defmodule Mobilizon.GraphQL.Resolvers.SearchTest do use Mobilizon.Web.ConnCase import Mobilizon.Factory alias Mobilizon.Service.Workers alias Mobilizon.GraphQL.AbsintheHelpers setup %{conn: conn} do user = insert(:user) {:ok, conn: conn, user: user} end describe "search events/3" do @search_events_query """ query SearchEvents($location: String, $radius: Float, $tags: String, $term: String, $beginsOn: DateTime, $endsOn: DateTime) { searchEvents(location: $location, radius: $radius, tags: $tags, term: $term, beginsOn: $beginsOn, endsOn: $endsOn) { total, elements { id title, uuid, __typename } } } """ test "finds events with basic search", %{ conn: conn, user: user } do insert(:actor, user: user, preferred_username: "test_person") insert(:actor, type: :Group, preferred_username: "test_group") event = insert(:event, title: "test_event") Workers.BuildSearch.insert_search_event(event) res = AbsintheHelpers.graphql_query(conn, query: @search_events_query, variables: %{term: "test"} ) assert res["errors"] == nil assert res["data"]["searchEvents"]["total"] == 1 assert res["data"]["searchEvents"]["elements"] |> length == 1 assert hd(res["data"]["searchEvents"]["elements"])["uuid"] == to_string(event.uuid) end test "finds events and actors with word search", %{ conn: conn, user: user } do insert(:actor, user: user, preferred_username: "person", name: "I like pineapples") event1 = insert(:event, title: "Pineapple fashion week") event2 = insert(:event, title: "I love pineAPPLE") event3 = insert(:event, title: "Hello") Workers.BuildSearch.insert_search_event(event1) Workers.BuildSearch.insert_search_event(event2) Workers.BuildSearch.insert_search_event(event3) res = AbsintheHelpers.graphql_query(conn, query: @search_events_query, variables: %{term: "pineapple"} ) assert res["errors"] == nil assert res["data"]["searchEvents"]["total"] == 2 assert res["data"]["searchEvents"]["elements"] |> length == 2 assert res["data"]["searchEvents"]["elements"] |> &1["title"]) == [ "Pineapple fashion week", "I love pineAPPLE" ] end test "finds events with accented search", %{ conn: conn, user: user } do insert(:actor, user: user, preferred_username: "person", name: "Torréfaction du Kafé") insert(:actor, type: :Group, preferred_username: "group", name: "Kafé group") event = insert(:event, title: "Tour du monde des Kafés") Workers.BuildSearch.insert_search_event(event) res = AbsintheHelpers.graphql_query(conn, query: @search_events_query, variables: %{term: "Kafés"} ) assert res["errors"] == nil assert res["data"]["searchEvents"]["total"] == 1 assert hd(res["data"]["searchEvents"]["elements"])["uuid"] == event.uuid end test "finds events by tag", %{conn: conn} do tag = insert(:tag, title: "Café") tag2 = insert(:tag, title: "Thé") event = insert(:event, title: "Tour du monde", tags: [tag, tag2]) insert(:event, title: "Autre événement") Workers.BuildSearch.insert_search_event(event) res = AbsintheHelpers.graphql_query(conn, query: @search_events_query, variables: %{tags: "Café,Sirop"} ) assert res["errors"] == nil assert res["data"]["searchEvents"]["total"] == 1 assert hd(res["data"]["searchEvents"]["elements"])["uuid"] == event.uuid end test "finds events by location", %{conn: conn} do {lon, lat} = {45.75, 4.85} point = %Geo.Point{coordinates: {lon, lat}, srid: 4326} geohash = Geohax.encode(lon, lat, 6) address = insert(:address, geom: point) event = insert(:event, title: "Tour du monde", physical_address: address) Workers.BuildSearch.insert_search_event(event) res = AbsintheHelpers.graphql_query(conn, query: @search_events_query, variables: %{location: geohash} ) assert res["errors"] == nil assert res["data"]["searchEvents"]["total"] == 1 assert hd(res["data"]["searchEvents"]["elements"])["uuid"] == event.uuid end test "finds events by begins_on and ends_on", %{conn: conn} do now = DateTime.utc_now() # TODO event = insert(:event, title: "Tour du monde", begins_on: DateTime.add(now, 3600 * 24 * 3), ends_on: DateTime.add(now, 3600 * 24 * 10) ) insert(:event, title: "Autre événement", begins_on: DateTime.add(now, 3600 * 24 * 30), ends_on: nil ) Workers.BuildSearch.insert_search_event(event) res = AbsintheHelpers.graphql_query(conn, query: @search_events_query, variables: %{ beginsOn: now |> DateTime.add(86_400) |> DateTime.to_iso8601(), endsOn: now |> DateTime.add(1_728_000) |> DateTime.to_iso8601() } ) assert res["errors"] == nil assert res["data"]["searchEvents"]["total"] == 1 assert hd(res["data"]["searchEvents"]["elements"])["uuid"] == event.uuid end test "finds events with multiple criteria", %{conn: conn} do {lon, lat} = {45.75, 4.85} point = %Geo.Point{coordinates: {lon, lat}, srid: 4326} geohash = Geohax.encode(lon, lat, 6) address = insert(:address, geom: point) tag = insert(:tag, title: "Café") tag2 = insert(:tag, title: "Thé") event = insert(:event, title: "Tour du monde", physical_address: address, tags: [tag, tag2]) insert(:event, title: "Autre événement avec même tags", tags: [tag, tag2]) insert(:event, title: "Même endroit", physical_address: address) insert(:event, title: "Même monde") Workers.BuildSearch.insert_search_event(event) res = AbsintheHelpers.graphql_query(conn, query: @search_events_query, variables: %{location: geohash, radius: 10, tags: "Thé", term: "Monde"} ) assert res["errors"] == nil assert res["data"]["searchEvents"]["total"] == 1 assert hd(res["data"]["searchEvents"]["elements"])["uuid"] == event.uuid end end describe "search_persons/3" do @search_persons_query """ query SearchPersons($term: String!, $page: Int, $limit: Int) { searchPersons(term: $term, page: $page, limit: $limit) { total elements { id avatar { url } domain preferredUsername name __typename } } } """ test "finds persons with basic search", %{ conn: conn, user: user } do actor = insert(:actor, user: user, preferred_username: "test_person") insert(:actor, type: :Group, preferred_username: "test_group") event = insert(:event, title: "test_event") Workers.BuildSearch.insert_search_event(event) res = AbsintheHelpers.graphql_query(conn, query: @search_persons_query, variables: %{term: "test"} ) assert res["errors"] == nil assert res["data"]["searchPersons"]["total"] == 1 assert res["data"]["searchPersons"]["elements"] |> length == 1 assert hd(res["data"]["searchPersons"]["elements"])["preferredUsername"] == actor.preferred_username end test "finds persons with word search", %{ conn: conn, user: user } do actor = insert(:actor, user: user, preferred_username: "person", name: "I like pineapples") insert(:actor, preferred_username: "group", type: :Group, name: "pineapple group") event1 = insert(:event, title: "Pineapple fashion week") event2 = insert(:event, title: "I love pineAPPLE") event3 = insert(:event, title: "Hello") Workers.BuildSearch.insert_search_event(event1) Workers.BuildSearch.insert_search_event(event2) Workers.BuildSearch.insert_search_event(event3) res = AbsintheHelpers.graphql_query(conn, query: @search_persons_query, variables: %{term: "pineapple"} ) assert res["errors"] == nil assert res["data"]["searchPersons"]["total"] == 1 assert res["data"]["searchPersons"]["elements"] |> length == 1 assert hd(res["data"]["searchPersons"]["elements"])["preferredUsername"] == actor.preferred_username end end describe "search_groups/3" do @search_groups_query """ query SearchGroups($term: String, $location: String, $radius: Float) { searchGroups(term: $term, location: $location, radius: $radius) { total elements { avatar { url } domain preferredUsername name __typename } } } """ test "finds persons with basic search", %{ conn: conn, user: user } do insert(:actor, user: user, preferred_username: "test_person") group = insert(:actor, type: :Group, preferred_username: "test_group") event = insert(:event, title: "test_event") Workers.BuildSearch.insert_search_event(event) res = AbsintheHelpers.graphql_query(conn, query: @search_groups_query, variables: %{term: "test"} ) assert res["errors"] == nil assert res["data"]["searchGroups"]["total"] == 1 assert res["data"]["searchGroups"]["elements"] |> length == 1 assert hd(res["data"]["searchGroups"]["elements"])["preferredUsername"] == group.preferred_username end test "finds groups with accented search", %{ conn: conn, user: user } do insert(:actor, user: user, preferred_username: "person", name: "Torréfaction du Kafé") group = insert(:actor, type: :Group, preferred_username: "group", name: "Kafé group") event = insert(:event, title: "Tour du monde des Kafés") Workers.BuildSearch.insert_search_event(event) res = AbsintheHelpers.graphql_query(conn, query: @search_groups_query, variables: %{term: "Kafé"} ) assert res["errors"] == nil assert res["data"]["searchGroups"]["total"] == 1 assert hd(res["data"]["searchGroups"]["elements"])["preferredUsername"] == group.preferred_username end test "finds groups with location", %{conn: conn} do {lon, lat} = {45.75, 4.85} point = %Geo.Point{coordinates: {lon, lat}, srid: 4326} geohash = Geohax.encode(lon, lat, 6) geohash_2 = Geohax.encode(25, -19, 6) address = insert(:address, geom: point) group = insert(:actor, type: :Group, preferred_username: "want_coffee", name: "Want coffee ?", physical_address: address ) res = AbsintheHelpers.graphql_query(conn, query: @search_groups_query, variables: %{location: geohash} ) assert res["errors"] == nil assert res["data"]["searchGroups"]["total"] == 1 assert hd(res["data"]["searchGroups"]["elements"])["preferredUsername"] == group.preferred_username res = AbsintheHelpers.graphql_query(conn, query: @search_groups_query, variables: %{location: geohash_2} ) assert res["errors"] == nil assert res["data"]["searchGroups"]["total"] == 0 end end end