# Mobilizon.Chapril.org Version personnalisée de Mobilizon pour le Chapril =========================================================
Developed with ♥ by Framasoft
## Introduction Mobilizon is a tool designed to create platforms for managing communities and events. Its purpose is to help as many people as possible to free themselves from Facebook groups and events, from Meetup, etc. The Mobilizon software is under a Free licence, so anyone can host a Mobilizon server, called an instance. These instances may federate with each other, so any person with an account on *ExampleMeet* will be able to register to an event created on *SpecimenEvent*. ## ✨ Features ### 👤 Identities Do you want to separate your family gatherings from your associative activities or militant mobilizations? You will have the power to create multiple identities from the same account, like so many social masks. --- ### 📅 Events and groups Create your events and make sure they will appeal to everybody. Privacy settings and participants roles are supported. There's no lock-in, you can interact with the event without registration. --- ## Contributing We appreciate any contribution to Mobilizon. Check our [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) file for more information. ## Links ### Learn more * 🌐 Official website: [https://joinmobilizon.org](https://joinmobilizon.org) * 🔢 Pick an instance [https://mobilizon.org](https://mobilizon.org) * 💻 Source: [https://framagit.org/framasoft/mobilizon](https://framagit.org/framasoft/mobilizon) * 📜 Documentation [https://docs.joinmobilizon.org](https://docs.joinmobilizon.org) ### Discuss * 💬 Riot/Matrix: [https://riot.im/app/#/room/#Mobilizon:matrix.org](https://riot.im/app/#/room/#Mobilizon:matrix.org) * 🗣️ Forum: [https://framacolibri.org/c/mobilizon](https://framacolibri.org/c/mobilizon) ### Follow * 🐘 Mastodon: [https://framapiaf.org/@mobilizon](https://framapiaf.org/@mobilizon) * 🐦 Twitter [https://twitter.com/@joinmobilizon](https://twitter.com/@joinmobilizon) Note: Most federation code comes from [Pleroma](https://pleroma.social), which is `Copyright © 2017-2018 Pleroma Authors - AGPL-3.0`. ## ❤️ Supports of our crowdfunding --- We have run [a crowdfunding campaign](https://framablog.org/2019/05/14/mobilizon-lets-finance-a-software-to-free-our-events-from-facebook/) to pave the road to the version 1.0.0 of Mobilizon. Thanks to everyone who pitched in and shared the news around! The list of [everyone who donated is available here](https://joinmobilizon.org/hall-of-fame). ## Database postgresql config sudo -i -u postgres psql CREATE USER phoenixman_demo; ALTER USER phoenixman_demo WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'monpass_phoenixman_demo_dupass'; ALTER ROLE phoenixman_demo WITH CREATEDB; CREATE DATABASE phoenixland OWNER phoenixman_demo; quit; psql -l sudo service postgresql restart mix ecto.create mix ecto.migrate mix phx.server