import { config, createLocalVue, mount } from "@vue/test-utils"; import GroupSection from "@/components/Group/GroupSection.vue"; import Buefy from "buefy"; import VueRouter, { Location } from "vue-router"; import RouteName from "@/router/name"; import { routes } from "@/router"; const localVue = createLocalVue(); localVue.use(Buefy); config.mocks.$t = (key: string): string => key; localVue.use(VueRouter); const router = new VueRouter({ routes, mode: "history" }); const groupPreferredUsername = "my_group"; const groupDomain = ""; const groupUsername = `${groupPreferredUsername}@${groupDomain}`; const defaultSlotText = "A list of elements"; const createSlotButtonText = "+ Post a public message"; type Props = { title?: string; icon?: string; privateSection?: boolean; route?: Location; }; const baseProps: Props = { title: "My group section", icon: "bullhorn", route: { name: RouteName.POSTS, params: { preferredUsername: groupUsername, }, }, }; const generateWrapper = (customProps: Props = {}) => { return mount(GroupSection, { localVue, router, propsData: { ...baseProps, ...customProps }, slots: { default: `
`, create: `{{ $t("${createSlotButtonText}") }}`, }, }); }; describe("GroupSection", () => { it("renders group section with basic informations", () => { const wrapper = generateWrapper({}); expect( wrapper .find(".group-section-title h2 span.icon i") .classes(`mdi-${baseProps.icon}`) ).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find(".group-section-title h2 span:last-child").text()).toBe( baseProps.title ); expect(wrapper.find(".group-section-title a").attributes("href")).toBe( `/@${groupUsername}/p` ); expect(wrapper.find(".group-section-title").classes("privateSection")).toBe( true ); expect(wrapper.find(".main-slot div").text()).toBe(defaultSlotText); expect(wrapper.find(".create-slot a").text()).toBe(createSlotButtonText); expect(wrapper.find(".create-slot a").attributes("href")).toBe( `/@${groupUsername}/p/new` ); expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("renders public group section", () => { const wrapper = generateWrapper({ privateSection: false }); expect(wrapper.find(".group-section-title").classes("privateSection")).toBe( false ); expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); });