# Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. title = Firefox Send siteFeedback = Tay tina ipanpa importingFile = Mukalaktia nemi… encryptingFile = Kisenhinaya nemi… decryptingFile = Kiajsimati nemi… downloadCount = { $num -> [one] temultijtuk *[other] { $num } temultijtuk } timespanHours = { $num -> [one] oraj *[other] { $num } oraj } copiedUrl = Muishkupintuk! unlockInputPlaceholder = Taketzalis ichtaka unlockButtonLabel = Shikishtapu downloadButtonLabel = Shiktemulti downloadFinish = Shiktemulti muchi fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } pak { $totalSize }) sendYourFilesLink = Shikwi Firefox Send errorPageHeader = Te yajki yek! fileTooBig = Ne tajkwilul sea wey pal tiktejkultia. Shiktemulti { $size } ush ukchikitik. linkExpiredAlt = Ilpika teuk yek notSupportedHeader = Ne taiwan titajtachia te weli tikpalewiat notSupportedLink = Taika ne taiwan nitajtachia tesu weli kipalewiat? notSupportedOutdatedDetail = Ini versión ipal Firefox tesu kipalewia ne tecnologíaj web kiyulitia Firefox Send. Nemi pal tikyanwkilia ne taiwan titajtachia. updateFirefox = Shikyankwili Firefox deletePopupCancel = Shilwi tesu deleteButtonHover = Shikpulu footerLinkLegal = Ipanpa ne tajtuli footerLinkPrivacy = Ne mupal ichtaka footerLinkCookies = Cookies passwordTryAgain = Ne taketzalis ichtaka tesu yek. Shikejeku uksenpa. javascriptRequired = Firefox Send kineki JavaScript whyJavascript = Taika Firefox kineki JavaScript? enableJavascript = Shichiwa ma JavaScript tekiti wan shikejeku uksenpa. # A short representation of a countdown timer containing the number of hours and minutes remaining as digits, example "13h 47m" expiresHoursMinutes = { $hours }h { $minutes }m # A short representation of a countdown timer containing the number of minutes remaining as digits, example "56m" expiresMinutes = { $minutes }m ## Send version 2 strings # Firefox Send, Send, Firefox, Mozilla are proper names and should not be localized -send-brand = Firefox Send -send-short-brand = Shiktitani -firefox = Firefox -mozilla = Mozilla introTitle = Te uij wan ichtaka tikmajmaka se amat.