import { CURRENT_ACTOR_CLIENT, GROUP_MEMBERSHIP_SUBSCRIPTION_CHANGED, PERSON_STATUS_GROUP, } from "@/graphql/actor"; import { DELETE_GROUP, FETCH_GROUP } from "@/graphql/group"; import RouteName from "@/router/name"; import { IActor, IFollower, IGroup, IPerson, usernameWithDomain, } from "@/types/actor"; import { MemberRole } from "@/types/enums"; import { Component, Vue } from "vue-property-decorator"; import { Route } from "vue-router"; const now = new Date(); @Component({ apollo: { group: { query: FETCH_GROUP, fetchPolicy: "cache-and-network", variables() { return { name: this.$route.params.preferredUsername, beforeDateTime: null, afterDateTime: now, }; }, skip() { return !this.$route.params.preferredUsername; }, error({ graphQLErrors }) { this.handleErrors(graphQLErrors); }, }, person: { query: PERSON_STATUS_GROUP, fetchPolicy: "cache-and-network", variables() { return { id:, group: usernameWithDomain(, }; }, subscribeToMore: { document: GROUP_MEMBERSHIP_SUBSCRIPTION_CHANGED, variables() { return { actorId:, group:, }; }, skip() { return ( !this.currentActor || ! || ! ); }, }, skip() { return ( !this.currentActor || ! || ! ); }, }, currentActor: CURRENT_ACTOR_CLIENT, }, }) export default class GroupMixin extends Vue { group!: IGroup; currentActor!: IActor; person!: IPerson; get isCurrentActorAGroupAdmin(): boolean { return this.hasCurrentActorThisRole(MemberRole.ADMINISTRATOR); } get isCurrentActorAGroupModerator(): boolean { return this.hasCurrentActorThisRole([ MemberRole.MODERATOR, MemberRole.ADMINISTRATOR, ]); } get isCurrentActorAGroupMember(): boolean { return this.hasCurrentActorThisRole([ MemberRole.MODERATOR, MemberRole.ADMINISTRATOR, MemberRole.MEMBER, ]); } hasCurrentActorThisRole(givenRole: string | string[]): boolean { const roles = Array.isArray(givenRole) ? givenRole : [givenRole]; return ( this.person?.memberships?.total > 0 && roles.includes(this.person?.memberships?.elements[0].role) ); } get isCurrentActorFollowing(): boolean { return this.currentActorFollow?.approved === true; } get isCurrentActorPendingFollow(): boolean { return this.currentActorFollow?.approved === false; } get isCurrentActorFollowingNotify(): boolean { return ( this.isCurrentActorFollowing && this.currentActorFollow?.notify === true ); } get currentActorFollow(): IFollower | null { if (this.person?.follows?.total > 0) { return this.person?.follows?.elements[0]; } return null; } handleErrors(errors: any[]): void { if ( errors.some((error) => error.status_code === 404) || errors.some(({ message }) => message.includes("has invalid value $uuid")) ) { this.$router.replace({ name: RouteName.PAGE_NOT_FOUND }); } } confirmDeleteGroup(): void { this.$buefy.dialog.confirm({ title: this.$t("Delete group") as string, message: this.$t( "Are you sure you want to completely delete this group? All members - including remote ones - will be notified and removed from the group, and all of the group data (events, posts, discussions, todos…) will be irretrievably destroyed." ) as string, confirmText: this.$t("Delete group") as string, cancelText: this.$t("Cancel") as string, type: "is-danger", hasIcon: true, onConfirm: () => this.deleteGroup(), }); } async deleteGroup(): Promise { await this.$apollo.mutate<{ deleteGroup: IGroup }>({ mutation: DELETE_GROUP, variables: { groupId:, }, }); return this.$router.push({ name: RouteName.MY_GROUPS }); } }