const FileSender = window.FileSender; const FileReceiver = window.FileReceiver; const FakeFile = window.FakeFile; const assert = window.assert; const server = window.server; const b64ToArray = window.b64ToArray; const sinon = window.sinon; let file; let encryptedIV; let secretKey; let originalBlob; describe('File Sender', function() { before(function() { server.respondImmediately = true; server.respondWith('POST', '/upload', function(request) { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsArrayBuffer(request.requestBody.get('data')); reader.onload = function(event) { file = this.result; }; const responseObj = JSON.parse(request.requestHeaders['X-File-Metadata']); request.respond( 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, JSON.stringify({ url: 'some url', id:, delete: responseObj.delete }) ); }); }); it('Should get a loading event emission', function() { const file = new FakeFile('hello_world.txt', ['This is some data.']); const fs = new FileSender(file); let testLoading = true; fs.on('loading', isStillLoading => { assert(!(!testLoading && isStillLoading)); testLoading = isStillLoading; }); return fs .upload() .then(info => { assert(info); assert(!testLoading); }) .catch(err => { console.log(err, err.stack);; }); }); it('Should get a encrypting event emission', function() { const file = new FakeFile('hello_world.txt', ['This is some data.']); const fs = new FileSender(file); let testEncrypting = true; fs.on('encrypting', isStillEncrypting => { assert(!(!testEncrypting && isStillEncrypting)); testEncrypting = isStillEncrypting; }); return fs .upload() .then(info => { assert(info); assert(!testEncrypting); }) .catch(err => { console.log(err, err.stack);; }); }); it('Should encrypt a file properly', function(done) { const newFile = new FakeFile('hello_world.txt', ['This is some data.']); const fs = new FileSender(newFile); fs.upload().then(info => { const key = info.secretKey; secretKey = info.secretKey; const IV = info.fileId; encryptedIV = info.fileId; const readRaw = new FileReader(); readRaw.onload = function(event) { const rawArray = new Uint8Array(this.result); originalBlob = rawArray; window.crypto.subtle .importKey( 'jwk', { kty: 'oct', k: key, alg: 'A128GCM', ext: true }, { name: 'AES-GCM' }, true, ['encrypt', 'decrypt'] ) .then(cryptoKey => { window.crypto.subtle .encrypt( { name: 'AES-GCM', iv: b64ToArray(IV), tagLength: 128 }, cryptoKey, rawArray ) .then(encrypted => { assert( new Uint8Array(encrypted).toString() === new Uint8Array(file).toString() ); done(); }); }); }; readRaw.readAsArrayBuffer(newFile); }); }); }); describe('File Receiver', function() { class FakeXHR { constructor() { this.response = file; this.status = 200; } static setup() { = sinon.spy(); FakeXHR.prototype.send = function() { this.onload(); }; FakeXHR.prototype.originalXHR = window.XMLHttpRequest; FakeXHR.prototype.getResponseHeader = function() { return JSON.stringify({ filename: 'hello_world.txt', id: encryptedIV }); }; window.XMLHttpRequest = FakeXHR; } static restore() { // originalXHR is a sinon FakeXMLHttpRequest, since // fakeServer.create() is called in frontend.bundle.js window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.originalXHR.restore(); } } const cb = function(done) { if ( file === undefined || encryptedIV === undefined || secretKey === undefined ) { 'Please run file sending tests before trying to receive the files.' ); done(); } FakeXHR.setup(); done(); }; before(cb); after(function() { FakeXHR.restore(); }); it('Should decrypt properly', function() { const fr = new FileReceiver(); location.hash = secretKey; return fr .download() .then(([decrypted, name]) => { assert(name); assert( new Uint8Array(decrypted).toString() === new Uint8Array(originalBlob).toString() ); }) .catch(err => { console.log(err, err.stack);; }); }); it('Should emit decrypting events', function() { const fr = new FileReceiver(); location.hash = secretKey; let testDecrypting = true; fr.on('decrypting', isStillDecrypting => { assert(!(!testDecrypting && isStillDecrypting)); testDecrypting = isStillDecrypting; }); return fr .download() .then(([decrypted, name]) => { assert(decrypted); assert(name); assert(!testDecrypting); }) .catch(err => { console.log(err, err.stack);; }); }); });