defmodule Mobilizon.Service.HTTP.ActivityPub do @moduledoc """ Tesla HTTP Client that is preconfigured to get and post ActivityPub content """ alias Mobilizon.Config @default_opts [ recv_timeout: 20_000 ] @spec client(Keyword.t()) :: Tesla.Client.t() def client(options \\ []) do headers = Keyword.get(options, :headers, []) adapter = Application.get_env(:tesla, __MODULE__, [])[:adapter] || Tesla.Adapter.Hackney opts = Keyword.merge(@default_opts, Keyword.get(options, :opts, [])) middleware = [ {Tesla.Middleware.Headers, [{"User-Agent", Config.instance_user_agent()}, {"Accept", "application/activity+json"}] ++ headers}, Tesla.Middleware.FollowRedirects, {Tesla.Middleware.Timeout, timeout: 10_000}, {Tesla.Middleware.JSON, decode_content_types: ["application/activity+json", "application/ld+json"]} ] Tesla.client(middleware, {adapter, opts}) end @spec get(Tesla.Client.t(), String.t()) :: Tesla.Env.result() def get(client, url) do Tesla.get(client, url) end @spec post(Tesla.Client.t(), String.t(), map() | String.t()) :: Tesla.Env.result() def post(client, url, data) do, url, data) end end