; import intents from './stores/intents'; import home from './pages/home'; import upload from './pages/upload'; import share from './pages/share'; import preferences from './pages/preferences'; import error from './pages/error'; import { getTranslator } from '../app/locale'; if (navigator.userAgent === 'Send Android') { setApiUrlPrefix('https://send2.dev.lcip.org'); } const app = choo(); //app.use(state); app.use(metrics); app.use(controller); app.use(intents); function body(main) { return function(state, emit) { /* Disable the preferences menu for now since it is ugly and isn't relevant to the beta function clickPreferences(event) { event.preventDefault(); emit('pushState', '/preferences'); } const menu = html` `; */ return html` ${state.cache(Header, 'header').render()} ${main(state, emit)} `; }; } (async function start() { const translate = await getTranslator('en-US'); app.use(async (state, emitter) => { state.translate = translate; state.capabilities = { account: true }; //TODO state.archive = new Archive(); state.storage = storage; state.user = new User(storage); state.raven = Raven; window.finishLogin = async function(accountInfo) { await state.user.finishLogin(accountInfo); emitter.emit('render'); }; // for debugging window.appState = state; window.appEmit = emitter.emit.bind(emitter); }); app.route('/', body(home)); app.route('/upload', upload); app.route('/share/:id', share); app.route('/preferences', preferences); app.route('/error', error); //app.route('/debugging', require('./pages/debugging').default); // add /api/filelist app.mount('body'); })();