// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. title = Firefox Send siteSubtitle = 網頁實驗 siteFeedback = 意見回饋 uploadPageLearnMore = 了解更多 uploadPageBrowseButton = 選擇您電腦上的檔案 .title = 選擇您電腦上的檔案 uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = 上傳檔案 uploadingPageHeader = 正在上傳檔案 importingFile = 匯入中… verifyingFile = 驗證中… encryptingFile = 加密中… decryptingFile = 解密中… notifyUploadDone = 已完成上傳。 uploadingPageCancel = 取消上傳 .title = 取消上傳 uploadCancelNotification = 已取消上傳。 uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = 準備好傳送 uploadSvgAlt .alt = 上傳 // Note: Title text for button should be the same. copyUrlFormButton = 複製到剪貼簿 .title = 複製到剪貼簿 copiedUrl = 已複製! // Note: Title text for button should be the same. deleteFileButton = 刪除檔案 .title = 刪除檔案 // Note: Title text for button should be the same. sendAnotherFileLink = 傳送另一個檔案 .title = 傳送另一個檔案 // Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action). downloadAltText .alt = 下載 downloadFileName = 下載 { $filename } downloadFileSize = ({ $size }) // Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action). downloadButtonLabel = 下載 .title = 下載 downloadNotification = 下載完成。 downloadFinish = 下載完成 // Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same. sendYourFilesLink = 試用 Firefox Send .title = 試用 Firefox Send downloadingPageProgress = 正在下載 { $filename }({ $size }) errorAltText .alt = 上傳錯誤 errorPageHeader = 有些東西不對勁! errorPageLink = 傳送另一個檔案 linkExpiredAlt .alt = 鏈結已過期 downloadFirefoxButtonSub = 免費下載 uploadedFile = 檔案 copyFileList = 複製網址 deleteFileList = 刪除 nevermindButton = 沒關係 deleteButtonHover .title = 刪除 copyUrlHover .title = 複製網址 legalHeader = 使用條款及隱私權 deletePopupText = 真的要刪除這個檔案嗎? deletePopupYes = 好的,刪除 deletePopupCancel = 不要刪除 deleteButtonHover .title = 刪除 copyUrlHover .title = 複製網址 footerLinkLegal = 法律資訊 // Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized. footerLinkAbout = 關於 Test Pilot footerLinkPrivacy = 隱私權 footerLinkTerms = 使用條款 footerLinkCookies = Cookie