defmodule Mix.Tasks.Mobilizon.Actors.Refresh do @moduledoc """ Task to display an actor details """ use Mix.Task alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityPub alias Mobilizon.Storage.Repo import Ecto.Query import Mix.Tasks.Mobilizon.Common require Logger @shortdoc "Refresh an actor or all actors" @impl Mix.Task def run(["--all" | options]) do {options, [], []} = OptionParser.parse( options, strict: [ verbose: :boolean ], aliases: [ v: :verbose ] ) verbose = Keyword.get(options, :verbose, false) start_mobilizon() total = count_actors() shell_info(""" #{total} actors to process """) query = from(a in Actor, where: not is_nil(a.domain) and not a.suspended) {:ok, _res} = Repo.transaction( fn -> query |> :infinity) |>"#{&1.preferred_username}@#{&1.domain}") |> Stream.each( if verbose, do: &"Processing #{inspect(&1)}"), else: &Logger.debug("Processing #{inspect(&1)}") ) |> username -> make_actor(username, verbose) end) |> Stream.scan(0, fn _, acc -> acc + 1 end) |> Stream.each(fn index -> if verbose, do:"#{index}/#{total}"), else: ProgressBar.render(index, total) end) |> end, timeout: :infinity ) end @impl Mix.Task def run([preferred_username]) do start_mobilizon() case ActivityPub.make_actor_from_nickname(preferred_username) do {:ok, %Actor{}} -> shell_info(""" Actor #{preferred_username} refreshed """) {:actor, nil} -> shell_error("Error: No such actor") end end @impl Mix.Task def run(_) do shell_error("mobilizon.actors.refresh requires an username as argument or --all as an option") end @spec make_actor(String.t(), boolean()) :: any() defp make_actor(username, verbose) do ActivityPub.make_actor_from_nickname(username) rescue _ -> if verbose do Logger.warn("Failed to refresh #{username}") end nil end defp count_actors do Repo.aggregate(from(a in Actor, where: not is_nil(a.domain)), :count) end end