declare module "tiptap" { import { MarkSpec, MarkType, Node as ProsemirrorNode, NodeSpec, NodeType, ParseOptions, Schema, } from "prosemirror-model"; import { EditorState, Plugin, Transaction } from "prosemirror-state"; import { Command, CommandFunction } from "tiptap-commands"; import { EditorProps, EditorView } from "prosemirror-view"; import { VueConstructor } from "vue"; export const EditorContent: VueConstructor; export const EditorMenuBubble: VueConstructor; export const EditorMenuBar: VueConstructor; export type ExtensionOption = Extension | Node | Mark; // there are some props available // `node` is a Prosemirror Node Object // `updateAttrs` is a function to update attributes defined in `schema` // `view` is the ProseMirror view instance // `options` is an array of your extension options // `selected` export interface NodeView { /** A Prosemirror Node Object */ node?: ProsemirrorNode; /** A function to update attributes defined in `schema` */ updateAttrs?: (attrs: { [key: string]: any }) => any; /** The ProseMirror view instance */ view?: EditorView; /** An array of your extension options */ options?: { [key: string]: any }; /** Whether the node view is selected */ selected?: boolean; } export type CommandGetter = | { [key: string]: (() => Command) | Command } | (() => Command) | Command | (() => Command)[]; export interface EditorUpdateEvent { state: EditorState; getHTML: () => string; getJSON: () => object; transaction: Transaction; } export interface EditorOptions { editorProps?: EditorProps; /** defaults to true */ editable?: boolean; /** defaults to false */ autoFocus?: boolean; extensions?: ExtensionOption[]; content?: Object | string; emptyDocument?: { type: "doc"; content: [ { type: "paragraph"; } ]; }; /** defaults to false */ useBuiltInExtensions?: boolean; /** defaults to false */ disableInputRules?: boolean; /** defaults to false */ disablePasteRules?: boolean; dropCursor?: {}; parseOptions?: ParseOptions; /** defaults to true */ injectCSS?: boolean; onInit?: ({ view, state }: { view: EditorView; state: EditorState }) => void; onTransaction?: (event: EditorUpdateEvent) => void; onUpdate?: (event: EditorUpdateEvent) => void; onFocus?: ({ event, state, view, }: { event: FocusEvent; state: EditorState; view: EditorView; }) => void; onBlur?: ({ event, state, view, }: { event: FocusEvent; state: EditorState; view: EditorView; }) => void; onPaste?: (...args: any) => void; onDrop?: (...args: any) => void; } export class Editor { commands: { [key: string]: Command }; defaultOptions: { [key: string]: any }; element: Element; extensions: Extension[]; inputRules: any[]; keymaps: any[]; marks: Mark[]; nodes: Node[]; pasteRules: any[]; plugins: Plugin[]; schema: Schema; state: EditorState; view: EditorView; activeMarks: { [markName: string]: () => boolean }; activeNodes: { [nodeName: string]: () => boolean }; activeMarkAttrs: { [markName: string]: { [attr: string]: any } }; /** * Creates an [Editor] * @param options - An object of Editor options. */ constructor(options?: EditorOptions); /** * Replace the current content. You can pass an HTML string or a JSON document that matches the editor's schema. * @param content Defaults to {}. * @param emitUpdate Defaults to false. */ setContent(content?: string | object, emitUpdate?: boolean): void; /** * Clears the current editor content. * * @param emitUpdate Whether or not the change should trigger the onUpdate callback. */ clearContent(emitUpdate?: boolean): void; /** * Overwrites the current editor options. * @param options Options an object of Editor options */ setOptions(options: EditorOptions): void; /** * Register a ProseMirror plugin. * @param plugin */ registerPlugin(plugin: Plugin): void; /** Get the current content as JSON. */ getJSON(): {}; /** Get the current content as HTML. */ getHTML(): string; /** Focus the editor */ focus(): void; /** Removes the focus from the editor. */ blur(): void; /** Destroy the editor and free all Prosemirror-related objects from memory. * You should always call this method on beforeDestroy() lifecycle hook of the Vue component wrapping the editor. */ destroy(): void; on(event: string, callbackFn: (params: any) => void): void; off(event: string, callbackFn: (params: any) => void): void; getMarkAttrs(markName: string): { [attributeName: string]: any }; } export class Extension { /** Define a name for your extension */ name?: string | null; /** Define some default options.The options are available as this.$options. */ defaultOptions?: Options; /** Define a list of Prosemirror plugins. */ plugins?: Plugin[]; /** Called when options of extension are changed via editor.extensions.options */ update?: (view: EditorView) => any; /** Options for that are either passed in from the extension constructor or set by defaultOptions() */ options?: Options; constructor(options?: Options); /** Define some keybindings. */ keys?({ schema, }: { schema: Schema | NodeSpec | MarkSpec; }): { [keyCombo: string]: CommandFunction }; /** Define commands. */ commands?({ schema, attrs, }: { schema: Schema | NodeSpec | MarkSpec; attrs: { [key: string]: string }; }): CommandGetter; inputRules?({ schema }: { schema: Schema }): any[]; pasteRules?({ schema }: { schema: Schema }): Plugin[]; } export class Node extends Extension { schema?: NodeSpec; /** Reference to a view component constructor * See */ view?: { new (): V }; commands?({ type, schema, attrs, }: { type: NodeType; schema: NodeSpec; attrs: { [key: string]: string }; }): CommandGetter; keys?({ type, schema, }: { type: NodeType; schema: NodeSpec; }): { [keyCombo: string]: CommandFunction }; inputRules?({ type, schema }: { type: NodeType; schema: Schema }): any[]; pasteRules?({ type, schema }: { type: NodeType; schema: Schema }): Plugin[]; } export class Mark extends Extension { schema?: MarkSpec; /** Reference to a view component constructor * See */ view?: { new (): V }; commands?({ type, schema, attrs, }: { type: MarkType; schema: MarkSpec; attrs: { [key: string]: string }; }): CommandGetter; keys?({ type, schema, }: { type: MarkType; schema: MarkSpec; }): { [keyCombo: string]: CommandFunction }; inputRules?({ type, schema }: { type: MarkType; schema: Schema }): any[]; pasteRules?({ type, schema }: { type: MarkType; schema: Schema }): Plugin[]; } export class Text extends Node {} export class Paragraph extends Node {} export class Doc extends Node {} /** A set of commands registered to the editor. */ export interface EditorCommandSet { [key: string]: Command; } /** * The properties passed into component */ export interface MenuData { /** Whether the editor has focus. */ focused: boolean; /** Function to focus the editor. */ focus: () => void; /** A set of commands registered. */ commands: EditorCommandSet; /** Check whether a node or mark is currently active. */ isActive: IsActiveChecker; /** A function to get all mark attributes of the current selection. */ getMarkAttrs: (markName: string) => { [attributeName: string]: any }; } export interface FloatingMenuData extends MenuData { /** An object for positioning the menu. */ menu: MenuDisplayData; } /** * A data object passed to a menu bubble to help it determine its position * and visibility. */ export interface MenuDisplayData { /** Left position of the cursor. */ left: number; /** Bottom position of the cursor. */ bottom: number; /** Whether or not there is an active selection. */ isActive: boolean; } /** * A map containing functions to check if a node/mark is currently selected. * The name of the node/mark is used as the key. */ export interface IsActiveChecker { [name: string]: () => boolean; } }