defmodule Mobilizon.Web.Upload.Filter.Resize do @moduledoc """ Resize the pictures if they're bigger than maximum size. This filter requires `Mobilizon.Web.Upload.Filter.AnalyzeMetadata` to be performed before. """ @behaviour Mobilizon.Web.Upload.Filter alias Mobilizon.Web.Upload @maximum_width 1_920 @maximum_height 1_080 def filter( %Upload{ tempfile: file, content_type: "image" <> _, width: width, height: height } = upload ) do {new_width, new_height} = sizes = limit_sizes({width, height}) file |> |> Mogrify.resize(string(sizes)) |> true) {:ok, :filtered, %Upload{upload | width: new_width, height: new_height}} end def filter(_), do: {:ok, :noop} def limit_sizes({width, height}) when width > @maximum_width do new_height = round(@maximum_width * height / width) limit_sizes({@maximum_width, new_height}) end def limit_sizes({width, height}) when height > @maximum_height do new_width = round(@maximum_height * width / height) limit_sizes({new_width, @maximum_height}) end def limit_sizes({width, height}), do: {width, height} defp string({width, height}), do: "#{width}x#{height}" end