defmodule Mobilizon.Events do @moduledoc """ The Events context. """ import Geo.PostGIS import Ecto.Query import EctoEnum import Mobilizon.Service.Guards import Mobilizon.Storage.Ecto alias Ecto.{Changeset, Multi} alias Mobilizon.Actors.{Actor, Follower} alias Mobilizon.Addresses.Address alias Mobilizon.Events.{ Event, EventParticipantStats, FeedToken, Participant, Session, Tag, TagRelation, Track } alias Mobilizon.Service.Workers alias Mobilizon.Share alias Mobilizon.Storage.{Page, Repo} alias Mobilizon.Users.{Setting, User} alias Mobilizon.Web.Email defenum(EventVisibility, :event_visibility, [ :public, :unlisted, :restricted, :private ]) defenum(JoinOptions, :join_options, [ :free, :restricted, :invite ]) defenum(EventStatus, :event_status, [ :tentative, :confirmed, :cancelled ]) defenum(EventCategory, :event_category, [ :business, :conference, :birthday, :demonstration, :meeting ]) defenum(ParticipantRole, :participant_role, [ :not_approved, :not_confirmed, :rejected, :participant, :moderator, :administrator, :creator ]) @public_visibility [:public, :unlisted] @event_preloads [ :organizer_actor, :attributed_to, :mentions, :sessions, :tracks, :tags, :comments, :participants, :physical_address, :picture, :contacts, :media ] @doc """ Gets a single event. """ @spec get_event(integer | String.t()) :: {:ok, Event.t()} | {:error, :event_not_found} def get_event(id) do case Repo.get(Event, id) do %Event{} = event -> {:ok, event} nil -> {:error, :event_not_found} end end @doc """ Gets a single event. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the event does not exist. """ @spec get_event!(integer | String.t()) :: Event.t() def get_event!(id), do: Repo.get!(Event, id) @doc """ Gets a single event, with all associations loaded. """ @spec get_event_with_preload(integer | String.t()) :: {:ok, Event.t()} | {:error, :event_not_found} def get_event_with_preload(id) do case Repo.get(Event, id) do %Event{} = event -> {:ok, Repo.preload(event, @event_preloads)} nil -> {:error, :event_not_found} end end @doc """ Gets a single event, with all associations loaded. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the event does not exist. """ @spec get_event_with_preload!(integer | String.t()) :: Event.t() def get_event_with_preload!(id) do Event |> Repo.get!(id) |> Repo.preload(@event_preloads) end @doc """ Gets an event by its URL. """ @spec get_event_by_url(String.t()) :: Event.t() | nil def get_event_by_url(url) do url |> event_by_url_query() |> end @doc """ Gets an event by its URL. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the event does not exist. """ @spec get_event_by_url!(String.t()) :: Event.t() def get_event_by_url!(url) do url |> event_by_url_query() |>!() end @doc """ Gets an event by its URL, with all associations loaded. """ @spec get_public_event_by_url_with_preload(String.t()) :: {:ok, Event.t()} | {:error, :event_not_found} def get_public_event_by_url_with_preload(url) do event = url |> event_by_url_query() |> filter_unlisted_and_public_visibility() |> filter_draft() |> preload_for_event() |> case event do %Event{} = event -> {:ok, event} nil -> {:error, :event_not_found} end end @doc """ Gets an event by its URL, with all associations loaded. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the event does not exist. """ @spec get_public_event_by_url_with_preload(String.t()) :: Event.t() def get_public_event_by_url_with_preload!(url) do url |> event_by_url_query() |> filter_unlisted_and_public_visibility() |> filter_draft() |> preload_for_event() |>!() end @doc """ Gets a public event by its UUID, with all associations loaded. """ @spec get_public_event_by_uuid_with_preload(String.t()) :: Event.t() | nil def get_public_event_by_uuid_with_preload(uuid) do uuid |> event_by_uuid_query() |> filter_unlisted_and_public_visibility() |> filter_draft() |> preload_for_event() |> end @spec check_if_event_has_instance_follow(String.t(), integer()) :: boolean() def check_if_event_has_instance_follow(event_uri, follower_actor_id) do Share |> join(:inner, [s], f in Follower, on: f.target_actor_id == s.actor_id) |> where([s, f], f.actor_id == ^follower_actor_id and s.uri == ^event_uri) |> Repo.exists?() end @doc """ Gets an event by its UUID, with all associations loaded. """ @spec get_own_event_by_uuid_with_preload(String.t(), integer()) :: Event.t() | nil def get_own_event_by_uuid_with_preload(uuid, user_id) do uuid |> event_by_uuid_query() |> user_events_query(user_id) |> preload_for_event() |> end @doc """ Gets an actor's eventual upcoming public event. """ @spec get_upcoming_public_event_for_actor(Actor.t(), String.t() | nil) :: Event.t() | nil def get_upcoming_public_event_for_actor(%Actor{id: actor_id}, not_event_uuid \\ nil) do actor_id |> upcoming_public_event_for_actor_query() |> filter_public_visibility() |> filter_not_event_uuid(not_event_uuid) |> filter_draft() |> end def get_or_create_event(%{"url" => url} = attrs) do case Repo.get_by(Event, url: url) do %Event{} = event -> {:ok, Repo.preload(event, @event_preloads)} nil -> create_event(attrs) end end @doc """ Creates an event. """ @spec create_event(map) :: {:ok, Event.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()} def create_event(attrs \\ %{}) do with {:ok, %{insert: %Event{} = event}} <- do_create_event(attrs), %Event{} = event <- Repo.preload(event, @event_preloads) do unless event.draft do Workers.BuildSearch.enqueue(:insert_search_event, %{"event_id" =>}) end {:ok, event} else err -> err end end # We start by inserting the event and then insert a first participant if the event is not a draft @spec do_create_event(map) :: {:ok, Event.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()} defp do_create_event(attrs) do |> Multi.insert(:insert, Event.changeset(%Event{}, attrs)) |>, fn _repo, %{insert: %Event{draft: draft} = event} -> with {:is_draft, false} <- {:is_draft, draft}, {:ok, %Participant{} = participant} <- create_participant( %{ event_id:, role: :creator, actor_id: event.organizer_actor_id }, false ) do {:ok, participant} else {:is_draft, true} -> {:ok, nil} err -> err end end) |> Repo.transaction() end @doc """ Updates an event. We start by updating the event and then insert a first participant if the event is not a draft anymore """ @spec update_event(Event.t(), map) :: {:ok, Event.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()} def update_event(%Event{draft: old_draft} = old_event, attrs) do with %Changeset{changes: changes} = changeset <- Event.update_changeset(Repo.preload(old_event, [:tags, :media]), attrs), {:ok, %{update: %Event{} = new_event}} <- |> Multi.update(:update, changeset) |>, fn _repo, %{update: %Event{draft: draft} = event} -> with {:was_draft, true} <- {:was_draft, old_draft == true && draft == false}, {:ok, %Participant{} = participant} <- create_participant( %{ event_id:, role: :creator, actor_id: event.organizer_actor_id }, false ) do {:ok, participant} else {:was_draft, false} -> {:ok, nil} err -> err end end) |> Repo.transaction() do Cachex.del(:ics, "event_#{new_event.uuid}") Email.Event.calculate_event_diff_and_send_notifications( old_event, new_event, changes ) unless new_event.draft, do: Workers.BuildSearch.enqueue(:update_search_event, %{"event_id" =>}) {:ok, Repo.preload(new_event, @event_preloads)} end end @doc """ Deletes an event. """ @spec delete_event(Event.t()) :: {:ok, Event.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()} def delete_event(%Event{} = event), do: Repo.delete(event) @doc """ Deletes an event. Raises an exception if it fails. """ @spec delete_event(Event.t()) :: Event.t() def delete_event!(%Event{} = event), do: Repo.delete!(event) @doc """ Returns the list of events. """ @spec list_events(integer | nil, integer | nil, atom, atom, boolean) :: Page.t() def list_events( page \\ nil, limit \\ nil, sort \\ :begins_on, direction \\ :asc, is_future \\ true ) do Event |> distinct([e], [{^direction, ^sort}, asc:]) |> preload([:organizer_actor, :participants]) |> sort(sort, direction) |> filter_future_events(is_future) |> filter_public_visibility() |> filter_draft() |> filter_cancelled_events() |> filter_local_or_from_followed_instances_events() |> Page.build_page(page, limit) end @spec stream_events_for_sitemap :: Enum.t() def stream_events_for_sitemap do Event |> filter_public_visibility() |> filter_draft() |> filter_local() |> end @spec list_public_local_events(integer | nil, integer | nil) :: Page.t() def list_public_local_events(page \\ nil, limit \\ nil) do Event |> filter_public_visibility() |> filter_draft() |> filter_local() |> preload_for_event() |> Page.build_page(page, limit) end @doc """ Returns the list of events with the same tags. """ @spec list_events_by_tags([Tag.t()], integer) :: [Event.t()] def list_events_by_tags(tags, limit \\ 2) do tags |> & |> events_by_tags_query(limit) |> filter_draft() |> Repo.all() end @doc """ Lists public events for the actor, with all associations loaded. """ @spec list_public_events_for_actor(Actor.t(), integer | nil, integer | nil) :: Page.t() def list_public_events_for_actor(actor, page \\ nil, limit \\ nil) def list_public_events_for_actor(%Actor{type: :Group} = group, page, limit), do: list_organized_events_for_group(group, :public, nil, nil, page, limit) def list_public_events_for_actor(%Actor{id: actor_id}, page, limit) do actor_id |> event_for_actor_query() |> filter_public_visibility() |> filter_draft() |> preload_for_event() |> Page.build_page(page, limit) end @spec list_organized_events_for_actor(Actor.t(), integer | nil, integer | nil) :: Page.t() def list_organized_events_for_actor(%Actor{id: actor_id}, page \\ nil, limit \\ nil) do actor_id |> event_for_actor_query() |> preload_for_event() |> Page.build_page(page, limit) end def list_simple_organized_events_for_group(%Actor{} = actor, page \\ nil, limit \\ nil) do list_organized_events_for_group(actor, :all, nil, nil, page, limit) end @spec list_organized_events_for_group( Actor.t(), DateTime.t() | nil, DateTime.t() | nil, integer | nil, integer | nil ) :: Page.t() def list_organized_events_for_group( %Actor{id: group_id}, visibility \\ :public, after_datetime \\ nil, before_datetime \\ nil, page \\ nil, limit \\ nil ) do group_id |> event_for_group_query() |> event_filter_visibility(visibility) |> event_filter_begins_on(after_datetime, before_datetime) |> preload_for_event() |> Page.build_page(page, limit) end @spec list_drafts_for_user(integer, integer | nil, integer | nil) :: [Event.t()] def list_drafts_for_user(user_id, page \\ nil, limit \\ nil) do Event |> user_events_query(user_id) |> filter_draft(true) |> Page.paginate(page, limit) |> Repo.all() end @spec is_user_moderator_for_event?(integer | String.t(), integer | String.t()) :: boolean def is_user_moderator_for_event?(user_id, event_id) do Participant |> join(:inner, [p], a in Actor, on: p.actor_id == |> where([p, _a], p.event_id == ^event_id) |> where([_p, a], a.user_id == ^user_id) |> where([p, _a], p.role == ^:creator) |> Repo.exists?() end @doc """ Finds close events to coordinates. Radius is in meters and defaults to 50km. """ @spec find_close_events(number, number, number, number) :: [Event.t()] def find_close_events(lon, lat, radius \\ 50_000, srid \\ 4326) do "SRID=#{srid};POINT(#{lon} #{lat})" |> Geo.WKT.decode!() |> close_events_query(radius) |> filter_draft() |> Repo.all() end @doc """ Counts local events. """ @spec count_local_events :: integer def count_local_events do count_local_events_query() |> filter_unlisted_and_public_visibility() |> filter_draft() |> end @doc """ Counts all events. """ @spec count_events :: integer def count_events do count_events_query() |> filter_unlisted_and_public_visibility() |> filter_draft() |> end @doc """ Builds a page struct for events by their name. """ @spec build_events_for_search(map(), integer | nil, integer | nil) :: Page.t() def build_events_for_search(%{term: term} = args, page \\ nil, limit \\ nil) do term |> normalize_search_string() |> events_for_search_query() |> events_for_begins_on(args) |> events_for_ends_on(args) |> events_for_tags(args) |> events_for_location(args) |> filter_local_or_from_followed_instances_events() |> filter_public_visibility() |> event_order_begins_on_asc() |> Page.build_page(page, limit) end @doc """ Gets a single tag. """ @spec get_tag(integer | String.t()) :: Tag.t() | nil def get_tag(id), do: Repo.get(Tag, id) @doc """ Gets a single tag. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the tag does not exist. """ @spec get_tag!(integer | String.t()) :: Tag.t() def get_tag!(id), do: Repo.get!(Tag, id) @doc """ Gets a tag by its slug. """ @spec get_tag_by_slug(String.t()) :: Tag.t() | nil def get_tag_by_slug(slug) do slug |> tag_by_slug_query() |> end @doc """ Gets a tag by its title. """ @spec get_tag_by_title(String.t()) :: Tag.t() | nil def get_tag_by_title(slug) do slug |> tag_by_title_query() |> end @doc """ Gets an existing tag or creates the new one. From a map containing a %{"name" => "#mytag"} or a direct binary """ @spec get_or_create_tag(map) :: {:ok, Tag.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()} def get_or_create_tag(%{"name" => "#" <> title}) do case Repo.get_by(Tag, title: title) do %Tag{} = tag -> {:ok, tag} nil -> create_tag(%{"title" => title}) end end @spec get_or_create_tag(String.t()) :: {:ok, Tag.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()} def get_or_create_tag(title) do case Repo.get_by(Tag, title: title) do %Tag{} = tag -> {:ok, tag} nil -> create_tag(%{"title" => title}) end end @doc """ Creates a tag. """ @spec create_tag(map) :: {:ok, Tag.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()} def create_tag(attrs \\ %{}) do %Tag{} |> Tag.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert() end @doc """ Updates a tag. """ @spec update_tag(Tag.t(), map) :: {:ok, Tag.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()} def update_tag(%Tag{} = tag, attrs) do tag |> Tag.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end @doc """ Deletes a tag. """ @spec delete_tag(Tag.t()) :: {:ok, Tag.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()} def delete_tag(%Tag{} = tag), do: Repo.delete(tag) @doc """ Returns the list of tags. """ @spec list_tags(integer | nil, integer | nil) :: [Tag.t()] def list_tags(page \\ nil, limit \\ nil) do Tag |> Page.paginate(page, limit) |> Repo.all() end @doc """ Returns the list of tags for the event. """ @spec list_tags_for_event(integer | String.t(), integer | nil, integer | nil) :: [Tag.t()] def list_tags_for_event(event_id, page \\ nil, limit \\ nil) do event_id |> tags_for_event_query() |> Page.paginate(page, limit) |> Repo.all() end @doc """ Checks whether two tags are linked or not. """ @spec are_tags_linked(Tag.t(), Tag.t()) :: boolean def are_tags_linked(%Tag{id: tag1_id}, %Tag{id: tag2_id}) do tag_relation = tag1_id |> tags_linked_query(tag2_id) |> !!tag_relation end @doc """ Creates a relation between two tags. """ @spec create_tag_relation(map) :: {:ok, TagRelation.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()} def create_tag_relation(attrs \\ {}) do %TagRelation{} |> TagRelation.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert( conflict_target: [:tag_id, :link_id], on_conflict: [inc: [weight: 1]] ) end @doc """ Removes a tag relation. """ @spec delete_tag_relation(TagRelation.t()) :: {:ok, TagRelation.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()} def delete_tag_relation(%TagRelation{} = tag_relation) do Repo.delete(tag_relation) end @doc """ Returns the tags neighbors for a given tag We can't rely on the single many_to_many relation since we also want tags that link to our tag, not just tags linked by this one. The SQL query looks like this: ```sql SELECT * FROM tags t RIGHT JOIN ( SELECT weight, link_id AS id FROM tag_relations t2 WHERE tag_id = 1 UNION ALL SELECT tag_id AS id, weight FROM tag_relations t2 WHERE link_id = 1 ) tr ON = ORDER BY tr.weight DESC; ``` """ @spec list_tag_neighbors(Tag.t(), integer, integer) :: [Tag.t()] def list_tag_neighbors(%Tag{id: tag_id}, relation_minimum \\ 1, limit \\ 10) do tag_id |> tag_relation_subquery() |> tag_relation_union_subquery(tag_id) |> tag_neighbors_query(relation_minimum, limit) |> Repo.all() end @doc """ Gets a single participant. ## Examples iex> get_participant(123) %Participant{} iex> get_participant(456) nil """ @spec get_participant(integer) :: Participant.t() def get_participant(participant_id) do Participant |> where([p], == ^participant_id) |> preload([p], [:event, :actor]) |> end @doc """ Gets a single participation for an event and actor. """ @spec get_participant(integer | String.t(), integer | String.t(), map()) :: {:ok, Participant.t()} | {:error, :participant_not_found} def get_participant(event_id, actor_id, params \\ %{}) # This one if to check someone doesn't go to the same event twice def get_participant(event_id, actor_id, %{email: email}) do case Participant |> where([p], event_id: ^event_id, actor_id: ^actor_id) |> where([p], fragment("? ->>'email' = ?", p.metadata, ^email)) |> do %Participant{} = participant -> {:ok, participant} nil -> {:error, :participant_not_found} end end # This one if for finding participants by their cancellation token when wanting to cancel a participation def get_participant(event_id, actor_id, %{cancellation_token: cancellation_token}) do case Participant |> where([p], event_id: ^event_id, actor_id: ^actor_id) |> where([p], fragment("? ->>'cancellation_token' = ?", p.metadata, ^cancellation_token)) |> do %Participant{} = participant -> {:ok, participant} nil -> {:error, :participant_not_found} end end def get_participant(event_id, actor_id, %{}) do case Repo.get_by(Participant, event_id: event_id, actor_id: actor_id) do %Participant{} = participant -> {:ok, participant} nil -> {:error, :participant_not_found} end end @spec get_participant_by_confirmation_token(String.t()) :: Participant.t() def get_participant_by_confirmation_token(confirmation_token) do Participant |> where([p], fragment("? ->>'confirmation_token' = ?", p.metadata, ^confirmation_token)) |> preload([p], [:actor, :event]) |> end @doc """ Gets a single participation for an event and actor. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Participant does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_participant!(123, 19) %Participant{} iex> get_participant!(456, 5) ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) """ @spec get_participant!(integer | String.t(), integer | String.t()) :: Participant.t() def get_participant!(event_id, actor_id) do Repo.get_by!(Participant, event_id: event_id, actor_id: actor_id) end @doc """ Gets a participant by its URL. """ @spec get_participant_by_url(String.t()) :: Participant.t() | nil def get_participant_by_url(url) do url |> participant_by_url_query() |> end @moderator_roles [:moderator, :administrator, :creator] @doc """ Returns the number of participations for all local events """ @spec count_confirmed_participants_for_local_events :: integer() def count_confirmed_participants_for_local_events do count_confirmed_participants_for_local_events_query() |> end @doc """ Returns the list of participants for an event. Default behaviour is to not return :not_approved or :not_confirmed participants """ @spec list_participants_for_event(String.t(), list(atom()), integer | nil, integer | nil) :: Page.t() def list_participants_for_event( id, roles \\ [], page \\ nil, limit \\ nil ) do id |> list_participants_for_event_query() |> filter_role(roles) |> order_by(asc: :role) |> Page.build_page(page, limit) end @spec list_actors_participants_for_event(String.t()) :: [Actor.t()] def list_actors_participants_for_event(id) do id |> list_participant_actors_for_event_query |> Repo.all() end @doc """ Returns the list of participations for an actor. Default behaviour is to not return :not_approved participants ## Examples iex> list_event_participations_for_user(5) [%Participant{}, ...] """ @spec list_participations_for_user( integer, DateTime.t() | nil, DateTime.t() | nil, integer | nil, integer | nil ) :: Page.t() def list_participations_for_user(user_id, after_datetime, before_datetime, page, limit) do user_id |> list_participations_for_user_query() |> participation_filter_begins_on(after_datetime, before_datetime) |> Page.build_page(page, limit) end @doc """ Returns the list of moderator participants for an event. ## Examples iex> moderator_for_event?(5, 3) true """ @spec moderator_for_event?(integer, integer) :: boolean def moderator_for_event?(event_id, actor_id) do !( from( p in Participant, where: p.event_id == ^event_id and p.actor_id == ^actor_id and p.role in ^@moderator_roles ) ) == nil) end @doc """ Returns the list of organizers participants for an event. ## Examples iex> list_organizers_participants_for_event(id) [%Participant{role: :creator}, ...] """ @spec list_organizers_participants_for_event( integer | String.t(), integer | nil, integer | nil ) :: [Participant.t()] def list_organizers_participants_for_event(event_id, page \\ nil, limit \\ nil) do event_id |> organizers_participants_for_event() |> Page.paginate(page, limit) |> Repo.all() end @doc """ Returns the list of event participation requests for an actor. """ @spec list_requests_for_actor(Actor.t()) :: [Participant.t()] def list_requests_for_actor(%Actor{id: actor_id}) do actor_id |> requests_for_actor_query() |> Repo.all() end @doc """ Returns the list of participations for an actor. """ @spec list_event_participations_for_actor(Actor.t(), integer | nil, integer | nil) :: Page.t() def list_event_participations_for_actor(%Actor{id: actor_id}, page \\ nil, limit \\ nil) do actor_id |> event_participations_for_actor_query() |> Page.build_page(page, limit) end @doc """ Counts approved participants. """ @spec count_approved_participants(integer | String.t()) :: integer def count_approved_participants(event_id) do event_id |> count_participants_query() |> filter_approved_role() |> Repo.aggregate(:count, :id) end @doc """ Counts participant participants (participants with no extra role) """ @spec count_participant_participants(integer | String.t()) :: integer def count_participant_participants(event_id) do event_id |> count_participants_query() |> filter_participant_role() |> Repo.aggregate(:count, :id) end @doc """ Counts rejected participants. """ @spec count_rejected_participants(integer | String.t()) :: integer def count_rejected_participants(event_id) do event_id |> count_participants_query() |> filter_rejected_role() |> Repo.aggregate(:count, :id) end @doc """ Gets the default participant role depending on the event join options. """ @spec get_default_participant_role(Event.t()) :: :participant | :not_approved def get_default_participant_role(%Event{join_options: :free}), do: :participant def get_default_participant_role(%Event{join_options: _}), do: :not_approved @doc """ Creates a participant. """ @spec create_participant(map) :: {:ok, Participant.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()} def create_participant(attrs \\ %{}, update_event_participation_stats \\ true) do with {:ok, %{participant: %Participant{} = participant}} <- |> Multi.insert(:participant, Participant.changeset(%Participant{}, attrs)) |>, fn _repo, %{ participant: %Participant{role: new_role} = participant } -> update_participant_stats( participant, nil, new_role, update_event_participation_stats ) end) |> Repo.transaction() do {:ok, Repo.preload(participant, [:event, :actor])} end end @doc """ Updates a participant. """ @spec update_participant(Participant.t(), map) :: {:ok, Participant.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()} def update_participant(%Participant{role: old_role} = participant, attrs) do with {:ok, %{participant: %Participant{} = participant}} <- |> Multi.update(:participant, Participant.changeset(participant, attrs)) |>, fn _repo, %{ participant: %Participant{role: new_role} = participant } -> update_participant_stats(participant, old_role, new_role) end) |> Repo.transaction() do {:ok, Repo.preload(participant, [:event, :actor])} end end @doc """ Deletes a participant. """ @spec delete_participant(Participant.t()) :: {:ok, Participant.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()} def delete_participant(%Participant{role: old_role} = participant) do with {:ok, %{participant: %Participant{} = participant}} <- |> Multi.delete(:participant, participant) |>, fn _repo, %{ participant: %Participant{} = participant } -> update_participant_stats(participant, old_role, nil) end) |> Repo.transaction() do {:ok, participant} end end defp update_participant_stats( %Participant{ event_id: event_id } = _participant, old_role, new_role, update_event_participation_stats \\ true ) do with {:update_event_participation_stats, true} <- {:update_event_participation_stats, update_event_participation_stats}, {:ok, %Event{} = event} <- get_event_with_preload(event_id), %EventParticipantStats{} = participant_stats <- Map.get(event, :participant_stats), %EventParticipantStats{} = participant_stats <- do_update_participant_stats(participant_stats, old_role, new_role), {:ok, %Event{} = event} <- event |> Event.update_changeset(%{ participant_stats: Map.from_struct(participant_stats) }) |> Repo.update() do {:ok, event} else {:update_event_participation_stats, false} -> {:ok, nil} {:error, :event_not_found} -> {:error, :event_not_found} err -> {:error, err} end end defp do_update_participant_stats(participant_stats, old_role, new_role) do participant_stats |> decrease_participant_stats(old_role) |> increase_participant_stats(new_role) end defp increase_participant_stats(participant_stats, nil), do: participant_stats defp increase_participant_stats(participant_stats, role), do: Map.update(participant_stats, role, 0, &(&1 + 1)) defp decrease_participant_stats(participant_stats, nil), do: participant_stats defp decrease_participant_stats(participant_stats, role), do: Map.update(participant_stats, role, 0, &(&1 - 1)) @doc """ Gets a single session. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the session does not exist. """ @spec get_session!(integer | String.t()) :: Session.t() def get_session!(id), do: Repo.get!(Session, id) @doc """ Creates a session. """ @spec create_session(map) :: {:ok, Session.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()} def create_session(attrs \\ %{}) do %Session{} |> Session.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert() end @doc """ Updates a session. """ @spec update_session(Session.t(), map) :: {:ok, Session.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()} def update_session(%Session{} = session, attrs) do session |> Session.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end @doc """ Deletes a session. """ @spec delete_session(Session.t()) :: {:ok, Session.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()} def delete_session(%Session{} = session), do: Repo.delete(session) @doc """ Returns the list of sessions. """ @spec list_sessions :: [Session.t()] def list_sessions, do: Repo.all(Session) @doc """ Returns the list of sessions for the event. """ @spec list_sessions_for_event(Event.t()) :: [Session.t()] def list_sessions_for_event(%Event{id: event_id}) do event_id |> sessions_for_event_query() |> Repo.all() end @doc """ Gets a single track. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the track does not exist. """ @spec get_track!(integer | String.t()) :: Track.t() def get_track!(id), do: Repo.get!(Track, id) @doc """ Creates a track. """ @spec create_track(map) :: {:ok, Track.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()} def create_track(attrs \\ %{}) do %Track{} |> Track.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert() end @doc """ Updates a track. """ @spec update_track(Track.t(), map) :: {:ok, Track.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()} def update_track(%Track{} = track, attrs) do track |> Track.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end @doc """ Deletes a track. """ @spec delete_track(Track.t()) :: {:ok, Track.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()} def delete_track(%Track{} = track), do: Repo.delete(track) @doc """ Returns the list of tracks. """ @spec list_tracks :: [Track.t()] def list_tracks, do: Repo.all(Track) @doc """ Returns the list of sessions for the track. """ @spec list_sessions_for_track(Track.t()) :: [Session.t()] def list_sessions_for_track(%Track{id: track_id}) do track_id |> sessions_for_track_query() |> Repo.all() end @doc """ Gets a single feed token. """ @spec get_feed_token(String.t()) :: FeedToken.t() | nil def get_feed_token(token) do token |> feed_token_query() |> end @doc """ Gets a single feed token. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the feed token does not exist. """ @spec get_feed_token!(String.t()) :: FeedToken.t() def get_feed_token!(token) do token |> feed_token_query() |>!() end @doc """ Creates a feed token. """ @spec create_feed_token(map) :: {:ok, FeedToken.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()} def create_feed_token(attrs \\ %{}) do attrs = Map.put(attrs, :token, Ecto.UUID.generate()) %FeedToken{} |> FeedToken.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert() end @doc """ Updates a feed token. """ @spec update_feed_token(FeedToken.t(), map) :: {:ok, FeedToken.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()} def update_feed_token(%FeedToken{} = feed_token, attrs) do feed_token |> FeedToken.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end @doc """ Deletes a feed token. """ @spec delete_feed_token(FeedToken.t()) :: {:ok, FeedToken.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()} def delete_feed_token(%FeedToken{} = feed_token), do: Repo.delete(feed_token) @doc """ Returns the list of feed tokens for an user. """ @spec list_feed_tokens_for_user(User.t()) :: [FeedTokens.t()] def list_feed_tokens_for_user(%User{id: user_id}) do user_id |> feed_token_for_user_query() |> Repo.all() end @doc """ Returns the list of feed tokens for an actor. """ @spec list_feed_tokens_for_actor(Actor.t()) :: [FeedTokens.t()] def list_feed_tokens_for_actor(%Actor{id: actor_id, domain: nil}) do actor_id |> feed_token_for_actor_query() |> Repo.all() end @spec event_by_url_query(String.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp event_by_url_query(url) do from(e in Event, where: e.url == ^url) end @spec event_by_uuid_query(String.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp event_by_uuid_query(uuid) do from(e in Event, where: e.uuid == ^uuid) end @spec event_for_actor_query(integer | String.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp event_for_actor_query(actor_id) do from( e in Event, where: e.organizer_actor_id == ^actor_id, order_by: [desc: :id] ) end @spec event_for_group_query(integer | String.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp event_for_group_query(group_id) do from( e in Event, where: e.attributed_to_id == ^group_id, order_by: [asc: :begins_on] ) end @spec upcoming_public_event_for_actor_query(integer | String.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp upcoming_public_event_for_actor_query(actor_id) do from( e in Event, where: e.organizer_actor_id == ^actor_id and e.begins_on > ^DateTime.utc_now(), order_by: [asc: :begins_on], limit: 1, preload: [ :organizer_actor, :tags, :participants, :physical_address ] ) end @spec close_events_query(Geo.geometry(), number) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp close_events_query(point, radius) do from( e in Event, join: a in Address, on: == e.physical_address_id, where: e.visibility == ^:public and st_dwithin_in_meters(^point, a.geom, ^radius), preload: :organizer_actor ) end @spec user_events_query(Ecto.Query.t(), number()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp user_events_query(query, user_id) do from( e in query, join: a in Actor, on: == e.organizer_actor_id, where: a.user_id == ^user_id ) end defmacro matching_event_ids_and_ranks(search_string) do quote do fragment( """ SELECT AS id, ts_rank( event_search.document, plainto_tsquery(unaccent(?)) ) AS rank FROM event_search WHERE event_search.document @@ plainto_tsquery(unaccent(?)) OR event_search.title ILIKE ? """, ^unquote(search_string), ^unquote(search_string), ^"%#{unquote(search_string)}%" ) end end @spec events_for_search_query(String.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp events_for_search_query("") do Event |> distinct([e], end defp events_for_search_query(search_string) do from(event in Event, distinct:, join: id_and_rank in matching_event_ids_and_ranks(search_string), on: == ) end @spec events_for_begins_on(Ecto.Query.t(), map()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp events_for_begins_on(query, args) do begins_on = Map.get(args, :begins_on, DateTime.utc_now()) query |> where([q], q.begins_on >= ^begins_on) end @spec events_for_ends_on(Ecto.Query.t(), map()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp events_for_ends_on(query, args) do ends_on = Map.get(args, :ends_on) if is_nil(ends_on), do: query, else: where( query, [q], (is_nil(q.ends_on) and q.begins_on <= ^ends_on) or q.ends_on <= ^ends_on ) end @spec events_for_tags(Ecto.Query.t(), map()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp events_for_tags(query, %{tags: tags}) when is_valid_string?(tags) do query |> join(:inner, [q], te in "events_tags", on: == te.event_id) |> join(:inner, [q, ..., te], t in Tag, on: te.tag_id == |> where([q, ..., t], t.title in ^String.split(tags, ",", trim: true)) end defp events_for_tags(query, _args), do: query @spec events_for_location(Ecto.Query.t(), map()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp events_for_location(query, %{radius: radius}) when is_nil(radius), do: query defp events_for_location(query, %{location: location, radius: radius}) when is_valid_string?(location) and not is_nil(radius) do with {lon, lat} <- Geohax.decode(location), point <- Geo.WKT.decode!("SRID=4326;POINT(#{lon} #{lat})") do query |> join(:inner, [q], a in Address, on: == q.physical_address_id, as: :address) |> where( [q], st_dwithin_in_meters(^point, as(:address).geom, ^(radius * 1000)) ) else _ -> query end end defp events_for_location(query, _args), do: query @spec normalize_search_string(String.t()) :: String.t() defp normalize_search_string(search_string) do search_string |> String.downcase() |> String.replace(~r/\n/, " ") |> String.replace(~r/\t/, " ") |> String.replace(~r/\s{2,}/, " ") |> String.trim() end @spec events_by_tags_query([integer], integer) :: Ecto.Query.t() def events_by_tags_query(tags_ids, limit) do from( e in Event, distinct: e.uuid, join: te in "events_tags", on: == te.event_id, where: e.begins_on > ^DateTime.utc_now(), where: e.visibility == ^:public, where: te.tag_id in ^tags_ids, order_by: [asc: e.begins_on], limit: ^limit ) end @spec count_local_events_query :: Ecto.Query.t() defp count_local_events_query do from(e in Event, select: count(, where: e.local == ^true) end @spec count_events_query :: Ecto.Query.t() defp count_events_query do from(e in Event, select: count( end @spec tag_by_slug_query(String.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp tag_by_slug_query(slug) do from(t in Tag, where: t.slug == ^slug) end @spec tag_by_title_query(String.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp tag_by_title_query(title) do from(t in Tag, where: t.title == ^title, limit: 1) end @spec tags_for_event_query(integer) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp tags_for_event_query(event_id) do from( t in Tag, join: e in "events_tags", on: == e.tag_id, where: e.event_id == ^event_id ) end @spec tags_linked_query(integer, integer) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp tags_linked_query(tag1_id, tag2_id) do from( tr in TagRelation, where: tr.tag_id == ^min(tag1_id, tag2_id) and tr.link_id == ^max(tag1_id, tag2_id) ) end @spec tag_relation_subquery(integer) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp tag_relation_subquery(tag_id) do from( tr in TagRelation, select: %{id: tr.tag_id, weight: tr.weight}, where: tr.link_id == ^tag_id ) end @spec tag_relation_union_subquery(Ecto.Query.t(), integer) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp tag_relation_union_subquery(subquery, tag_id) do from( tr in TagRelation, select: %{id: tr.link_id, weight: tr.weight}, union_all: ^subquery, where: tr.tag_id == ^tag_id ) end @spec tag_neighbors_query(Ecto.Query.t(), integer, integer) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp tag_neighbors_query(subquery, relation_minimum, limit) do from( t in Tag, right_join: q in subquery(subquery), on: [id:], where: q.weight >= ^relation_minimum, limit: ^limit, order_by: [desc: q.weight] ) end @spec participant_by_url_query(String.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp participant_by_url_query(url) do from( p in Participant, where: p.url == ^url, preload: [:actor, :event] ) end defp organizers_participants_for_event(event_id) do from( p in Participant, where: p.event_id == ^event_id and p.role == ^:creator, preload: [:actor] ) end @spec requests_for_actor_query(integer) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp requests_for_actor_query(actor_id) do from(p in Participant, where: p.actor_id == ^actor_id and p.role == ^:not_approved) end @spec count_participants_query(integer) :: Ecto.Query.t() def count_participants_query(event_id) do from(p in Participant, where: p.event_id == ^event_id) end @spec event_participations_for_actor_query(integer) :: Ecto.Query.t() def event_participations_for_actor_query(actor_id) do from( p in Participant, join: e in Event, on: p.event_id ==, where: p.actor_id == ^actor_id and p.role != ^:not_approved, preload: [:event], order_by: [desc: e.begins_on] ) end @spec sessions_for_event_query(integer) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp sessions_for_event_query(event_id) do from( s in Session, join: e in Event, on: s.event_id ==, where: == ^event_id ) end @spec sessions_for_track_query(integer) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp sessions_for_track_query(track_id) do from(s in Session, where: s.track_id == ^track_id) end @spec count_confirmed_participants_for_local_events_query :: Ecto.Query.t() defp count_confirmed_participants_for_local_events_query do Participant |> join(:inner, [p], e in Event, on: p.event_id == |> where([p, e], e.local and p.role not in [^:not_approved, ^:not_confirmed, ^:rejected]) |> select([p], count( end @spec list_participants_for_event_query(String.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp list_participants_for_event_query(event_id) do from( p in Participant, where: p.event_id == ^event_id, preload: [:actor, :event] ) end @spec list_participant_actors_for_event_query(String.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp list_participant_actors_for_event_query(event_id) do from( a in Actor, join: p in Participant, on: p.actor_id ==, where: p.event_id == ^event_id ) end @doc """ List emails for local users (including anonymous ones) participating to an event Returns {participation, actor, user, user_settings} """ @spec list_local_emails_user_participants_for_event_query(String.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t() def list_local_emails_user_participants_for_event_query(event_id) do Participant |> join(:inner, [p], a in Actor, on: p.actor_id == and is_nil(a.domain)) |> join(:left, [_p, a], u in User, on: a.user_id == |> join(:left, [_p, _a, u], s in Setting, on: s.user_id == |> where( [p], p.event_id == ^event_id and p.role not in [^:not_approved, ^:not_confirmed, ^:rejected] ) |> select([p, a, u, s], {p, a, u, s}) end @spec list_participations_for_user_query(integer()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp list_participations_for_user_query(user_id) do from( p in Participant, join: e in Event, join: a in Actor, on: p.actor_id ==, on: p.event_id ==, where: a.user_id == ^user_id and p.role != ^:not_approved, preload: [:event, :actor] ) end @spec feed_token_query(String.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp feed_token_query(token) do from(ftk in FeedToken, where: ftk.token == ^token, preload: [:actor, :user]) end @spec feed_token_for_user_query(integer) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp feed_token_for_user_query(user_id) do from(tk in FeedToken, where: tk.user_id == ^user_id, preload: [:actor, :user]) end @spec feed_token_for_actor_query(integer) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp feed_token_for_actor_query(actor_id) do from(tk in FeedToken, where: tk.actor_id == ^actor_id, preload: [:actor, :user]) end @spec filter_public_visibility(Ecto.Query.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp filter_public_visibility(query) do from(e in query, where: e.visibility == ^:public) end @spec filter_unlisted_and_public_visibility(Ecto.Query.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp filter_unlisted_and_public_visibility(query) do from(q in query, where: q.visibility in ^@public_visibility) end @spec filter_not_event_uuid(Ecto.Query.t(), String.t() | nil) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp filter_not_event_uuid(query, nil), do: query defp filter_not_event_uuid(query, not_event_uuid) do from(e in query, where: e.uuid != ^not_event_uuid) end @spec filter_draft(Ecto.Query.t(), boolean) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp filter_draft(query, is_draft \\ false) do from(e in query, where: e.draft == ^is_draft) end @spec filter_cancelled_events(Ecto.Query.t(), boolean()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp filter_cancelled_events(query, hide_cancelled \\ true) defp filter_cancelled_events(query, false), do: query defp filter_cancelled_events(query, true) do from(e in query, where: e.status != ^:cancelled) end @spec filter_future_events(Ecto.Query.t(), boolean) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp filter_future_events(query, true) do from(q in query, where: q.begins_on > ^DateTime.utc_now() ) end defp filter_future_events(query, false), do: query @spec filter_local(Ecto.Query.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp filter_local(query) do where(query, [q], q.local == true) end @spec filter_local_or_from_followed_instances_events(Ecto.Query.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp filter_local_or_from_followed_instances_events(query) do follower_actor_id = Mobilizon.Config.relay_actor_id() query |> join(:left, [q], s in Share, on: s.uri == q.url) |> join(:left, [_q, ..., s], f in Follower, on: f.target_actor_id == s.actor_id) |> where( [q, ..., s, f], q.local == true or (f.actor_id == ^follower_actor_id and not is_nil(s.uri)) ) end @spec filter_approved_role(Ecto.Query.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp filter_approved_role(query) do filter_role(query, [:not_approved, :rejected]) end @spec filter_participant_role(Ecto.Query.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp filter_participant_role(query) do filter_role(query, :participant) end @spec filter_rejected_role(Ecto.Query.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp filter_rejected_role(query) do filter_role(query, :rejected) end @spec filter_role(Ecto.Query.t(), list(atom())) :: Ecto.Query.t() def filter_role(query, []), do: query def filter_role(query, roles) when is_list(roles) do where(query, [p], p.role in ^roles) end def filter_role(query, role) when is_atom(role) do from(p in query, where: p.role == ^role) end defp event_filter_visibility(query, :all), do: query defp event_filter_visibility(query, :public) do query |> where(visibility: ^:public, draft: false) end defp event_filter_begins_on(query, nil, nil), do: event_order_begins_on_desc(query) defp event_filter_begins_on(query, %DateTime{} = after_datetime, nil) do query |> where([e], e.begins_on > ^after_datetime) |> event_order_begins_on_asc() end defp event_filter_begins_on(query, nil, %DateTime{} = before_datetime) do query |> where([e], e.begins_on < ^before_datetime) |> event_order_begins_on_desc() end defp event_filter_begins_on( query, %DateTime{} = after_datetime, %DateTime{} = before_datetime ) do query |> where([e], e.begins_on < ^before_datetime) |> where([e], e.begins_on > ^after_datetime) |> event_order_begins_on_asc() end defp event_order_begins_on_asc(query), do: order_by(query, [e], asc: e.begins_on) defp event_order_begins_on_desc(query), do: order_by(query, [e], desc: e.begins_on) defp participation_filter_begins_on(query, nil, nil), do: participation_order_begins_on_desc(query) defp participation_filter_begins_on(query, %DateTime{} = after_datetime, nil) do query |> where([_p, e, _a], e.begins_on > ^after_datetime) |> participation_order_begins_on_asc() end defp participation_filter_begins_on(query, nil, %DateTime{} = before_datetime) do query |> where([_p, e, _a], e.begins_on < ^before_datetime) |> participation_order_begins_on_desc() end defp participation_filter_begins_on( query, %DateTime{} = after_datetime, %DateTime{} = before_datetime ) do query |> where([_p, e, _a], e.begins_on < ^before_datetime) |> where([_p, e, _a], e.begins_on > ^after_datetime) |> participation_order_begins_on_asc() end defp participation_order_begins_on_asc(query), do: order_by(query, [_p, e, _a], asc: e.begins_on) defp participation_order_begins_on_desc(query), do: order_by(query, [_p, e, _a], desc: e.begins_on) @spec preload_for_event(Ecto.Query.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp preload_for_event(query), do: preload(query, ^@event_preloads) end