const assert = require('assert'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const proxyquire = require('proxyquire'); const conf = require('../server/config.js'); conf.notLocalHost = true; let redisStub = {}; let exists = sinon.stub(); let hget = sinon.stub(); let hmset = sinon.stub(); let expire = sinon.stub(); let del = sinon.stub(); redisStub.createClient = function() { return { on: sinon.spy(), exists: exists, hget: hget, hmset: hmset, expire: expire, del: del } } let fsStub = {}; fsStub.statSync = sinon.stub(); fsStub.createReadStream = sinon.stub(); fsStub.createWriteStream = sinon.stub(); fsStub.unlinkSync = sinon.stub(); let logStub = {}; = sinon.stub(); logStub.error = sinon.stub(); let s3Stub = {}; s3Stub.headObject = sinon.stub(); s3Stub.getObject = sinon.stub(); s3Stub.upload = sinon.stub(); s3Stub.deleteObject = sinon.stub(); let awsStub = { S3: function() { return s3Stub; } } const storage = proxyquire('../server/storage', { 'redis': redisStub, 'fs': fsStub, './log.js': function() { return logStub }, 'aws-sdk': awsStub }); describe('Testing Length using aws', function() { it('Filesize returns properly if id exists', function() { s3Stub.headObject.callsArgWith(1, null, {ContentLength: 1}); return storage.length('123') .then(reply => assert(reply === 1)) .catch(err => }) it('Filesize fails if the id does not exist', function() { s3Stub.headObject.callsArgWith(1, new Error(), null); return storage.length('123') .then(reply => .catch(err => assert(1)) }) }); describe('Testing Get using aws', function() { it('Should not error out when the file exists', function() { s3Stub.getObject.returns({ createReadStream: function() { return 1; } }); assert(storage.get('123') === 1); }) it('Should error when the file does not exist', function() { s3Stub.getObject.returns({ createReadStream: function() { return null; } }); assert(storage.get('123') === null); }) }); describe('Testing Set using aws', function() { it('Should pass when the file is successfully uploaded and no bitly key', function() { conf.bitly_key = null; s3Stub.upload.callsArgWith(1, null, {}); return storage.set('123', {}, 'Filename.moz', '') .then(reply => assert(reply.url === '' && reply.uuid !== null)) .catch(err =>; }) it('Should fail if there was an error during uploading', function() { s3Stub.upload.callsArgWith(1, new Error(), null); return storage.set('123', {}, 'Filename.moz', '') .then(reply => .catch(err => assert(1)); }) }); describe('Testing Delete from aws', function() { it('Returns successfully if the id is deleted off aws', function() { hget.callsArgWith(2, null, 'delete_token'); s3Stub.deleteObject.callsArgWith(1, null, {}); return storage.delete('file_id', 'delete_token') .then(reply => assert(1), err => }) it('Delete fails if id exists locally but does not in aws', function() { hget.callsArgWith(2, null, 'delete_token'); s3Stub.deleteObject.callsArgWith(1, new Error(), {}); return storage.delete('file_id', 'delete_token') .then(reply =>, err => assert(1)) }) it('Delete fails if the delete token does not match', function() { hget.callsArgWith(2, null, {}); return storage.delete('Filename.moz', 'delete_token') .then(reply => .catch(reply => assert(1)) }) }); describe('Testing Forced Delete from aws', function() { it('Deletes properly if id exists', function() { s3Stub.deleteObject.callsArgWith(1, null, {}); return storage.forceDelete('file_id', 'delete_token') .then(reply => assert(1), err =>; }) it('Deletes fails if id does not exist', function() { s3Stub.deleteObject.callsArgWith(1, new Error(), {}); return storage.forceDelete('file_id') .then(reply =>, err => assert(1)) }) })