import { mixins } from 'vue-class-component'; import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator'; import { IEvent, IParticipant, ParticipantRole } from '@/types/event.model'; import { DELETE_EVENT, EVENT_PERSON_PARTICIPATION, FETCH_EVENT, LEAVE_EVENT } from '@/graphql/event'; import { RouteName } from '@/router'; import { IActor, IPerson } from '@/types/actor'; @Component export default class EventMixin extends mixins(Vue) { protected async leaveEvent( event: IEvent, actorId: number, token: String|null = null, anonymousParticipationConfirmed: boolean|null = null, ) { try { const { data } = await this.$apollo.mutate<{ leaveEvent: IParticipant }>({ mutation: LEAVE_EVENT, variables: { eventId:, actorId, token, }, update: (store, { data }) => { if (data == null) return; let participation; if (!token) { const participationCachedData = store.readQuery<{ person: IPerson }>({ query: EVENT_PERSON_PARTICIPATION, variables: { eventId:, actorId }, }); if (participationCachedData == null) return; const { person } = participationCachedData; if (person === null) { console.error('Cannot update participation cache, because of null value.'); return; } participation = person.participations[0]; person.participations = []; store.writeQuery({ query: EVENT_PERSON_PARTICIPATION, variables: { eventId:, actorId }, data: { person }, }); } const eventCachedData = store.readQuery<{ event: IEvent }>({ query: FETCH_EVENT, variables: { uuid: event.uuid } }); if (eventCachedData == null) return; const { event: eventCached } = eventCachedData; if (eventCached === null) { console.error('Cannot update event cache, because of null value.'); return; } if (participation && participation.role === ParticipantRole.NOT_APPROVED) { eventCached.participantStats.notApproved = eventCached.participantStats.notApproved - 1; } else if (anonymousParticipationConfirmed === false) { eventCached.participantStats.notConfirmed = eventCached.participantStats.notApproved - 1; } else { eventCached.participantStats.going = eventCached.participantStats.going - 1; eventCached.participantStats.participant = eventCached.participantStats.participant - 1; } store.writeQuery({ query: FETCH_EVENT, variables: { uuid: event.uuid }, data: { event: eventCached } }); }, }); if (data) { this.participationCancelledMessage(); } } catch (error) { console.error(error); } } private participationCancelledMessage() { this.$notifier.success(this.$t('You have cancelled your participation') as string); } protected async openDeleteEventModal(event: IEvent, currentActor: IPerson) { const participantsLength = event.participantStats.participant; const prefix = participantsLength ? this.$tc('There are {participants} participants.', event.participantStats.participant, { participants: event.participantStats.participant, }) : ''; this.$buefy.dialog.prompt({ type: 'is-danger', title: this.$t('Delete event') as string, message: `${prefix} ${this.$t('Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be reverted.')}

${this.$t('To confirm, type your event title "{eventTitle}"', { eventTitle: event.title })}`, confirmText: this.$t( 'Delete {eventTitle}', { eventTitle: event.title }, ) as string, inputAttrs: { placeholder: event.title, pattern: event.title, }, onConfirm: () => this.deleteEvent(event, currentActor), }); } private async deleteEvent(event: IEvent, currentActor: IPerson) { const eventTitle = event.title; try { await this.$apollo.mutate({ mutation: DELETE_EVENT, variables: { eventId:, actorId:, }, }); /** * When the event corresponding has been deleted (by the organizer). A notification is already triggered. * * @type {string} */ this.$emit('eventDeleted',; this.${ message: this.$t('Event {eventTitle} deleted', { eventTitle }) as string, type: 'is-success', position: 'is-bottom-right', duration: 5000, }); await this.$router.push({ name: RouteName.HOME }); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } } }