diff --git a/lib/mobilizon/events/events.ex b/lib/mobilizon/events/events.ex
index d5dfb9b52..38d10dcb1 100644
--- a/lib/mobilizon/events/events.ex
+++ b/lib/mobilizon/events/events.ex
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.Events do
alias Mobilizon.Service.Workers
alias Mobilizon.Share
alias Mobilizon.Storage.{Page, Repo}
- alias Mobilizon.Users.User
+ alias Mobilizon.Users.{Setting, User}
alias Mobilizon.Web.Email
@@ -1587,16 +1587,22 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.Events do
+ @doc """
+ List emails for local users (including anonymous ones) participating to an event
+ Returns {participation, actor, user, user_settings}
+ """
@spec list_local_emails_user_participants_for_event_query(String.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t()
def list_local_emails_user_participants_for_event_query(event_id) do
|> join(:inner, [p], a in Actor, on: p.actor_id == a.id and is_nil(a.domain))
|> join(:left, [_p, a], u in User, on: a.user_id == u.id)
+ |> join(:left, [_p, _a, u], s in Setting, on: s.user_id == u.id)
|> where(
p.event_id == ^event_id and p.role not in [^:not_approved, ^:not_confirmed, ^:rejected]
- |> select([p, a, u], {p, a, u})
+ |> select([p, a, u, s], {p, a, u, s})
@spec list_participations_for_user_query(integer()) :: Ecto.Query.t()
diff --git a/lib/web/email/event.ex b/lib/web/email/event.ex
index b4cd2e0ee..b7b36e481 100644
--- a/lib/web/email/event.ex
+++ b/lib/web/email/event.ex
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.Web.Email.Event do
alias Mobilizon.Events
alias Mobilizon.Events.{Event, Participant}
alias Mobilizon.Storage.Repo
- alias Mobilizon.Users.User
+ alias Mobilizon.Users.{Setting, User}
alias Mobilizon.Web.Email
alias Mobilizon.Web.Gettext, as: GettextBackend
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.Web.Email.Event do
%Event{} = old_event,
%Event{} = event,
+ timezone \\ "Etc/UTC",
locale \\ "en"
) do
@@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.Web.Email.Event do
|> assign(:old_event, old_event)
|> assign(:changes, changes)
|> assign(:subject, subject)
+ |> assign(:timezone, timezone)
|> render(:event_updated)
@@ -75,18 +77,42 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.Web.Email.Event do
defp send_notification_for_event_update_to_participant(
{%Participant{} = _participant, %Actor{} = actor,
- %User{locale: locale, email: email} = _user},
+ %User{locale: locale, email: email} = _user, %Setting{timezone: timezone}},
%Event{} = old_event,
%Event{} = event,
) do
- email
- |> Email.Event.event_updated(actor, old_event, event, diff, locale)
- |> Email.Mailer.deliver_later()
+ do_send_notification_for_event_update_to_participant(
+ email,
+ actor,
+ old_event,
+ event,
+ diff,
+ timezone,
+ locale
+ )
defp send_notification_for_event_update_to_participant(
- {%Participant{metadata: %{email: email}} = _participant, %Actor{} = actor, nil},
+ {%Participant{} = _participant, %Actor{} = actor,
+ %User{locale: locale, email: email} = _user, nil},
+ %Event{} = old_event,
+ %Event{} = event,
+ diff
+ ) do
+ do_send_notification_for_event_update_to_participant(
+ email,
+ actor,
+ old_event,
+ event,
+ diff,
+ "Etc/UTC",
+ locale
+ )
+ end
+ defp send_notification_for_event_update_to_participant(
+ {%Participant{metadata: %{email: email}} = _participant, %Actor{} = actor, nil, nil},
%Event{} = old_event,
%Event{} = event,
@@ -94,8 +120,28 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.Web.Email.Event do
when not is_nil(email) do
locale = Gettext.get_locale()
+ do_send_notification_for_event_update_to_participant(
+ email,
+ actor,
+ old_event,
+ event,
+ diff,
+ "Etc/UTC",
+ locale
+ )
+ end
+ defp do_send_notification_for_event_update_to_participant(
+ email,
+ actor,
+ old_event,
+ event,
+ diff,
+ timezone,
+ locale
+ ) do
- |> Email.Event.event_updated(actor, old_event, event, diff, locale)
+ |> Email.Event.event_updated(actor, old_event, event, diff, timezone, locale)
|> Email.Mailer.deliver_later()
diff --git a/lib/web/templates/email/event_updated.html.eex b/lib/web/templates/email/event_updated.html.eex
index a58ec69b7..f6539b2e8 100644
--- a/lib/web/templates/email/event_updated.html.eex
+++ b/lib/web/templates/email/event_updated.html.eex
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
<%= gettext "Start" %>
- <%= datetime_to_string(@event.begins_on, @locale) %>
+ <%= @event.begins_on |> datetime_tz_convert(@timezone) |> datetime_to_string(@locale) %>
<% end %>
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
<%= gettext "End" %>
- <%= datetime_to_string(@event.ends_on, @locale) %>
+ <%= @event.ends_on |> datetime_tz_convert(@timezone) |> datetime_to_string(@locale) %>
<% end %>
diff --git a/lib/web/templates/email/event_updated.text.eex b/lib/web/templates/email/event_updated.text.eex
index ae6137975..d65225f13 100644
--- a/lib/web/templates/email/event_updated.text.eex
+++ b/lib/web/templates/email/event_updated.text.eex
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@
<%= gettext "New title: %{title}", title: @event.title %>
<% end %>
<%= if MapSet.member?(@changes, :begins_on) do %>
- <%= gettext "Start %{begins_on}", begins_on: datetime_to_string(@event.begins_on, @locale) %>
+ <%= gettext "Start %{begins_on}", begins_on: @event.begins_on |> datetime_tz_convert(@timezone) |> datetime_to_string(@locale) %>
<% end %>
<%= if MapSet.member?(@changes, :ends_on) && !is_nil(@event.ends_on) do %>
- <%= gettext "End %{ends_on}", ends_on: datetime_to_string(@event.ends_on, @locale) %>
+ <%= gettext "End %{ends_on}", ends_on: @event.ends_on |> datetime_tz_convert(@timezone) |> datetime_to_string(@locale) %>
<% end %>
<%= gettext "Visit the updated event page: %{link}", link: page_url(Mobilizon.Web.Endpoint, :event, @event.uuid) %>
<%= ngettext "Would you wish to cancel your attendance, visit the event page through the link above and click the « Attending » button.", "Would you wish to cancel your attendance to one or several events, visit the event pages through the links above and click the « Attending » button.", 1 %>
diff --git a/lib/web/templates/email/notification_each_week.html.eex b/lib/web/templates/email/notification_each_week.html.eex
index a1349e15c..c27c23018 100644
--- a/lib/web/templates/email/notification_each_week.html.eex
+++ b/lib/web/templates/email/notification_each_week.html.eex
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
<%= for participation <- @participations do %>
- <%= participation.event.begins_on |> DateTime.shift_zone!(@timezone) |> datetime_to_string(@locale) %>
+ <%= participation.event.begins_on |> datetime_tz_convert(@timezone) |> datetime_to_string(@locale) %>
<%= participation.event.title %>
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
<% else %>
- <%= @participation.event.begins_on |> DateTime.shift_zone!(@timezone) |> datetime_to_string(@locale) %>
+ <%= @participation.event.begins_on |> datetime_tz_convert(@timezone) |> datetime_to_string(@locale) %>
<%= @participation.event.title %>
diff --git a/lib/web/templates/email/notification_each_week.text.eex b/lib/web/templates/email/notification_each_week.text.eex
index 2721442ca..e0c2c3cbe 100644
--- a/lib/web/templates/email/notification_each_week.text.eex
+++ b/lib/web/templates/email/notification_each_week.text.eex
@@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
<%= gettext "What's up this week?" %>
<%= ngettext "You have one event this week:", "You have %{total} events this week:", @total, total: @total %>
<%= if @total > 1 do %>
<%= for participation <- @participations do %>
- - <%= participation.event.begins_on |> DateTime.shift_zone!(@timezone) |> datetime_to_string(@locale) %> - <%= participation.event.title %> <%= page_url(Mobilizon.Web.Endpoint, :event, participation.event.uuid) %>
+ - <%= participation.event.begins_on |> datetime_tz_convert(@timezone) |> datetime_to_string(@locale) %> - <%= participation.event.title %> <%= page_url(Mobilizon.Web.Endpoint, :event, participation.event.uuid) %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
- <%= DateTime.shift_zone!(@participation.event.begins_on, @timezone) |> datetime_to_string(@locale) %> - <%= @participation.event.title %> <%= page_url(Mobilizon.Web.Endpoint, :event, @participation.event.uuid) %>
+ <%= @participation.event.begins_on |> datetime_tz_convert(@timezone) |> datetime_to_string(@locale) %> - <%= @participation.event.title %> <%= page_url(Mobilizon.Web.Endpoint, :event, @participation.event.uuid) %>
<% end %>
<%= ngettext "Would you wish to cancel your attendance, visit the event page through the link above and click the « Attending » button.", "Would you wish to cancel your attendance to one or several events, visit the event pages through the links above and click the « Attending » button.", @total %>
diff --git a/lib/web/views/email_view.ex b/lib/web/views/email_view.ex
index 74fada640..fb3d6141c 100644
--- a/lib/web/views/email_view.ex
+++ b/lib/web/views/email_view.ex
@@ -16,4 +16,15 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.Web.EmailView do
+ @spec datetime_tz_convert(DateTime.t(), String.t()) :: DateTime.t()
+ def datetime_tz_convert(%DateTime{} = datetime, timezone) do
+ case DateTime.shift_zone(datetime, timezone) do
+ {:ok, datetime_with_user_tz} ->
+ datetime_with_user_tz
+ _ ->
+ datetime
+ end
+ end