--- title: Upgrading to a new release --- # Preparing The release page contains a changelog, and below it, upgrade instructions. **Read and understand** the release instructions. Some tasks (like database migrations) can take a while, so we advise you to run commands inside a `tmux` or `screen`. # Backup Always make sure your database and `.env.production` file are properly backuped before performing upgrades. Unless stated otherwise in the release notes, the following steps are enough to upgrade Mobilizon. # Steps ### Fetch latest code Switch to the `mobilizon` user: ```bash sudo -i -u mobilizon ``` And navigate to the Mobilizon root directory: ```bash cd /home/mobilizon/live ``` Fetch the latest tags ```bash git fetch --tags ``` And checkout the tag you want to switch to. For instance, if I want to upgrade to version `v1.1`: ```bash git checkout v1.1 ``` ### Fetch new dependencies Fetch new and/or updated Elixir and NodeJS dependencies ```bash mix deps.get ``` ```bash cd js yarn install ``` ### Rebuild Mobilizon's front-end ```bash yarn run build cd ../ ``` ### Recompile Mobilizon ```bash mix compile ``` Let's switch back to your regular user. ### Stop running Mobilizon processes ```bash sudo systemctl stop mobilizon ``` ### Perform database migrations Go back to the `mobilizon` user. ```bash sudo -i -u mobilizon cd live mix ecto.migrate ``` ### Restart Mobilizon Let's switch back one last time to your regular user. ```bash sudo systemctl restart mobilizon ``` You can follow the Mobilizon logs to check that everything works properly. ```bash sudo journalctl -u mobilizon -f ``` **That’s all!** You’re running the new version of Mobilizon now. If you have issues after upgrading, try reviewing upgrade steps and release notes. Then feel free to [contact us](../about.md#discuss) or file an issue on [our Gitlab](https://framagit.org/framasoft/mobilizon/issues)