defmodule MobilizonWeb.Resolvers.Comment do @moduledoc """ Handles the comment-related GraphQL calls """ require Logger alias Mobilizon.Events.Comment alias Mobilizon.Activity alias Mobilizon.Actors.User alias MobilizonWeb.API.Comments def create_comment(_parent, %{text: comment, actor_username: username}, %{ context: %{current_user: %User{} = _user} }) do with {:ok, %Activity{data: %{"object" => %{"type" => "Note"} = object}}} <- Comments.create_comment(username, comment) do {:ok, %Comment{ text: object["content"], url: object["id"], uuid: object["uuid"] }} end end def create_comment(_parent, _args, %{}) do {:error, "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"} end end