defmodule MobilizonWeb.Schema do use Absinthe.Schema import Absinthe.Resolution.Helpers, only: [dataloader: 1] alias Mobilizon.{Actors, Events} alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Events.Event import_types(MobilizonWeb.Schema.Custom.UUID) import_types(Absinthe.Type.Custom) import_types(Absinthe.Plug.Types) alias MobilizonWeb.Resolvers @desc "An ActivityPub actor" object :actor do field(:url, :string, description: "The ActivityPub actor's URL") # We probably don't need all of that # field(:outbox_url, :string, description: "The ActivityPub actor outbox_url") # field(:inbox_url, :string) # field(:following_url, :string) # field(:followers_url, :string) # field(:shared_inbox_url, :string) field(:type, :actor_type, description: "The type of Actor (Person, Group,…)") field(:name, :string, description: "The actor's displayed name") field(:domain, :string, description: "The actor's domain if (null if it's this instance)") field(:summary, :string, description: "The actor's summary") field(:preferred_username, :string, description: "The actor's preferred username") field(:keys, :string, description: "The actors RSA Keys") field(:manually_approves_followers, :boolean, description: "Whether the actors manually approves followers" ) field(:suspended, :boolean, description: "If the actor is suspended") field(:avatar_url, :string, description: "The actor's avatar url") field(:banner_url, :string, description: "The actor's banner url") # field(:followers, list_of(:follower)) field(:organized_events, list_of(:event), resolve: dataloader(Events), description: "A list of the events this actor has organized" ) # field(:memberships, list_of(:member)) field(:user, :user, description: "The user this actor is associated to") end @desc "The list of types an actor can be" enum :actor_type do value(:Person, description: "An ActivityPub Person") value(:Application, description: "An ActivityPub Application") value(:Group, description: "An ActivityPub Group") value(:Organization, description: "An ActivityPub Organization") value(:Service, description: "An ActivityPub Service") end @desc "A local user of Mobilizon" object :user do field(:id, non_null(:id), description: "The user's ID") field(:email, non_null(:string), description: "The user's email") # , resolve: dataloader(:actors)) field(:actors, non_null(list_of(:actor)), description: "The user's list of actors (identities)" ) field(:default_actor_id, non_null(:integer), description: "The user's default actor") field(:confirmed_at, :datetime, description: "The datetime when the user was confirmed/activated" ) field(:confirmation_sent_at, :datetime, description: "The datetime the last activation/confirmation token was sent" ) field(:confirmation_token, :string, description: "The account activation/confirmation token") field(:reset_password_sent_at, :datetime, description: "The datetime last reset password email was sent" ) field(:reset_password_token, :string, description: "The token sent when requesting password token" ) end @desc "A JWT and the associated user ID" object :login do field(:token, non_null(:string)) field(:user, non_null(:user)) field(:actor, non_null(:actor)) end @desc "An event" object :event do field(:uuid, :uuid) field(:url, :string) field(:local, :boolean) field(:title, :string) field(:description, :string) field(:begins_on, :datetime) field(:ends_on, :datetime) field(:state, :integer) field(:status, :integer) field(:public, :boolean) field(:thumbnail, :string) field(:large_image, :string) field(:publish_at, :datetime) field(:address_type, :address_type) field(:online_address, :string) field(:phone, :string) field :organizer_actor, :actor do resolve(dataloader(Actors)) end field(:attributed_to, :actor) # field(:tags, list_of(:tag)) field(:category, :category) field(:participants, list_of(:participant), resolve: &Resolvers.Event.list_participants_for_event/3 ) # field(:tracks, list_of(:track)) # field(:sessions, list_of(:session)) # field(:physical_address, :address) field(:updated_at, :datetime) field(:created_at, :datetime) end @desc "Represents a participant to an event" object :participant do # field(:event, :event, resolve: dataloader(Events)) # , resolve: dataloader(Actors) field(:actor, :actor) field(:role, :integer) end @desc "The list of types an address can be" enum :address_type do value(:physical) value(:url) value(:phone) value(:other) end @desc "A category" object :category do field(:id, :id) field(:description, :string) field(:picture, :picture) field(:title, :string) field(:updated_at, :datetime) field(:created_at, :datetime) end @desc "A picture" object :picture do field(:url, :string) field(:url_thumbnail, :string) end @desc "A search result" union :search_result do types([:event, :actor]) resolve_type(fn %Actor{}, _ -> :actor %Event{}, _ -> :event end) end def context(ctx) do loader = |> Dataloader.add_source(Actors, |> Dataloader.add_source(Events, Map.put(ctx, :loader, loader) end def plugins do [Absinthe.Middleware.Dataloader | Absinthe.Plugin.defaults()] end query do @desc "Get all events" field :events, list_of(:event) do resolve(&Resolvers.Event.list_events/3) end @desc "Search through events and actors" field :search, list_of(:search_result) do arg(:search, non_null(:string)) arg(:page, :integer, default_value: 1) arg(:limit, :integer, default_value: 10) resolve(&Resolvers.Event.search_events_and_actors/3) end @desc "Get an event by uuid" field :event, :event do arg(:uuid, non_null(:uuid)) resolve(&Resolvers.Event.find_event/3) end @desc "Get all participants for an event uuid" field :participants, list_of(:participant) do arg(:uuid, non_null(:uuid)) resolve(&Resolvers.Event.list_participants_for_event/3) end @desc "Get an user" field :user, :user do arg(:id, non_null(:id)) resolve(&Resolvers.User.find_user/3) end @desc "Get the current user" field :logged_user, :user do resolve(&Resolvers.User.get_current_user/3) end @desc "Get the current actor for the logged-in user" field :logged_actor, :actor do resolve(&Resolvers.Actor.get_current_actor/3) end @desc "Get an actor" field :actor, :actor do arg(:preferred_username, non_null(:string)) resolve(&Resolvers.Actor.find_actor/3) end @desc "Get the list of categories" field :categories, list_of(:category) do resolve(&Resolvers.Category.list_categories/3) end end mutation do @desc "Create an event" field :create_event, type: :event do arg(:title, non_null(:string)) arg(:description, non_null(:string)) arg(:begins_on, non_null(:datetime)) arg(:ends_on, :datetime) arg(:state, :integer) arg(:status, :integer) arg(:public, :boolean) arg(:thumbnail, :string) arg(:large_image, :string) arg(:publish_at, :datetime) arg(:address_type, non_null(:address_type)) arg(:online_address, :string) arg(:phone, :string) arg(:organizer_actor_id, non_null(:integer)) arg(:category_id, non_null(:integer)) resolve(&Resolvers.Event.create_event/3) end @desc "Create a category with a title, description and picture" field :create_category, type: :category do arg(:title, non_null(:string)) arg(:description, non_null(:string)) arg(:picture, non_null(:upload)) resolve(&Resolvers.Category.create_category/3) end @desc "Create an user (returns an actor)" field :create_user, type: :actor do arg(:email, non_null(:string)) arg(:password, non_null(:string)) arg(:username, non_null(:string)) resolve(&Resolvers.User.create_user_actor/3) end @desc "Validate an user after registration" field :validate_user, type: :login do arg(:token, non_null(:string)) resolve(&Resolvers.User.validate_user/3) end @desc "Resend registration confirmation token" field :resend_confirmation_email, type: :string do arg(:email, non_null(:string)) arg(:locale, :string, default_value: "en") resolve(&Resolvers.User.resend_confirmation_email/3) end @desc "Send a link through email to reset user password" field :send_reset_password, type: :string do arg(:email, non_null(:string)) arg(:locale, :string, default_value: "en") resolve(&Resolvers.User.send_reset_password/3) end @desc "Reset user password" field :reset_password, type: :login do arg(:token, non_null(:string)) arg(:password, non_null(:string)) arg(:locale, :string, default_value: "en") resolve(&Resolvers.User.reset_password/3) end @desc "Login an user" field :login, :login do arg(:email, non_null(:string)) arg(:password, non_null(:string)) resolve(&Resolvers.User.login_user/3) end @desc "Change default actor for user" field :change_default_actor, :user do arg(:preferred_username, non_null(:string)) resolve(&Resolvers.User.change_default_actor/3) end # @desc "Upload a picture" # field :upload_picture, :picture do # arg(:file, non_null(:upload)) # resolve(&Resolvers.Upload.upload_picture/3) # end end end