const crypto = require('crypto'); const storage = require('../storage'); const config = require('../config'); const mozlog = require('../log'); const Limiter = require('../limiter'); const { encryptedSize } = require('../../app/utils'); const log = mozlog('send.upload'); module.exports = async function(req, res) { const newId = crypto.randomBytes(8).toString('hex'); const metadata = req.header('X-File-Metadata'); const auth = req.header('Authorization'); if (!metadata || !auth) { return res.sendStatus(400); } const owner = crypto.randomBytes(10).toString('hex'); const meta = { owner, metadata, auth: auth.split(' ')[1], nonce: crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('base64') }; try { const limiter = new Limiter(encryptedSize(config.max_file_size)); const fileStream = req.pipe(limiter); //this hasn't been updated to expiration time setting yet //if you want to fallback to this code add this await storage.set(newId, fileStream, meta, config.default_expire_seconds); const protocol = config.env === 'production' ? 'https' : req.protocol; const url = `${protocol}://${req.get('host')}/download/${newId}/`; res.set('WWW-Authenticate', `send-v1 ${meta.nonce}`); res.json({ url, owner: meta.owner, id: newId }); } catch (e) { if (e.message === 'limit') { return res.sendStatus(413); } log.error('upload', e); res.sendStatus(500); } };