defmodule Mobilizon.PythonWorker do @moduledoc """ Genserver to handle an instance of Python handling the calls to `Mobilizon.PythonPort`. """ use GenServer use Export.Python alias Mobilizon.PythonPort @spec start_link(any) :: :ignore | {:error, any} | {:ok, pid} def start_link(_) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__) end @spec init(any) :: {:ok, %{python_pid: pid}} def init(_) do path = Path.join([:code.priv_dir(:mobilizon), "python"]) pid = PythonPort.python_instance(path) {:ok, %{python_pid: pid}} end def terminate(_reason, %{python_pid: pid}) do Python.stop(pid) end @spec generate_pdf(String.t()) :: any def generate_pdf(html) do, %{html: html, format: :pdf}) end @spec generate_ods(String.t()) :: any def generate_ods(data) do, %{data: data, format: :ods}) end @spec has_module(String.t()) :: any def has_module(module) do, %{module: module}) end @spec handle_call( %{html: String.t(), format: :pdf} | %{data: String.t(), format: :ods}, any(), map() ) :: {:reply, String.t(), map()} def handle_call(%{html: html, format: :pdf}, _from, %{python_pid: pid} = state) do res = PythonPort.call_python(pid, "pdf", "generate", [html]) {:reply, res, state} end def handle_call(%{data: data, format: :ods}, _from, %{python_pid: pid} = state) do res = PythonPort.call_python(pid, "ods", "generate", [data]) {:reply, res, state} end def handle_call(%{module: module}, _from, %{python_pid: pid} = state) do res = PythonPort.call_python(pid, "module", "has_package", [module]) {:reply, res, state} end end