defmodule Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityStream.Converter.Event do @moduledoc """ Event converter. This module allows to convert events from ActivityStream format to our own internal one, and back. """ alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Addresses alias Mobilizon.Addresses.Address alias Mobilizon.Events.Event, as: EventModel alias Mobilizon.Media.Picture alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityPub alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityStream.{Converter, Convertible} alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityStream.Converter.Address, as: AddressConverter alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityStream.Converter.Picture, as: PictureConverter alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityStream.Converter.Utils, as: ConverterUtils require Logger @behaviour Converter defimpl Convertible, for: EventModel do alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityStream.Converter.Event, as: EventConverter defdelegate model_to_as(event), to: EventConverter end @doc """ Converts an AP object data to our internal data structure. """ @impl Converter @spec as_to_model_data(map) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, any()} def as_to_model_data(object) do Logger.debug("event as_to_model_data") Logger.debug(inspect(object)) with author_url <- Map.get(object, "actor") || Map.get(object, "attributedTo"), {:actor, {:ok, %Actor{id: actor_id, domain: actor_domain}}} <- {:actor, ActivityPub.get_or_fetch_actor_by_url(author_url)}, {:address, address_id} <- {:address, get_address(object["location"])}, {:tags, tags} <- {:tags, ConverterUtils.fetch_tags(object["tag"])}, {:mentions, mentions} <- {:mentions, ConverterUtils.fetch_mentions(object["tag"])}, {:visibility, visibility} <- {:visibility, get_visibility(object)}, {:options, options} <- {:options, get_options(object)} do picture_id = with true <- Map.has_key?(object, "attachment") && length(object["attachment"]) > 0, {:ok, %Picture{id: picture_id}} <- object["attachment"] |> hd |> PictureConverter.find_or_create_picture(actor_id) do picture_id else _err -> nil end entity = %{ title: object["name"], description: object["content"], organizer_actor_id: actor_id, picture_id: picture_id, begins_on: object["startTime"], ends_on: object["endTime"], category: object["category"], visibility: visibility, join_options: Map.get(object, "joinMode", "free"), local: is_nil(actor_domain), options: options, status: object |> Map.get("ical:status", "CONFIRMED") |> String.downcase(), online_address: object["onlineAddress"], phone_address: object["phoneAddress"], draft: false, url: object["id"], uuid: object["uuid"], tags: tags, mentions: mentions, physical_address_id: address_id, updated_at: object["updated"], publish_at: object["published"] } {:ok, entity} else error -> {:error, error} end end @doc """ Convert an event struct to an ActivityStream representation. """ @impl Converter @spec model_to_as(EventModel.t()) :: map def model_to_as(%EventModel{} = event) do to = if event.visibility == :public, do: [""], else: [event.organizer_actor.followers_url] res = %{ "type" => "Event", "to" => to, "cc" => [], "attributedTo" => event.organizer_actor.url, "name" => event.title, "actor" => event.organizer_actor.url, "uuid" => event.uuid, "category" => event.category, "content" => event.description, "published" => (event.publish_at || event.inserted_at) |> date_to_string(), "updated" => event.updated_at |> date_to_string(), "mediaType" => "text/html", "startTime" => event.begins_on |> date_to_string(), "joinMode" => to_string(event.join_options), "endTime" => event.ends_on |> date_to_string(), "tag" => event.tags |> ConverterUtils.build_tags(), "maximumAttendeeCapacity" => event.options.maximum_attendee_capacity, "repliesModerationOption" => event.options.comment_moderation, "commentsEnabled" => event.options.comment_moderation == :allow_all, "anonymousParticipationEnabled" => event.options.anonymous_participation, # "draft" => event.draft, "ical:status" => event.status |> to_string |> String.upcase(), "id" => event.url, "url" => event.url } res = if is_nil(event.physical_address), do: res, else: Map.put(res, "location", AddressConverter.model_to_as(event.physical_address)) if is_nil(event.picture), do: res, else: Map.put(res, "attachment", [PictureConverter.model_to_as(event.picture)]) end # Get only elements that we have in EventOptions @spec get_options(map) :: map defp get_options(object) do %{ maximum_attendee_capacity: object["maximumAttendeeCapacity"], anonymous_participation: object["anonymousParticipationEnabled"], comment_moderation: Map.get( object, "repliesModerationOption", if(Map.get(object, "commentsEnabled", true), do: :allow_all, else: :closed) ) } end @spec get_address(map | binary | nil) :: integer | nil defp get_address(address_url) when is_bitstring(address_url) do get_address(%{"id" => address_url}) end defp get_address(%{"id" => url} = map) when is_map(map) and is_binary(url) do Logger.debug("Address with an URL, let's check against our own database") case Addresses.get_address_by_url(url) do %Address{id: address_id} -> address_id _ -> Logger.debug("not in our database, let's try to create it") map = Map.put(map, "url", map["id"]) do_get_address(map) end end defp get_address(map) when is_map(map) do do_get_address(map) end defp get_address(nil), do: nil @spec do_get_address(map) :: integer | nil defp do_get_address(map) do map = AddressConverter.as_to_model_data(map) case Addresses.create_address(map) do {:ok, %Address{id: address_id}} -> address_id _ -> nil end end @ap_public "" defp get_visibility(object), do: if(@ap_public in object["to"], do: :public, else: :unlisted) @spec date_to_string(DateTime.t() | nil) :: String.t() defp date_to_string(nil), do: nil defp date_to_string(%DateTime{} = date), do: DateTime.to_iso8601(date) end