defmodule Mobilizon.Service.ActivityPub.Converters.Participant do @moduledoc """ Flag converter This module allows to convert reports from ActivityStream format to our own internal one, and back. Note: Reports are named Flag in AS. """ alias Mobilizon.Events.Participant, as: ParticipantModel @doc """ Convert an event struct to an ActivityStream representation """ @spec model_to_as(ParticipantModel.t()) :: map() def model_to_as(%ParticipantModel{} = participant) do %{ "type" => "Join", "id" => participant.url, "actor" =>, "object" => participant.event.url } end defimpl Mobilizon.Service.ActivityPub.Convertible, for: Mobilizon.Events.Participant do alias Mobilizon.Service.ActivityPub.Converters.Participant, as: ParticipantConverter defdelegate model_to_as(event), to: ParticipantConverter end end