defimpl Mobilizon.Service.Metadata, for: Mobilizon.Events.Event do alias Phoenix.HTML alias Phoenix.HTML.Tag alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Addresses.Address alias Mobilizon.Events.{Event, EventOptions} alias Mobilizon.Web.Endpoint alias Mobilizon.Web.JsonLD.ObjectView alias Mobilizon.Web.Router.Helpers, as: Routes import Mobilizon.Service.Metadata.Utils, only: [process_description: 2, strip_tags: 1, datetime_to_string: 2, render_address: 1] def build_tags(%Event{} = event, locale \\ "en") do formatted_description = description(event, locale) tags = [ Tag.content_tag(:title, event.title <> " - Mobilizon"), Tag.tag(:meta, name: "description", content: process_description(event.description, locale)), Tag.tag(:meta, property: "og:title", content: event.title), Tag.tag(:meta, property: "og:url", content: event.url), Tag.tag(:meta, property: "og:description", content: formatted_description), Tag.tag(:meta, property: "og:type", content: "website"), # Tell Search Engines what's the origin Tag.tag(:link, rel: "canonical", href: event.url) ] tags = if is_nil(event.picture) do tags else tags ++ [ Tag.tag(:meta, property: "og:image", content: event.picture.file.url ) ] end breadcrumbs = if event.attributed_to do [ %{ "@context" => "", "@type" => "BreadcrumbList", "itemListElement" => [ %{ "@type" => "ListItem", "position" => 1, "name" => Actor.display_name(event.attributed_to), "item" => Endpoint |> Routes.page_url( :actor, Actor.preferred_username_and_domain(event.attributed_to) ) |> URI.decode() }, %{ "@type" => "ListItem", "position" => 2, "name" => event.title } ] } ] else [] end breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs ++ [ %{ "@context" => "", "@type" => "BreadcrumbList", "itemListElement" => [ %{ "@type" => "ListItem", "position" => 1, "name" => "Events", "item" => "#{Endpoint.url()}/search" }, %{ "@type" => "ListItem", "position" => 2, "name" => event.title } ] } ] tags ++ [ Tag.tag(:meta, property: "twitter:card", content: "summary_large_image"), ~s{} |> HTML.raw(), ~s{} |> HTML.raw() ] end # Insert JSON-LD schema by hand because Tag.content_tag wants to escape it defp json(%Event{title: title} = event) do "event.json" |> ObjectView.render(%{event: %{event | title: strip_tags(title)}}) |> Jason.encode!() end defp description( %Event{ description: description, begins_on: begins_on, physical_address: address, options: %EventOptions{timezone: timezone}, language: language }, locale ) do language = build_language(language, locale) begins_on = build_begins_on(begins_on, timezone) begins_on |> datetime_to_string(language) |> (&[&1]).() |> add_timezone(begins_on) |> maybe_build_address(address) |> build_description(description, language) |> Enum.join(" - ") end @spec build_language(String.t() | nil, String.t()) :: String.t() defp build_language(language, locale), do: language || locale @spec build_begins_on(DateTime.t(), String.t() | nil) :: DateTime.t() defp build_begins_on(begins_on, timezone) do if timezone do case DateTime.shift_zone(begins_on, timezone) do {:ok, begins_on} -> begins_on {:error, _err} -> begins_on end else begins_on end end defp add_timezone(elements, %DateTime{} = begins_on) do elements ++ [Cldr.DateTime.Formatter.zone_gmt(begins_on)] end @spec maybe_build_address(list(String.t()), Address.t() | nil) :: list(String.t()) defp maybe_build_address(elements, %Address{} = address) do elements ++ [render_address(address)] end defp maybe_build_address(elements, _address), do: elements @spec build_description(list(String.t()), String.t(), String.t()) :: list(String.t()) defp build_description(elements, description, language) do elements ++ [process_description(description, language)] end end