defmodule Mix.Tasks.Mobilizon.MoveParticipantStats do @moduledoc """ Temporary task to move participant stats in the events table This task will be removed in version 1.0.0-beta.3 """ use Mix.Task import Ecto.Query alias Mobilizon.Events alias Mobilizon.Events.Event alias Mobilizon.Events.ParticipantRole alias Mobilizon.Storage.Repo require Logger @shortdoc "Move participant stats to events table" def run([]) do"app.start") events = Event |> preload([e], :tags) |> Repo.all() nb_events = length(events) IO.puts( "\nStarting inserting participants stats into #{nb_events} events, this can take a while…\n" ) insert_participants_stats_into_events(events, nb_events) end defp insert_participants_stats_into_events([%Event{url: url} = event | events], nb_events) do with roles <- ParticipantRole.__enum_map__(), counts <- Enum.reduce(roles, %{}, fn role, acc -> Map.put(acc, role, count_participants(event, role)) end), {:ok, _} <- Events.update_event(event, %{ participant_stats: counts }) do Logger.debug("Added participants stats to event #{url}") else {:error, res} -> Logger.error("Error while adding participants stats to event #{url} : #{inspect(res)}") end ProgressBar.render(nb_events - length(events), nb_events) insert_participants_stats_into_events(events, nb_events) end defp insert_participants_stats_into_events([], nb_events) do IO.puts("\nFinished inserting participant stats for #{nb_events} events!\n") end defp count_participants(%Event{id: event_id}, role) when is_atom(role) do event_id |> Events.count_participants_query() |> Events.filter_role(role) |> Repo.aggregate(:count, :id) end end