import { AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN, AUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN, AUTH_USER_ACTOR_ID, AUTH_USER_EMAIL, AUTH_USER_ID, AUTH_USER_ROLE, } from '@/constants'; import { ILogin, IToken } from '@/types/login.model'; import { UPDATE_CURRENT_USER_CLIENT } from '@/graphql/user'; import { onLogout } from '@/vue-apollo'; import ApolloClient from 'apollo-client'; import { ICurrentUserRole } from '@/types/current-user.model'; import { IPerson } from '@/types/actor'; import { IDENTITIES, UPDATE_CURRENT_ACTOR_CLIENT } from '@/graphql/actor'; export function saveUserData(obj: ILogin) { localStorage.setItem(AUTH_USER_ID, `${}`); localStorage.setItem(AUTH_USER_EMAIL,; localStorage.setItem(AUTH_USER_ROLE, obj.user.role); saveTokenData(obj); } export function saveActorData(obj: IPerson) { localStorage.setItem(AUTH_USER_ACTOR_ID, `${}`); } export function saveTokenData(obj: IToken) { localStorage.setItem(AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN, obj.accessToken); localStorage.setItem(AUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN, obj.refreshToken); } export function deleteUserData() { for (const key of [AUTH_USER_ID, AUTH_USER_EMAIL, AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN, AUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN, AUTH_USER_ROLE]) { localStorage.removeItem(key); } } /** * We fetch from localStorage the latest actor ID used, * then fetch the current identities to set in cache * the current identity used */ export async function initializeCurrentActor(apollo: ApolloClient) { const actorId = localStorage.getItem(AUTH_USER_ACTOR_ID); const result = await apollo.query({ query: IDENTITIES, fetchPolicy: 'network-only', }); const identities =; if (identities.length < 1) return; const activeIdentity = identities.find(identity => === actorId) || identities[0] as IPerson; if (activeIdentity) { return await changeIdentity(apollo, activeIdentity); } } export async function changeIdentity(apollo: ApolloClient, identity: IPerson) { await apollo.mutate({ mutation: UPDATE_CURRENT_ACTOR_CLIENT, variables: identity, }); saveActorData(identity); } export async function logout(apollo: ApolloClient) { await apollo.mutate({ mutation: UPDATE_CURRENT_USER_CLIENT, variables: { id: null, email: null, isLoggedIn: false, role: ICurrentUserRole.USER, }, }); await apollo.mutate({ mutation: UPDATE_CURRENT_ACTOR_CLIENT, variables: { id: null, avatar: null, preferredUsername: null, name: null, }, }); deleteUserData(); await onLogout(); }