image: tcitworld/mobilizon-ci stages: - install - check - build-js - test - docker - package - upload - deploy variables: MIX_ENV: "test" YARN_CACHE_FOLDER: "js/.yarn" # DB Variables for Postgres / Postgis POSTGRES_DB: mobilizon_test POSTGRES_USER: postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "" POSTGRES_HOST: postgres # DB Variables for Mobilizon MOBILIZON_DATABASE_USERNAME: $POSTGRES_USER MOBILIZON_DATABASE_PASSWORD: $POSTGRES_PASSWORD MOBILIZON_DATABASE_DBNAME: $POSTGRES_DB MOBILIZON_DATABASE_HOST: $POSTGRES_HOST GEOLITE_CITIES_PATH: "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb" MOBILIZON_INSTANCE_REGISTRATIONS_OPEN: "true" # Release elements PACKAGE_REGISTRY_URL: "${CI_API_V4_URL}/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages/generic/${CI_PROJECT_NAME}" ARCH: "amd64" cache: key: "${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}-${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA}" paths: - ~/.cache/Cypress - cache/Cypress - deps/ - _build/ - js/node_modules - js/.yarn # Installed dependencies are cached across the pipeline # So there is no need to reinstall them all the time # It saves minutes during a pipeline build time install: stage: install script: - yarn --cwd "js" install --frozen-lockfile - mix deps.get - mix compile lint-elixir: stage: check before_script: - mix deps.get script: - export EXITVALUE=0 - mix format --check-formatted --dry-run || export EXITVALUE=1 - mix credo --strict -a || export EXITVALUE=1 - mix sobelow --config || export EXITVALUE=1 - exit $EXITVALUE lint-front: image: node:14 stage: check before_script: - export EXITVALUE=0 - yarn --cwd "js" install --frozen-lockfile script: - yarn --cwd "js" run lint || export EXITVALUE=1 - yarn --cwd "js" run prettier -c . || export EXITVALUE=1 - exit $EXITVALUE build-frontend: stage: build-js image: node:14 before_script: - apt update - apt install -y --no-install-recommends python build-essential webp imagemagick gifsicle jpegoptim optipng pngquant script: - yarn --cwd "js" install --frozen-lockfile - yarn --cwd "js" run build artifacts: expire_in: 5 days paths: - priv/static needs: - lint-front deps: stage: check before_script: - mix deps.get script: - export EXITVALUE=0 - mix hex.outdated || export EXITVALUE=1 - yarn --cwd "js" outdated || export EXITVALUE=1 - exit $EXITVALUE allow_failure: true needs: - install exunit: stage: test services: - name: mdillon/postgis:11 alias: postgres variables: MIX_ENV: test before_script: - mix deps.get - mix ecto.create - mix ecto.migrate script: - mix coveralls artifacts: when: always reports: junit: - test-junit-report.xml expire_in: 30 days jest: stage: test needs: - lint-front before_script: - yarn --cwd "js" install --frozen-lockfile script: - yarn --cwd "js" run test:unit --no-color --ci --reporters=default --reporters=jest-junit artifacts: when: always paths: - js/coverage reports: junit: - js/junit.xml expire_in: 30 days # cypress: # stage: test # services: # - name: mdillon/postgis:11 # alias: postgres # variables: # MIX_ENV=e2e # script: # - mix ecto.create # - mix ecto.migrate # - mix run priv/repo/e2e.seed.exs # - mix phx.server & # - cd js # - npx wait-on http://localhost:4000 # - if [ -z "$CYPRESS_KEY" ]; then npx cypress run; else npx cypress run --record --parallel --key $CYPRESS_KEY; fi # artifacts: # expire_in: 2 day # paths: # - js/tests/e2e/screenshots/**/*.png # - js/tests/e2e/videos/**/*.mp4 pages: stage: deploy script: - mkdir public - mix docs - mv doc public/backend # #- yarn run --cwd "js" styleguide:build # #- mv js/styleguide public/frontend rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "master"' artifacts: expire_in: 1 hour paths: - public .docker: &docker stage: docker cache: {} image: name: entrypoint: [""] before_script: - mkdir -p /kaniko/.docker - echo "{\"auths\":{\"$CI_REGISTRY\":{\"auth\":\"$CI_REGISTRY_AUTH\",\"email\":\"$CI_REGISTRY_EMAIL\"}}}" > /kaniko/.docker/config.json script: - /kaniko/executor --context $CI_PROJECT_DIR --dockerfile $CI_PROJECT_DIR/docker/production/Dockerfile --destination $DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME build-docker-master: <<: *docker rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE != "framasoft"' when: never - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule"' variables: DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME: framasoft/mobilizon:master build-docker-tag: <<: *docker rules: - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE != "framasoft"' when: never - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG variables: DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME: framasoft/mobilizon:$CI_COMMIT_TAG package-app: stage: package before_script: - apt update - apt install -y --no-install-recommends build-essential git cmake variables: MIX_ENV: "prod" script: - mix local.hex --force - mix local.rebar --force - cp docker/production/releases.exs ./config/ - mix phx.digest - mix release artifacts: expire_in: 2 days paths: - _build/prod/rel release-upload: stage: upload image: curlimages/curl:latest rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG script: | APP_VERSION="${CI_COMMIT_TAG}" APP_ASSET="${CI_PROJECT_NAME}_${APP_VERSION}_${ARCH}.tar.gz" echo "Artifact: ${APP_ASSET}" tar czf ${APP_ASSET} -C _build/prod/rel mobilizon ls -al ${APP_ASSET} curl --silent --show-error --header "JOB-TOKEN: ${CI_JOB_TOKEN}" --upload-file "${APP_ASSET}" ${PACKAGE_REGISTRY_URL}/${APP_VERSION}/${APP_ASSET} artifacts: expire_in: 1 day when: on_success paths: - mobilizon_*.tar.gz release-create: stage: deploy image: rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG dependencies: [] cache: {} script: | APP_VERSION="${CI_COMMIT_TAG}" APP_ASSET="${CI_PROJECT_NAME}_${APP_VERSION}_${ARCH}.tar.gz" release-cli create --name "$CI_PROJECT_TITLE v$CI_COMMIT_TAG" \ --tag-name "$CI_COMMIT_TAG" \ --assets-link "{\"name\":\"${APP_ASSET}\",\"url\":\"${PACKAGE_REGISTRY_URL}/${APP_VERSION}/${APP_ASSET}\"}"