defmodule Mobilizon.Service.Notifier.Email do @moduledoc """ Email notifier """ alias Mobilizon.Activities.Activity alias Mobilizon.{Config, Users} alias Mobilizon.Service.Notifier alias Mobilizon.Service.Notifier.{Email, Filter} alias Mobilizon.Users.{Setting, User} alias Mobilizon.Web.Email.Activity, as: EmailActivity alias Mobilizon.Web.Email.Mailer import Mobilizon.Service.DateTime, only: [ is_delay_ok_since_last_notification_sent: 1 ] require Logger @behaviour Notifier @impl Notifier def ready? do Config.get([__MODULE__, :enabled]) end def send(user, activity, options \\ []) @impl Notifier def send(%User{} = user, %Activity{} = activity, options) do Email.send(user, [activity], options) end @impl Notifier def send(%User{email: email, locale: locale} = user, activities, options) when is_list(activities) do activities = Enum.filter(activities, &can_send_activity?(&1, user, options)) if length(activities) > 0 do Logger.debug("Found some activities to send by email") email |> EmailActivity.direct_activity(activities, Keyword.put(options, :locale, locale)) |> Mailer.send_email() save_last_notification_time(user) {:ok, :sent} else Logger.debug("No activities to send by email") {:ok, :skipped} end end # These notifications are using LegacyNotifierBuilder and don't have any history, # so we always send them directly, as long as the setting isn't none @always_direct_subjects [ :participation_event_comment, :event_comment_mention, :discussion_mention, :event_new_comment ] @spec can_send_activity?(Activity.t(), User.t(), Keyword.t()) :: boolean() defp can_send_activity?( %Activity{subject: subject} = activity, %User{ settings: %Setting{ group_notifications: group_notifications, last_notification_sent: last_notification_sent } } = user, options ) do Filter.can_send_activity?(activity, "email", user, &default_activity_behavior/1) && match_group_notifications_setting( group_notifications, subject, last_notification_sent, options ) end @spec match_group_notifications_setting( NotificationPendingNotificationDelay.t(), String.t(), DateTime.t() | nil, Keyword.t() ) :: boolean() # No notifications at all defp match_group_notifications_setting(:none, _, _, _), do: false # Every notification defp match_group_notifications_setting(:direct, _, _, _), do: true # Direct notifications defp match_group_notifications_setting(_, subject, _, _) when subject in @always_direct_subjects, do: true # First notification EVER! defp match_group_notifications_setting(:one_hour, _, last_notification_sent, _) when is_nil(last_notification_sent), do: true # Delay ok since last notification defp match_group_notifications_setting(:one_hour, _, %DateTime{} = last_notification_sent, _) do is_delay_ok_since_last_notification_sent(last_notification_sent) end # This is a recap defp match_group_notifications_setting( _group_notifications, _subject, _last_notification_sent, options ) do Keyword.get(options, :recap, false) != false end @default_behavior %{ "participation_event_updated" => true, "participation_event_comment" => true, "event_new_pending_participation" => true, "event_new_participation" => false, "event_created" => false, "event_updated" => false, "discussion_updated" => false, "post_published" => false, "post_updated" => false, "resource_updated" => false, "member_request" => true, "member_updated" => false, "user_email_password_updated" => true, "event_comment_mention" => true, "discussion_mention" => true, "event_new_comment" => true } @spec default_activity_behavior(String.t()) :: boolean() defp default_activity_behavior(activity_setting) do Map.get(@default_behavior, activity_setting, false) end @spec save_last_notification_time(User.t()) :: {:ok, Setting.t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()} defp save_last_notification_time(%User{id: user_id}) do attrs = %{user_id: user_id, last_notification_sent: DateTime.utc_now()} case Users.get_setting(user_id) do nil -> Users.create_setting(attrs) %Setting{} = setting -> Users.update_setting(setting, attrs) end end end