defmodule Mobilizon.Service.CleanOrphanMedia do @moduledoc """ Service to clean orphan media """ alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Medias alias Mobilizon.Medias.File alias Mobilizon.Medias.Media alias Mobilizon.Storage.Repo import Ecto.Query @doc """ Clean orphan media Remove media that is not attached to an entity, such as media uploads that were never used in entities. Options: * `grace_period` how old in hours can the media be before it's taken into account for deletion * `dry_run` just return the media that would have been deleted, don't actually delete it """ @spec clean(Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, list(Media.t())} def clean(opts \\ []) do medias = find_media(opts) if Keyword.get(opts, :dry_run, false) do {:ok, medias} else Enum.each(medias, fn media_list -> Enum.each(media_list, fn media -> Medias.delete_media(media, ignore_file_not_found: true) end) end) {:ok, medias} end end # Ecto doesn't currently allow us to use exists with a subquery, # so we can't create the union through Ecto # @union_query [ [from: "events", param: "picture_id"], [from: "events_medias", param: "media_id"], [from: "posts", param: "picture_id"], [from: "posts_medias", param: "media_id"], [from: "comments_medias", param: "media_id"] ] |> Enum.map_join(" UNION ", fn [from: from, param: param] -> "SELECT 1 FROM #{from} WHERE #{from}.#{param} =" end) |> (&"NOT EXISTS(#{&1})").() @spec find_media(Keyword.t()) :: list(list(Media.t())) defp find_media(opts) do default_grace_period = Mobilizon.Config.get([:instance, :orphan_upload_grace_period_hours], 48) grace_period = Keyword.get(opts, :grace_period, default_grace_period) expiration_date = DateTime.add(DateTime.utc_now(), grace_period * -3600) query = from(m in Media, as: :media, distinct: true, join: a in Actor, on: == m.actor_id, where: is_nil(a.domain), where: m.inserted_at < ^expiration_date, where: fragment(@union_query) ) query |> Repo.all(timeout: :infinity) |> Enum.filter(fn %Media{file: %File{url: url}} -> !url_is_also_a_profile_file?(url) && is_all_media_orphan?(url, expiration_date) end) |> Enum.chunk_by(fn %Media{file: %File{url: url}} -> url |> String.split("?", parts: 2) |> hd end) end def is_all_media_orphan?(url, expiration_date) do url |> Medias.get_all_media_by_url() |> Enum.all?(&is_media_orphan?(&1, expiration_date)) end @spec is_media_orphan?(Media.t(), DateTime.t()) :: boolean() def is_media_orphan?(%Media{id: media_id}, expiration_date) do media_query = from(m in Media, as: :media, distinct: true, join: a in Actor, on: == m.actor_id, where: == ^media_id, where: is_nil(a.domain), where: m.inserted_at < ^expiration_date, where: fragment(@union_query) ) Repo.exists?(media_query) end @spec url_is_also_a_profile_file?(String.t()) :: nil defp url_is_also_a_profile_file?(url) when is_binary(url) do Actor |> where([a], fragment("avatar->>'url'") == ^url or fragment("banner->>'url'") == ^url) |> Repo.exists?() end end