From 61198cb639945137e84ce4d44e3571c8c70647c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thomas Citharel
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2021 18:48:23 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/8] Fix config onboarding after LDAP initial connexion
Closes #840
Signed-off-by: Thomas Citharel
js/src/components/Account/ProfileOnboarding.vue | 1 +
js/src/views/Home.vue | 1 +
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+)
diff --git a/js/src/components/Account/ProfileOnboarding.vue b/js/src/components/Account/ProfileOnboarding.vue
index 5f59e751d..43448fc1b 100644
--- a/js/src/components/Account/ProfileOnboarding.vue
+++ b/js/src/components/Account/ProfileOnboarding.vue
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2021 18:48:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/8] Delete current actor ID as well from local storage when
Signed-off-by: Thomas Citharel
js/src/utils/auth.ts | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
diff --git a/js/src/utils/auth.ts b/js/src/utils/auth.ts
index 4c61a87a5..534456782 100644
--- a/js/src/utils/auth.ts
+++ b/js/src/utils/auth.ts
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ export function deleteUserData(): void {
].forEach((key) => {
From 8eacf29705e82ef443c5135857ce20eef1314df9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thomas Citharel
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2021 19:05:17 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/8] Fix events pagination on tags page
Not a perfect fix because of a blinking issue, but works properly
Signed-off-by: Thomas Citharel
js/src/views/Search.vue | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/js/src/views/Search.vue b/js/src/views/Search.vue
index 5f2eb36e8..f935df5a5 100644
--- a/js/src/views/Search.vue
+++ b/js/src/views/Search.vue
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ export default class Search extends Vue {
set eventPage(page: number) {
- name: RouteName.SEARCH,
+ name: this.$ || RouteName.SEARCH,
query: { ...this.$route.query, eventPage: page.toString() },
From 241710807c4c36df4624732759aa658a21e0e5f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thomas Citharel
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2021 16:17:20 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 4/8] Fixed deduplicated files from orphan media being deleted
as well
Happens when a file is uploaded, then orphaned, and a similar file is
used somewhere. The CleanMedia job service didn't consider that case
Signed-off-by: Thomas Citharel
.gitignore | 1 +
.../fix_unattached_media_in_body.ex | 107 ------------------
lib/mix/tasks/mobilizon/media/clean_orphan.ex | 4 +-
lib/mobilizon/medias/medias.ex | 23 ++--
lib/mobilizon/storage/custom_functions.ex | 10 ++
lib/service/clean_orphan_media.ex | 43 ++++++-
test/service/clean_orphan_media_test.exs | 6 +-
test/support/factory.ex | 2 +-
test/tasks/media/clean_orphan_test.exs | 39 ++++++-
9 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 137 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 lib/mix/tasks/mobilizon/maintenance/fix_unattached_media_in_body.ex
create mode 100644 lib/mobilizon/storage/custom_functions.ex
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index b4b15332c..5b7ebafb6 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ priv/cert/
diff --git a/lib/mix/tasks/mobilizon/maintenance/fix_unattached_media_in_body.ex b/lib/mix/tasks/mobilizon/maintenance/fix_unattached_media_in_body.ex
deleted file mode 100644
index d1934bad7..000000000
--- a/lib/mix/tasks/mobilizon/maintenance/fix_unattached_media_in_body.ex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-defmodule Mix.Tasks.Mobilizon.Maintenance.FixUnattachedMediaInBody do
- @moduledoc """
- Task to reattach media files that were added in event, post or comment bodies without being attached to their entities.
- This task should only be run once.
- """
- use Mix.Task
- import Mix.Tasks.Mobilizon.Common
- alias Mobilizon.{Discussions, Events, Medias, Posts}
- alias Mobilizon.Discussions.Comment
- alias Mobilizon.Events.Event
- alias Mobilizon.Posts.Post
- alias Mobilizon.Storage.Repo
- require Logger
- @preferred_cli_env "prod"
- # TODO: Remove me in Mobilizon 1.2
- @shortdoc "Reattaches inline media from events and posts"
- def run([]) do
- start_mobilizon()
- shell_info("Going to extract pictures from events")
- extract_inline_pictures_from_bodies(Event)
- shell_info("Going to extract pictures from posts")
- extract_inline_pictures_from_bodies(Post)
- shell_info("Going to extract pictures from comments")
- extract_inline_pictures_from_bodies(Comment)
- end
- defp extract_inline_pictures_from_bodies(entity) do
- Repo.transaction(
- fn ->
- entity
- |>
- |>
- |> {entity, pics} -> save_entity(entity, pics) end)
- |>
- end,
- timeout: :infinity
- )
- end
- defp extract_pictures(entity) do
- extracted_pictures = entity |> get_body() |> parse_body() |> get_media_entities_from_urls()
- attached_picture = entity |> get_picture() |> get_media_entity_from_media_id()
- attached_pictures = [attached_picture] |> Enum.filter(& &1)
- {entity, extracted_pictures ++ attached_pictures}
- end
- defp get_body(%Event{description: description}), do: description
- defp get_body(%Post{body: body}), do: body
- defp get_body(%Comment{text: text}), do: text
- defp get_picture(%Event{picture_id: picture_id}), do: picture_id
- defp get_picture(%Post{picture_id: picture_id}), do: picture_id
- defp get_picture(%Comment{}), do: nil
- defp parse_body(nil), do: []
- defp parse_body(body) do
- with res <- Regex.scan(~r/]*?src\s*=\s*['\"]([^'\"]*?)['\"][^>]*?>/, body),
- res <-, fn [_, res] -> res end) do
- res
- end
- end
- defp get_media_entities_from_urls(media_urls) do
- media_urls
- |> media_url ->
- # We prefer orphan media, but fallback on already attached media just in case
- Medias.get_unattached_media_by_url(media_url) || Medias.get_media_by_url(media_url)
- end)
- |> Enum.filter(& &1)
- end
- defp get_media_entity_from_media_id(nil), do: nil
- defp get_media_entity_from_media_id(media_id) do
- Medias.get_media(media_id)
- end
- defp save_entity(%Event{} = _event, []), do: :ok
- defp save_entity(%Event{} = event, media) do
- event = Repo.preload(event, [:contacts, :media])
- Events.update_event(event, %{media: media})
- end
- defp save_entity(%Post{} = _post, []), do: :ok
- defp save_entity(%Post{} = post, media) do
- post = Repo.preload(post, [:media])
- Posts.update_post(post, %{media: media})
- end
- defp save_entity(%Comment{} = _comment, []), do: :ok
- defp save_entity(%Comment{} = comment, media) do
- comment = Repo.preload(comment, [:media])
- Discussions.update_comment(comment, %{media: media})
- end
diff --git a/lib/mix/tasks/mobilizon/media/clean_orphan.ex b/lib/mix/tasks/mobilizon/media/clean_orphan.ex
index 7b3ee34e5..09ba6a37f 100644
--- a/lib/mix/tasks/mobilizon/media/clean_orphan.ex
+++ b/lib/mix/tasks/mobilizon/media/clean_orphan.ex
@@ -64,7 +64,9 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Mobilizon.Media.CleanOrphan do
Enum.each(medias, fn media ->
- shell_info("ID: #{}, Actor: #{media.actor_id}, URL: #{media.file.url}")
+ shell_info(
+ "ID: #{hd(media).id}, Actor: #{hd(media).actor_id}, Deduplicated #{length(media)} times, URL: #{hd(media).file.url}"
+ )
diff --git a/lib/mobilizon/medias/medias.ex b/lib/mobilizon/medias/medias.ex
index 565b828c7..7b4362621 100644
--- a/lib/mobilizon/medias/medias.ex
+++ b/lib/mobilizon/medias/medias.ex
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.Medias do
import Ecto.Query
+ import Mobilizon.Storage.CustomFunctions
alias Ecto.Multi
@@ -40,23 +41,15 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.Medias do
@doc """
- Get an unattached media by it's URL
+ Get all media by an URL.
- def get_unattached_media_by_url(url) do
+ @spec get_all_media_by_url(String.t()) :: Media.t() | nil
+ def get_all_media_by_url(url) do
+ |> String.split("?", parts: 2)
+ |> hd
|> media_by_url_query()
- |> join(:left, [m], e in assoc(m, :events))
- |> join(:left, [m], ep in assoc(m, :event_picture))
- |> join(:left, [m], p in assoc(m, :posts))
- |> join(:left, [m], pp in assoc(m, :posts_picture))
- |> join(:left, [m], c in assoc(m, :comments))
- |> where([_m, e], is_nil(
- |> where([_m, _e, ep], is_nil(
- |> where([_m, _e, _ep, p], is_nil(
- |> where([_m, _e, _ep, _p, pp], is_nil(
- |> where([_m, _e, _ep, _p, _pp, c], is_nil(
- |> limit(1)
- |>
+ |> Repo.all()
@doc """
@@ -163,7 +156,7 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.Medias do
defp media_by_url_query(url) do
p in Media,
- where: fragment("? @> ?", p.file, ~s|{"url": "#{url}"}|)
+ where: split_part(fragment("file->>'url'"), "?", 1) == ^url
diff --git a/lib/mobilizon/storage/custom_functions.ex b/lib/mobilizon/storage/custom_functions.ex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eab327234
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/mobilizon/storage/custom_functions.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+defmodule Mobilizon.Storage.CustomFunctions do
+ @moduledoc """
+ Helper module for custom PostgreSQL functions
+ """
+ defmacro split_part(string, delimiter, position) do
+ quote do
+ fragment("split_part(?, ?, ?)", unquote(string), unquote(delimiter), unquote(position))
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/service/clean_orphan_media.ex b/lib/service/clean_orphan_media.ex
index 66703d30c..27c674aa5 100644
--- a/lib/service/clean_orphan_media.ex
+++ b/lib/service/clean_orphan_media.ex
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.Service.CleanOrphanMedia do
alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor
alias Mobilizon.Medias
+ alias Mobilizon.Medias.File
alias Mobilizon.Medias.Media
alias Mobilizon.Storage.Repo
import Ecto.Query
@@ -25,8 +26,10 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.Service.CleanOrphanMedia do
if Keyword.get(opts, :dry_run, false) do
{:ok, medias}
- Enum.each(medias, fn media ->
- Medias.delete_media(media, ignore_file_not_found: true)
+ Enum.each(medias, fn media_list ->
+ Enum.each(media_list, fn media ->
+ Medias.delete_media(media, ignore_file_not_found: true)
+ end)
{:ok, medias}
@@ -49,7 +52,7 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.Service.CleanOrphanMedia do
|> Enum.join(" UNION ")
|> (&"NOT EXISTS(#{&1})").()
- @spec find_media(Keyword.t()) :: list(Media.t())
+ @spec find_media(Keyword.t()) :: list(list(Media.t()))
defp find_media(opts) do
default_grace_period =
Mobilizon.Config.get([:instance, :orphan_upload_grace_period_hours], 48)
@@ -68,6 +71,38 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.Service.CleanOrphanMedia do
where: fragment(@union_query)
- Repo.all(query)
+ query
+ |> Repo.all()
+ |> Enum.filter(fn %Media{file: %File{url: url}} ->
+ is_all_media_orphan?(url, expiration_date)
+ end)
+ |> Enum.chunk_by(fn %Media{file: %File{url: url}} ->
+ url
+ |> String.split("?", parts: 2)
+ |> hd
+ end)
+ end
+ def is_all_media_orphan?(url, expiration_date) do
+ url
+ |> Medias.get_all_media_by_url()
+ |> Enum.all?(&is_media_orphan?(&1, expiration_date))
+ end
+ @spec is_media_orphan?(Media.t(), DateTime.t()) :: boolean()
+ def is_media_orphan?(%Media{id: media_id}, expiration_date) do
+ query =
+ from(m in Media,
+ as: :media,
+ distinct: true,
+ join: a in Actor,
+ on: == m.actor_id,
+ where: == ^media_id,
+ where: is_nil(a.domain),
+ where: m.inserted_at < ^expiration_date,
+ where: fragment(@union_query)
+ )
+ Repo.exists?(query)
diff --git a/test/service/clean_orphan_media_test.exs b/test/service/clean_orphan_media_test.exs
index 21c1c2264..f0ca3197d 100644
--- a/test/service/clean_orphan_media_test.exs
+++ b/test/service/clean_orphan_media_test.exs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.Service.CleanOrphanMediaTest do
refute is_nil(Medias.get_media(media_id))
refute is_nil(Medias.get_media(media_2_id))
- assert {:ok, [found_media]} = CleanOrphanMedia.clean()
+ assert {:ok, [[found_media]]} = CleanOrphanMedia.clean()
assert == media_id
assert is_nil(Medias.get_media(media_id))
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.Service.CleanOrphanMediaTest do
refute is_nil(Medias.get_media(media_id))
refute is_nil(Medias.get_media(media_2_id))
- assert {:ok, [found_media]} = CleanOrphanMedia.clean(dry_run: true)
+ assert {:ok, [[found_media]]} = CleanOrphanMedia.clean(dry_run: true)
assert == media_id
refute is_nil(Medias.get_media(media_id))
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.Service.CleanOrphanMediaTest do
refute is_nil(Medias.get_media(media_id))
refute is_nil(Medias.get_media(media_2_id))
- assert {:ok, [found_media]} = CleanOrphanMedia.clean(grace_period: 12)
+ assert {:ok, [[found_media]]} = CleanOrphanMedia.clean(grace_period: 12)
assert == media_id
assert is_nil(Medias.get_media(media_id))
diff --git a/test/support/factory.ex b/test/support/factory.ex
index db1a40967..953ac8c0b 100644
--- a/test/support/factory.ex
+++ b/test/support/factory.ex
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.Factory do
name: "My Media",
url: url,
- content_type: "image/png",
+ content_type: "image/jpg",
size: 13_120
diff --git a/test/tasks/media/clean_orphan_test.exs b/test/tasks/media/clean_orphan_test.exs
index 0aeb7e00b..83440dcf2 100644
--- a/test/tasks/media/clean_orphan_test.exs
+++ b/test/tasks/media/clean_orphan_test.exs
@@ -43,21 +43,22 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Mobilizon.Media.CleanOrphanTest do
test "with media returned" do
media1 = insert(:media)
media2 = insert(:media)
+ media3 = insert(:media, file: create_file())
with_mock CleanOrphanMedia,
- clean: fn [dry_run: true, grace_period: 48] -> {:ok, [media1, media2]} end do
+ clean: fn [dry_run: true, grace_period: 48] -> {:ok, [[media1, media2], [media3]]} end do["--dry-run"])
assert_received {:mix_shell, :info, [output_received]}
assert output_received == "List of files that would have been deleted"
assert_received {:mix_shell, :info, [output_received]}
assert output_received ==
- "ID: #{}, Actor: #{media1.actor_id}, URL: #{media1.file.url}"
+ "ID: #{}, Actor: #{media1.actor_id}, Deduplicated 2 times, URL: #{media1.file.url}"
assert_received {:mix_shell, :info, [output_received]}
assert output_received ==
- "ID: #{}, Actor: #{media2.actor_id}, URL: #{media2.file.url}"
+ "ID: #{}, Actor: #{media3.actor_id}, Deduplicated 1 times, URL: #{media3.file.url}"
assert_received {:mix_shell, :info, [output_received]}
assert output_received == "2 files would have been deleted"
@@ -78,21 +79,22 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Mobilizon.Media.CleanOrphanTest do
test "with media returned" do
media1 = insert(:media)
media2 = insert(:media)
+ media3 = insert(:media, file: create_file())
with_mock CleanOrphanMedia,
- clean: fn [dry_run: false, grace_period: 48] -> {:ok, [media1, media2]} end do
+ clean: fn [dry_run: false, grace_period: 48] -> {:ok, [[media1, media2], [media3]]} end do["--verbose"])
assert_received {:mix_shell, :info, [output_received]}
assert output_received == "List of files that have been deleted"
assert_received {:mix_shell, :info, [output_received]}
assert output_received ==
- "ID: #{}, Actor: #{media1.actor_id}, URL: #{media1.file.url}"
+ "ID: #{}, Actor: #{media1.actor_id}, Deduplicated 2 times, URL: #{media1.file.url}"
assert_received {:mix_shell, :info, [output_received]}
assert output_received ==
- "ID: #{}, Actor: #{media2.actor_id}, URL: #{media2.file.url}"
+ "ID: #{}, Actor: #{media3.actor_id}, Deduplicated 1 times, URL: #{media3.file.url}"
assert_received {:mix_shell, :info, [output_received]}
assert output_received == "2 files have been deleted"
@@ -121,4 +123,29 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Mobilizon.Media.CleanOrphanTest do
+ defp create_file do
+ File.cp!("test/fixtures/picture.png", "test/fixtures/picture_tmp.png")
+ file = %Plug.Upload{
+ content_type: "image/png",
+ path: Path.absname("test/fixtures/picture_tmp.png"),
+ filename: "image.png"
+ }
+ {:ok, data} =
+ %{
+ content_type: "image/png",
+ name: "image.png",
+ url: url
+ } = data
+ %Mobilizon.Medias.File{
+ name: "My Media",
+ url: url,
+ content_type: "image/png",
+ size: 13_120
+ }
+ end
From 426f85884be7ece2a90db571fa5ff8bfe329f4bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thomas Citharel
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2021 10:20:31 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 5/8] Fix deleting own account
Signed-off-by: Thomas Citharel
js/src/views/Settings/AccountSettings.vue | 33 ++++++++++++++++++++---
1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/js/src/views/Settings/AccountSettings.vue b/js/src/views/Settings/AccountSettings.vue
index 8c1f222ca..317b24905 100644
--- a/js/src/views/Settings/AccountSettings.vue
+++ b/js/src/views/Settings/AccountSettings.vue
@@ -180,14 +180,29 @@