# [![Send](./assets/icon.svg)](https://gitlab.com/timvisee/send/) Send [![Build status on GitLab CI][gitlab-ci-master-badge]][gitlab-ci-link] [![Docker image][docker-image-badge]][docker-image-link] [![Project license][repo-license-badge]](LICENSE) [docker-image-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/docker-latest-blue.svg [docker-image-link]: https://gitlab.com/timvisee/send/container_registry/eyJuYW1lIjoidGltdmlzZWUvc2VuZCIsInRhZ3NfcGF0aCI6Ii90aW12aXNlZS9zZW5kL3JlZ2lzdHJ5L3JlcG9zaXRvcnkvMTQxODUwNC90YWdzP2Zvcm1hdD1qc29uIiwiaWQiOjE0MTg1MDQsImNsZWFudXBfcG9saWN5X3N0YXJ0ZWRfYXQiOm51bGx9 [gitlab-ci-link]: https://gitlab.com/timvisee/send/pipelines [gitlab-ci-master-badge]: https://gitlab.com/timvisee/send/badges/master/pipeline.svg [repo-license-badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/license/timvisee/send.svg Based on Mozilla's [Firefox Send](https://github.com/mozilla/send), with branding removed. **Docs:** [FAQ](docs/faq.md), [Encryption](docs/encryption.md), [Build](docs/build.md), [Docker](docs/docker.md), [Metrics](docs/metrics.md), [More](docs/) --- ## Table of Contents * [What it does](#what-it-does) * [Requirements](#requirements) * [Development](#development) * [Commands](#commands) * [Configuration](#configuration) * [Localization](#localization) * [Contributing](#contributing) * [Testing](#testing) * [Deployment](#deployment) * [Android](#android) * [License](#license) --- ## What it does A file sharing experiment which allows you to send encrypted files to other users. --- ## Requirements - [Node.js 12.x](https://nodejs.org/) - [Redis server](https://redis.io/) (optional for development) - [AWS S3](https://aws.amazon.com/s3/) or compatible service (optional) --- ## Development To start an ephemeral development server, run: ```sh npm install npm start ``` Then, browse to http://localhost:8080 --- ## Commands | Command | Description | |------------------|-------------| | `npm run format` | Formats the frontend and server code using **prettier**. | `npm run lint` | Lints the CSS and JavaScript code. | `npm test` | Runs the suite of mocha tests. | `npm start` | Runs the server in development configuration. | `npm run build` | Builds the production assets. | `npm run prod` | Runs the server in production configuration. --- ## Configuration The server is configured with environment variables. See [server/config.js](server/config.js) for all options and [docs/docker.md](docs/docker.md) for examples. --- ## Localization Send localization is managed via [Pontoon](https://pontoon.mozilla.org/projects/test-pilot-firefox-send/), not direct pull requests to the repository. If you want to fix a typo, add a new language, or simply know more about localization, please get in touch with the [existing localization team](https://pontoon.mozilla.org/teams/) for your language or Mozilla’s [l10n-drivers](https://wiki.mozilla.org/L10n:Mozilla_Team#Mozilla_Corporation) for guidance. see also [docs/localization.md](docs/localization.md) --- ## Contributing Pull requests are always welcome! Feel free to check out the list of ["good first issues"](https://github.com/mozilla/send/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22). --- ## Testing | ENVIRONMENT | URL |-------------|----- | Production | | Stage | | Development | --- ## Deployment see also [docs/deployment.md](docs/deployment.md) --- ## Android The android implementation is contained in the `android` directory, and can be viewed locally for easy testing and editing by running `ANDROID=1 npm start` and then visiting . CSS and image files are located in the `android/app/src/main/assets` directory. --- ## License [Mozilla Public License Version 2.0](LICENSE) ---